


アメリカで開催されているバリュー投資家の会合"Value Investor Conference"の文字はどこかのWebサイトで目にした記憶がありましたが、よく知りませんでした。今年が11回目になる会合では、わたしの好きなマネー・マネージャーのアーノルド・ヴァンデンバーグが講演していました。そのトランスクリプトが彼のファンドのWebサイトに掲載されています。取りあげた話題はインフレについてです。



Value Investing During Worldwide Quantitative Easing [PDF] (Century Management)


Now, you've heard the idea that stocks are a hedge against inflation. Yes, they can be but not during accelerated inflation. The only time stocks are a hedge against inflation is when you buy them at the low multiples of 8, 10, and 11 times earnings. Then they will be a wonderful hedge over the long run. But, if you buy stocks with higher multiples when inflation hits, you're most likely going to take a 40% to 50% hit before you start getting the hedge. So, in my opinion, the only thing that higher multiples hedge is capital gains. Higher multiples are not a help when you have accelerated inflation.


Now, when looking at the individual commodities, we think a couple of them today are coming into the buy zone, and one of them is silver. Historically, silver goes down approximately 77% from its peak. Today, at +/- $19 per ounce, it's down about 63% from the top. So I think it's worth researching, and if it were to drop in price from here, I think you could consider a dollar cost averaging approach to silver. It's the kind of thing that you could start to tiptoe into. I'm not necessarily recommending it. I'm just giving you an idea as I think it's worth looking into if the price drops further. But this is just one of many examples. You need to do your own homework to get comfortable with it before putting it into your portfolio.



[図35: CRB (商品) 対 Dow (人の成した創意工夫)]

While I have shown you how to remain flexible in your thinking and how to hedge against inflation by using commodities, I don't believe that commodities are the best place to invest over the long run. Chart 35 shows you why.

The bottom line on the chart represents commodities. The top line on the chart represents the Dow Jones Industrial Average. You can see if you had invested $100 in commodities in 1971, you would have $580 in 2014, which is not a bad increase. However, had you invested in the stock market, you would have $2,700 today. You can see by this simple example that, over the long run, the stock market is the place to be, even though it can go through disastrous declines in the short run.

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