



<質問者> お使いになっているモデルを3つ示して頂きましたが、他のものはどうやって見つけたのでしょうか。心理学の教科書を通読しないでも見つかる簡単な方法をご存知ですか。それを避けたいからではないのですが、かなり時間がかかると思うのでお聞きします。

<マンガー> ちょっとした数の原理、そして少しばかりの本当に重要なアイデア、そういったものを見つけ出すのは相当楽しいことです。さらに自分自身で探しだして描いたほうが、他人の用意したお題目一式を覚えこむよりもずっと心に残りますよ。
















Q: You've given us about three of the models that you use. I wondered where you found the other ones. And, second, do you have an easier way for us to find them than going through a psychology textbook? I'm not averse to doing that, but it takes longer.

There are a relatively small number of disciplines and a relatively small number of truly big ideas. And it's a lot of fun to figure it out. Plus, if you figure it out and do the outlining yourself, the ideas will stick better than if you memorize ‘em using somebody else's cram list.

Even better, the fun never stops. I was miseducated horribly. And I hadn't bothered to pick up what's called modern Darwinism. I do a lot of miscellaneous reading, too. But I just missed it. And in the last year, I suddenly realized I was a total damned fool and hadn't picked it up properly. So I went back. And with the aid of Dawkins - Oxford's great biologist - and others, I picked it up.

Well, it was an absolute circus for me in my seventies to get the modern Darwinian synthesis in my head. It's so awesomely beautiful and so awesomely right. And it's so simple once you get it. So one beauty of my approach is that the fun never stops. I suppose that it does stop eventually when you're drooling in the convalescent home at the end. But, at least, it lasts a long time.

If I were czar of a law school - although, of course, no law school will permit a czar (they don't even want the dean to have much power) - I'd create a course that I'd call "Remedial Worldly Wisdom" that would, among other useful things, include a fair amount of properly taught psychology. And it might last three weeks or a month….

I think you could create a course that was so interesting - with pithy examples and powerful examples and powerful principles - that it would be a total circus. And I think that it would make the whole law school experience work better.

People raise their eyebrows at that idea. "People don't do that kind of thing." They may not like the derision that's implicit in the title: "Remedial Worldly Wisdom." But the title would be my way of announcing, "Everybody ought to know this." And, if you call it remedial, isn't that what you're saying? "This is really basic and everybody has to know it."

Such a course would be a perfect circus. The examples are so legion. I don't see why people don't do it. They may not do it mostly because they don't want to. But also, maybe they don't know how. And maybe they don't know what it is.

But the whole law school experience would be much more fun if the really basic ideas were integrated and pounded in with good examples for a month or so before you got into conventional law school material. I think the whole system of education would work better. But nobody has any interest in doing it.

And when law schools do reach out beyond traditional material, they often do it in what looks to me like a pretty dumb way. If you think psychology is badly taught in America, you should look at corporate finance. Modern portfolio theory? It's demented! It's truly amazing.

I don't know how these things happen. Hard science and engineering tend to be pretty reliably done. But the minute you get outside of those areas, a certain amount of inanity seems to creep into academia - even (in) academia involving people with very high I.Q.'s.

But, boy, what a school would be like that pounded a lot of the silliness out. But the right way to pound it out is not to have some seventy-plus-year-old capitalist come in and tell seniors, "Here's a little remedial worldly wisdom." This is not the way to do it.

On the other hand, a month at the start of law school that really pounded in the basic doctrines…. Many of the legal doctrines are tied to other doctrines. They're joined at the hip. And, yet, they teach you those legal doctrines without pointing out how they're tied to the other important doctrines?! That's insanity - absolute insanity.

Why do we have a rule that judges shouldn't talk about legal issues that aren't before them? In my day, they taught us the rule, but not in a way giving reasons tied to the guts of undergraduate courses. It's crazy that people don't have those reasons. The human mind is not constructed so that it works well without having reasons. You've got to hang reality on a theoretical structure with reasons. That's the way it hangs together in usable form so that you're an effective thinker.

And to teach doctrines - either with no reasons or with poorly explained reasons?! That's wrong!

Another reason why I like the idea of having a course on remedial worldly wisdom is that it would force more sense on the professors. It would be awkward for them to teach something that was contravened by lessons that were obviously correct and emphasized in a course named "Remedial Worldly Wisdom.," Professors doing so would really have to justify themselves.

Is that a totally crazy idea? It may be crazy to expect it to be done. However, if somebody had done it, would you have found it useful?

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