



<質問者> バフェットさんが最初に始めたときはどのようにやったのですか。また失敗したとしたら、どのように対処しましたか。

<バフェット> 最初はどうやって始めたかですか。いろんな見方がありますね。初めて株を買ったのは11歳の時でしたが、そうする前から長いこと考えていました。父が投資の仕事をしていたので、7歳か8歳の時には昔のオマハ・ナショナル銀行ビルに入っていた彼の事務所にでかけたものでした。株価の表示板に流れる株価情報が見えなかったので、自分が近視だというのがわかりました。そうでなかったら、メガネなしでずっとやっていたかもしれません。投資のことにすごく興味があって8歳か9歳の時に投資の本を読みはじめました。1942年になってようやくお金がたまり、シティーズ・サービスの優先株を1株114ドルで3株買うことができました。その後もそうやってきました。


Q. Mr. Buffett, how did you first get started and how did you deal with failure, if you had one?

A. How did I first get started? It depends. I bought my first stock when I was 11, but I'd been thinking about them for a long time before that. My dad was in the investment business and I used to go down to his office in the old Omaha Netional Bonk building when I was seven or eight years old. I found out I was near-sighted because I couldn't read the quotations up on the stock board; otherwise I might have gone through life without glasses. I just got very interested in it. I started reading books on it when I was eight or nine and then I finally saved enough money to buy three shares of Cities Service preferred for $114 in 1942, and then I just kept doing it.

Failure depends on how you define it. A lot of things go wrong in life, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they're failures. I really don't look back. I try to learn from what I see around me, but I don't try to learn by going back over this decision or that decision or what did I do wrong or the sort. I don't think about that at all. You can make a lot of mistakes. The nice thing about it is you're going to make a lot of mistakes and still do very well. That's the encouraging thing. I write about my mistakes in the report. In fact, I have a section sometimes called "mistake du jour" and unfortunately it's plural most years, too. It's not the end of the world. You don't want to make any ones that are fatal. You do not want to own securities on borrowed money because that can wipe you out. I've never borrowed money of any significant amount because I just didn't want to go back to go. Borrowed money can magnify your mistakes, and it may magnify them to the point where they wipe you out. But, there's nothing wrong with making mistakes. You should try to pick things that you understand. That is the key to what I do. Occasionally I may make a mistake when I think I understand something I don't. Another mistake that you don't see is when I pass up something that I'm capable of understanding. Those are mistakes of omission and sometimes they have been huge. I could point to mistakes like that which have cost us over a billion dollars. I knew enough to do something but for one reason or another, I didn't. Fortunately, people don't see those.

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