



<質問者> 世間一般より裕福な人は社会に借りがあるとのおはなしでした。これは尊敬に値するお考えだと思いますが、それではバフェットさんにとっての借りとはいったい何でしょうか。

<バフェット> 正直なところわたしの考えでは、有形の財という意味でそのほとんどは、結局は社会に属するものだと思います。たまたまこの社会でうまくやれたからといって、わたし一人で全部消費したり、一族で営々と狂ったように消費しつづけるのは節度を欠いています。この話の興味深い点は、わたしたちが市場社会で生きているということです。3割7分5厘の打率を残せたり、ゴルフをアンダーパーで回れたり、わたしのやっていることと同じようにできたり、あるいはある種の才能を持っていれば、市場はそれらの才能に対してたっぷりと支払ってくれます。ところが25年前の野球選手はそこまでもらっていませんでした。球場には5万人しか入らなかったからです。しかしテレビやケーブルがでてきたことで、2億5千万の人が球場の様子を観戦できるようになり、がらりと経済性が変わりました。この市場システムでは、ある種の才能を持つ人には報酬が浴びせられます。ところが、社会にとって重要な才能、たぶんずっと重要な才能を持った人たちが報酬をたっぷり受けることはありません。傑出した教師やすばらしい看護師・研究者がおどろくほどの報酬をもらっているとは思えません。たぶん、ダメな人とくらべても金額は多くないでしょう。しかしずば抜けたヘビー級チャンピオンやみごとな中堅手、株式選定で突出した成績をあげる人などは、びっくりするほどたくさん稼いでいます。市場システムがそのように働いているという理由によってです。


Q. Mr. Buffett, you said that people who are better off than society have a debt to society. I find this respectable. I just am wondering, what's your debt?

A. Well, I really think in terms of material goods that overwhelmingly eventually belong to society. I think it would be obscene if I tried to consume them all myself or have my family consuming like crazy forever just because I happen to be well-adjusted to this society. The interesting thing is that we live in a market society. If you can bat .375, if you can shoot sub-par golf, if you can do what I do, if you have certain kinds of talents, the market will pay enormously for those talents. Now, it didn't pay that well for ballplayers 25 years ago because the stadiums only held 50,000 people, but television and cable have made it possible for the stadiums to hold 250 million people and that changes the economics dramatically. This market system showers rewards on people with certain types of talents. Yet it does not shower rewards on other people with talents just as important to society; maybe more important to society. An outstanding teacher, outstanding nurse or researcher may not be paid dramatically more and maybe no more than the mediocre one. But the outstanding heavyweight fighter, or the outstanding center fielder, or the outstanding stock picker, or whoever, gets incredibly more because of the way the market system works.

It has been a great system for causing an outpouring of goods and services that people want. The market system works terrifically that way. I don't think it works terrifically in terms of distribution of the rewards. And, I think you solve that in two ways. One way is you solve it through your tax system and the other way is you solve it through philanthropy. You might call this a self-imposed tax. I think you could probably find 300 public school teachers in Omaha who have contributed absolutely as much to society as some fellow like myself or somebody that bats .350, or some guy that has won the light-heavyweight boxing championship. The teachers are never going to get paid properly. Society will not reward them that way. I don't see any way for society to do that. I don't have anything in mind about some "comparable worth" type of arrangement. I think the market system is the best system far delivering goods, but then I think in terms of distributing these goods and services produced by that market system. Both philanthropy and a progressive tax system of some sort are the appropriate methods.

2 件のコメント:

  1. == 名*****衛さんへ ==

  2. (追記) 2014年7月5日 13:02に「名*****衛」さんよりコメントを頂いていますが、非公開のため本文は削除しています。
