



以下のリンク先にある原文は、The Motley Foolの掲示板に2003年6月18日付けで投稿されたものです。文章を書いた人はhartmanbirgeさんです。

The Munger Investment Process (The Motley Fool)



1. 分散しすぎる。
2. 借入れをする。
3. 証券の売り買いにいそしむ。
4. 馬鹿にならない額の各種費用を発生させる。
5. 群衆と共に歩む。
6. 魅力のない値段で買う。
7. 平均以下のビジネスを保有する。
8. 複利の法則を捨ておく。
9. つねに意思決定しつづけるよう、自らに強要する。これは各々の決定に費やす時間を減らすことになる。


1. 投資で成功を収めていくには、カギとなるいくらかの決断に集約される。備えよ、常に。
2. ポートフォリオは質の高い企業数社に集中する。
3. 対象となる企業を、うまい値段で買う。
4. それ以降は、すばらしいビジネスモデルがもたらす卓越した経済性に任せる。

これらは単純な定義ではある。しかしよく考えてみれば、どれだけむずかしいことで、なぜマンガーが彼の発揮する能力ゆえに最上級の存在なのかがわかると思う。実際的な意味では、マンガーはそれほど多くは売買しない。実のところ、まれにしか取引しないと表現できるかもしれない。彼はこう発言してきた。「投資人生で成功することは、両手でかぞえられる決断にまさしく集約される」(バフェットを照らし合せてみれば、まず真実だと言えよう)と。自分の好むものがみつかれば、彼は非常に大きく賭ける。そしていったん決断したら、たいていは非常に長い期間にわたってそこにとどまりつづける。状況がそのような形に収斂するのはまれなことなので、ポートフォリオを分散させるには3社もあれば十分だ、と彼は公言している。たった3社しか保有しないことを考えると 、ふつうの人はぞっとするだろう。では、マンガーはなぜそうではないのか。

A couple of weeks spent in expensive, price gouging Ireland (over $10 for a six pack) was a great opportunity to step back, get away from the market, and do a reexamination on the core principles of Charley Munger. The time was well spent as I have come to realize that it is Munger, more than Buffett, who has had the most profound impact on my investing philosophy. I prefer Munger to Buffett for several reasons? mostly because as a small, individual investor it is Munger's philosophy which gives me the best chance to out-perform. Buffett's circle of competence is huge and he has spent a lifetime getting there. Munger's interests are more diverse and his investing circle of competence narrower. If I'm going to beat the market over time I'd damn well better focus intelligently because there are too many competing demands on my time. So with Irish rain falling every day I spent some of the two weeks trying to figure out how Munger mentally approaches the investment landscape. Most of you have a good idea of some of the basic "Mungerisms" and know that Munger influenced Buffett to transform from a pure Benjamin Graham style to look for high quality businesses. To begin, Munger's investment philosophy is a by-product with how he approaches life…..first look at what NOT to do:

1. Over-diversify
2. Leverage
3. Trade in and out of securities
4. Incur significant friction costs
5. Go with the crowd
6. Buy at unattractive prices
7. Own average to poor businesses
8. Destroy the laws of compounding
9. Force yourself to constantly make decisions which reduces the time spent on each

And by process of elimination we see what's left - Munger's core investing principles:

1. A lifetime of successful investing boils down to several key decisions - prepare your mind
2. Concentrate the portfolio in a few quality businesses
3. Buy the businesses at good prices
4. From there, Allow the superior economics of the great business model to do all the work for you

That is simplicity defined but a closer look I think shows just how hard it is and why Munger is a classic in his own right. In functional terms, Munger does not buy or sell very often - in fact one might characterize his transactions as rare. He has said that a successful investment life really boils down to but a handful of decisions (if you examine Buffett this is pretty close to the truth). When he likes something he makes a very large bet. Once he's made his decision he tends to stay with it for a long long time. As such a convergence of circumstances is rare, he's on record as saying that a portfolio of three companies is plenty of diversification. Most people I think would shudder in horror at the thought of owning only three companies. Why not Munger?

2 件のコメント:

  1. == 素晴らしい記事をありがとうございます。 ==

  2. == ブロンコさんへ ==
