



<質問者> 株主訴訟などで裁判沙汰になる恐れや法務上の複雑さは、一般的に言って大企業が意思決定する際にどのような影響を与えるものでしょうか。

<マンガー> どの大企業でも法務にかかる費用には悲鳴をあげています。規制の多さや事業継続に関する煩雑さ、原告弁護団、特に集団訴訟の原告弁護団に悩まされています。つまり、ある企業があげる嘆き声を別の企業へとほとんど文言を変えることなくコピーできるような、絶対的なカテキズム[教理問答]が存在しているのです。





<質問者> しかし過去何十年間をふりかえれば、企業の資源をここまで大量に費やすほど法務が複雑だったことはなかったと思いますが。

<マンガー> そのとおりです。20年前とくらべたときに、訴訟や数々の規制に関するコンプライアンスに当時よりも費用をかけていないアメリカ企業など、ほとんど存在しないでしょう。新たな規制には、おろかで馬鹿げたものもたしかにあります。しかし、まさしく必要なものもあります。満ち引きはあるにせよ、この潮流はこれからも変わらないと思います。

Q: Would you discuss how the threat of litigation - shareholder lawsuits and so forth - and legal complexity in general have affected decision-making in big business?

Well, every big business screams about its legal costs, screams about the amount of regulation, screams about the complexity of its life, screams about the plaintiffs' bar - particularly the class action plaintiffs' bar. So there's an absolute catechism on that where you could just copy the screams from one corporation to another and you'd hardly have to change a word.

But what causes the screams has, so far, been a godsend for the law firms. The big law firms have had a long updraft. And they now tend to kind of cluck like an undertaker in a plague. An undertaker, of course, would look very unseemly if he were jumping up and down and playing his fiddle during the plague. So law firm partners say, "Oh isn't it sad - all this complexity, all this litigation, all this unfairness."

But, really, they're somewhat schizophrenic on the subject because it's been very good for (them). Some recent California initiatives created some interesting conduct. Part of the defense bar lobbied quietly against certain propositions and, effectively, against their clients because they didn't want their clients to catch' em in the process. And the reason that they did so was because it became harder for plaintiffs to bring cases.

If you make a living fighting overreaching and it keeps your children in school and somebody proposes a system that eliminates it - well, that's an adult experience and an adult choice that you have to make.

So big corporations adapt. They have more litigation. They have to have a bigger legal department. They scream about what they don't like. But they adapt.

Q: But hasn't that legal complexity consumed a lot more of companies' resources over the last few decades?

The answer is yes. There's hardly a corporation in America that isn't spending more on lawsuits and on compliance with various regulations than it was twenty years ago. And, yes, some of the new regulation is stupid and foolish. And some was damn well necessary. And it will ever be thus, albeit with some ebb and flow.

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