



なお文中に登場する著作『プーア・チャーリーの暦(Poor Charlie’s Almanack)』は、チャーリーの主要な講演をまとめた本です(ほかに、チャーリーに関連する文章も掲載されています)。ご存知とは思いますが、本ブログでは同書に含まれる全講演を訳出してあります。それらの記事に関する目次は以下のとおりです。ただし「講演その11: 誤判断の心理学(Talk 11: The Psychology of Human Misjudgment)」は抄訳にとどめていたため、遠からず全訳に取り組むつもりです。


<質問者> バークシャーの年次総会に参加するために、今年は1万名を超える中国人がオマハにやってきました。総会では中国に関する話題がよく取り上げられています。マンガーさんのお話しでは、「中国の将来は非常に明るく、中国での潜在的な投資先をこれまでに探してきた」とのことでした。それでは、現在の中国は投資環境の面でどういった時期にあるとお考えですか。現在の中国市場は、ちょうど米国市場の1973年や1974年、あるいは1982年のような段階でしょうか。また中国で物色されているのは、どの領域のものでしょうか。

<チャーリー・マンガー> 実に奇妙な事態だということは承知していますよ。ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙からは、「なぜバークシャー・ハサウェイやチャーリー・マンガーが、かの人々に人気があるのか」という質問を受けました。例の書物『プーア・チャーリーの暦(Poor Charlie’s Almanack)』のせいもあるでしょうが、それではなぜ中国人はあの本を好むのでしょうか。その答えは儒教を感じさせるからだと思いますね。中国には儒教の教えが深く根差しています。裕福だったり権力を有していたとしても、礼節を重んじることが要求されます。絶えず学ぶことを忘れず、品格と分別をもって行動することを良しとします。年を経てさらに充実し、働き続けるわけです。そういった教えはひとつの国に限定されはしませんが、おどろくべきことにウォーレン・バフェットや私が、儒教的な価値観を重要視してきたさまざまな人たちと同じように振舞ってきたのも事実です。



Question: There are more than 10,000 Chinese who came to Omaha to attend this year’s Berkshire’s annual meeting. China is a focus among those topics. Mr. Munger mentioned that the future of China would be very bright and you had already looked for potential targets in China. What kind of investment environment period is China now in? Is China’s market like the U.S. market in 1973, 1974 or even 1982? And what areas have you looked at to find your potential targets in China?

Munger: I know it’s very peculiar, and The New York Times asked me why are these people so interested in Berkshire Hathaway and Charlie Munger. Partly the book ("Poor Charlie’s Almanac"), yes, but why do the Chinese like the book? I think the answer is it sounds Confucian. China has a deep Confucian ethos. They want people to act modestly even though they are rich and powerful. They want people to constantly keep learning and behave with dignity and reason, and improves as they get old and keep working. Those lessons are not confined to one country. But it just happens that Warren Buffett and I act like much of the people who take Confucianism very seriously.

The other reason is that Warren and I really like the Chinese. And of course everybody likes people who like them. Now you say, why have the Chinese got so popular with the couple of Omaha boys? There’s something that a lot of Chinese don’t understand. If you look at China with a viewpoint of a U.S. citizen, here is what you see. The Chinese first came in here, trying to build the Sierra, the trans-continental railroad, in the winter through horrible passes in the steep mountains. Nobody could do it. It was impossible. They were dying and it was just too hard. So they brought in like 15,000 Chinese labors, who in those days were practically slaves, and they took those labors to the mountains in the winter and said you build the railroad. And they did. And the Americans couldn’t do it by themselves. That of course made a very favorable impression. While fade in fade out, now we have Asians immigrants. What have those Asians done in America? Well they come in and rapidly become doctors, lawyers, professors, businessmen and so forth, and succeeded mightily. If we go to a symphony orchestra, which used to have no Chinese. Every instrument that’s hard to play, and pick someone that are doing practice, you look up the instruments, there’s a Chinese face. Of course we find people popular who are succeeding so much in our country and not causing a lot of troubles. So naturally we like the Chinese.

And I don’t think the ordinary person on mainland China understands what an image of success China has in the United States. And the most extreme thing of all, nobody could have anticipated and nobody ever talks about it, it’s because there was so much poverty in China and it was so overpopulated, if an American couple were unable to have children of their own, they can always go to China and adopt a Chinese girl of a very poor family. So in every important city of America, people soon learned they got better babies, taking the unwanted Chinese girls from the remote Chinese farms. Those babies on average work out better than their own children. So everybody if they want to adopt a child they don’t want an American child. They want a Chinese girl. And of course all those girls worked out well. And most people in China don’t realize how extreme that’s been. That’s happened in every American city. Every American private school is full of the discarded Chinese girls from the Chinese countryside. They are getting all As and winning prizes. Of course they made a favorable impression. It’s just dramatic it’s all over America.

2 件のコメント:

  1. いつも素晴らしい翻訳をありがとうございます!難しそうな話をここまで上手に翻訳できるなんて凄いことです。心より尊敬と感謝を申し上げます!

    1. ひろゆきさん、はじめまして。過分なコメントをいただき、ありがとうございました。


