




What does Munger look for and how does he deductively narrow the list? I think that part of what he first inductively looks for can be summarized in the underlying theme of much of his recommended reading material. After reading "Guns, Germs, and Steel," "The Selfish Gene," "Ice Age," and "Darwin's Blind Spot," I have deduced that there is one recurrent theme to all. The common theme is the ability of some entity to transform, thrive, and dominate over time. Each book in turn has a different transformation subject (peoples, gene carriers, theory, mankind) but the underlying thesis to all is what it takes to transform, thrive, and dominate through the ages. If one extrapolates this theory into the business realm then the natural bi-product would be business models and their 'naturally selective' environment. Some may thrive by out-competing (Selfish Gene) and some may thrive by out-cooperating (Darwin's Blind Spot). This ability of a business model to thrive and persist defines Munger's investment universe. From there he then INVERTS his thought process, attacks the issue from the opposite end, and begins his deductive bias. I have wondered aloud why Munger did not purchase say Home Depot at $21. I think the answer to that dilemma is Lowes - it is my guess that Munger may think that HD is a decent company but that over time he did not think that HD had the inherent competitive or cooperative advantages to thrive next to Lowes. Thus by process of elimination (deductive natural selection of the fittest rather than inductive addition) Munger would have eliminated HD from his core list. Transfer the same thought process to the hundreds of "undervalued" companies available in the market on any given day and I think we begin to get to the essence of Munger. On the other side, think for a moment of Berkshire Hathaway and what it was twenty years ago and what it is today. A core competency of the Berkshire business model is flexibility in capital allocation which over time has transformed the company from primarily an equity investment vehicle to an operating company. Much like a selfish gene carrier Berkshire has transformed itself to best thrive in the environment of the day. Twenty years from now Berkshire may look entirely different again and it is this ability to transform which Berkshire's competition can not match. The ability to transform, thrive, and dominate in the business world comes from many factors but one thing I've noticed is that it tends to be related to a secure stream of free cash flow which as Buffett says, "gives management pleasant choices [and flexibility] rather than headaches." Does Cort furniture rental have any significant competition? Can Pepsi compete with Coke's logistics network across the globe? Is there any competing tax preparation business for H&R Block? All three dominate and there is nothing visible on the horizon to change that fact.

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