



8) 「横領相当」という概念に対する低い関心


しかしガルブレイスは考えなかったようですが、もっと代数に注意を払うならばこう考えるでしょう。「代数の基本的な原則、それはA=BかつB=CならばA=Cである」。この基本的な原則は、機能的に等価なものをできるかぎり探すように求めています。それでは次にこう考えてください。「経済学において横領相当というものが存在するだろうか」。ガルブレイスは、明るみになっていない横領の数量を示す「bezzle」という言葉を考案しました。そこで私も同じように「febezzlement」という言葉を生みだすことにします。これは「横領と機能的に等しい(=横領相当)」という意味です(functional equivalent of embezzlement)。


ですから横領と機能的に等しい「横領相当」を経済の中から探してみれば、甚だしいほど強力な要因をみつけられます。現在生み出されている「資産効果」(wealth effect)は、以前からの「資産効果」をステロイド強化したものなのです。私のように考える人は事実上皆無だと思います。しかし、独自の手法で熱心にやっている大学院生で論文のテーマを承認前に決めねばならない人がいるでしょうから、私が出したこのアイデアの権利は放棄しておきます。

8) Not Enough Attention to the Concept of Febezzlement

Okay, I'm now down to my eighth objection: too little attention within economics to the simplest and most fundamental principle of algebra. Now, this sounds outrageous, that economics doesn't do algebra, right? Well, I want to try an example - I may be wrong on this. I'm old and I'm iconoclastic - but I throw it out anyway. I say that economics doesn't pay enough attention to the concept of febezzlement. And that I derive from Galbraith's idea. Galbraith's idea was that, if you have an undisclosed embezzlement, it has a wonderful Keynesian stimulating effect on the economy because the guy who's been embezzled thinks he is as rich as he always was and spends accordingly, and the guy that had stolen the money gets all this new purchasing power. I think that's correct analysis on Galbraith's part. The trouble with his notion is that he's described a minor phenomenon. Because when the embezzlement is discovered, as it almost surely will be, the effect will quickly reverse. So the effect quickly cancels out.

But suppose you paid a lot of attention to algebra, which I guess Galbraith didn't, and you think, "Well, the fundamental principle of algebra is, ‘If A is equal to B and B is equal to C, then A is equal to C.'" You've then got a fundamental principle that demands that you look for functional equivalents, all you can find. So suppose you ask the question, "Is there such a thing in economics as a febezzlement?" By the way, Galbraith invented the word "bezzle" to describe the amount of undisclosed embezzlement, so I invented the word "febezzlement": the functional equivalent of embezzlement.

This happened after I asked the question, "Is there a functional equivalent of embezzlement?" I came up with a lot of wonderful, affirmative answers. Some were in investment management. After all, I'm near investment management. I considered the billions of dollars totally wasted in the course of investing common stock portfolios for American owners. As long as the market keeps going up, the guy who's wasting all this money doesn't feel it because he's looking at these steadily rising values. And to the guy who is getting the money for investment advice, the money looks like well-earned income, when he's really selling detriment for money, surely the functional equivalent of undisclosed embezzlement. You can see why I don't get invited to many lectures.

So I say, if you look in the economy for febezzlement, the functional equivalent of embezzlement, you'll find some enormously powerful factors. They create some "wealth effect" that is on steroids compared to the old "wealth effect." But practically nobody thinks as I do, and I quitclaim my idea to any hungry graduate student who has independent means, which he will need before his thesis topic is approved.

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