




<質問者> 法曹界を離れた理由を教えてください。

<マンガー> うちは大家族で、[妻の]ナンシーと私で8人の子供を養っていましたから..。法律業界が突如繁盛するようになるとは考えてもみませんでした。私がやめてまもなく、業界に大金が流れ込むようになったのです。1962年にはほとんど身を引いて、完全にやめたのが1965年でした。ずいぶん昔の話です。



<質問者> ラスベガスのようなギャンブルはやりますか。

<マンガー> 胴元がオッズを決める勝負に100ドル賭けるなど、決してやりません。そんなことをする必要がどこにありますか。お遊びとして仲間と賭けることはありますよ。世界一のカード・プレイヤーとも言えるボブ・ハマンのようなすごくうまいブリッジの選手と勝負することもあります。しかし彼と勝負して負け分を払うのは楽しみとわかってのことです。あくまでもお遊びです。



<質問者> ミューチュアル・ファンド[=投資信託]や資産運用の業界は、あなたが入ってからどう変わりましたか。また市場の成長について、ご意見がありますか。

<マンガー> 実際にはその業界に入ったわけではありません。非公開の小さなパートナーシップを14年間やっていただけです。20年以上前の話ですね。しかし他人からの資金はこれっぽっちにもなりませんでした。少なくとも現在の資産運用者の基準からみればそう言えます。ですから、実際は投資信託の商売には加わってはいなかったのです。



Q: Could you talk about why you left the law?

I had a huge family. Nancy and I supported eight children…. And I didn't realize that the law was going to get as prosperous as it suddenly got. The big money came into law shortly after I left it. By 1962, I was mostly out. And I was totally out by 1965. So that was a long time ago.

Also, I preferred making the decisions and gambling my own money. I usually thought I knew better than the client anyway. So why should I have to do it his way? So partly, it was having an opinionated personality. And partly, it was a desire to get resources permitting independence.

Also, the bulk of my clients were terrific. But there were one or two I didn't enjoy. Plus, I like the independence of a capitalist. And I'd always had sort of a gambling personality. I like figuring things out and making bets. So I simply did what came naturally.

Q: Do you ever gamble Las Vegas-style?

I won't bet $100 against house odds between now and the grave. I don't do that. Why should I? I will gamble recreationally with my pals. And I'll occasionally play a much better bridge player, like Bob Hamman, who might be the best card player in the world. But I know I'm paying for the fun of playing with him. That's recreational.

As for gambling with simple mechanical house odds against me, why in the world would I ever want to do that - particularly given how I detest the manipulative culture of legalized gambling. So I don't like legalized gambling.

On the other hand, I do like the manly art of wagering, so to speak. And I like light social gambling among friends. But I do not like the professional gambling milieu.

Q: Could you say something about how the mutual fund and money management business has changed since you got into it - and the growth of capital markets?

Actually, I didn't really get into it. I had a little private partnership for fourteen years - up until a little over twenty years ago. However, I never had enough money from other people to amount to a hill of beans - at least by current investment-management standards. So I've never really been part of the mutual fund business.

But the money management business has been one of the great growth businesses in the recent history of the United States. It's created many affluent professionals and multimillionaires. It's been a perfect gold mine for people who got in it early. The growth of pension funds, the value of America corporations, and the world's wealth have created a fabulous profession for many and carried lots of them up to affluence.

And we deal with them in a variety of ways. However, we haven't been part of it for many years. We've basically invested our own money for a long, long time.




Additionally, we will have Bob Hamman and Sharon Osberg, two of the world's top bridge experts, available to play bridge with our shareholders on Sunday afternoon. Don't play them for money.(PDFファイル25ページ目)

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