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Now you get into the cognitive function as distinguished from the perceptual function. And there, you are equally - more than equally in fact - likely to be misled. Again, your brain has a shortage of circuitry and so forth - and it's taking all kinds of little automatic shortcuts.

So when circumstances combine in certain ways - or more commonly your fellow man starts acting like the magician and manipulates you on purpose by causing you cognitive dysfunction - you're a patsy.

And so just as a man working with a tool has to know its limitations, a man working with his cognitive apparatus has to know its limitations. And this knowledge, by the way, can be used to control and motivate other people.

So the most useful and practical part of psychology - which I personally think can be taught to any intelligent person in a week - is ungodly important. And nobody taught it to me, by the way, I had to learn it later in life, one piece at a time. And it was fairly laborious. It's so elementary though that, when it was all over, I just felt like a total horse's ass.

And yeah, I'd been educated at Caltech and the Harvard Law School and so forth. So very eminent places miseducated people like you and me.

The elementary part of psychology - the psychology of misjudgment, as I call it - is a terribly important thing to learn. There are about twenty little principles.

And they interact, so it gets slightly complicated. But the guts of it is unbelievably important.

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