



18. 鉄鋼関税についてマンガー曰く、「あのドナルド・トランプでさえ、正しいときもある」

<ウォーレン・バフェット>  質問所5番のかた、どうぞ。

<聴衆からの質問者; おそらく小学生> ウォーレン・バフェットさん、チャーリー・マンガーさん、おはようございます。ぼくの名前はイーサン・ムポーザです。ネブラスカ州のオマハに住んでいます。


<ウォーレン> そうですね、今のところは鋼材費用がいくぶん増加しています。しかし以前にもお話ししたように、米国と中国の双方が、自らを転落させるようなことはしないと思います。入れ替わりは幾分あるでしょうし、人によってはありがたくない事態になるかもしれませんが、いかなる種類であろうと本物の貿易戦争がこの国で続くことはないと思います。




<チャーリー・マンガー> そうですよ。製鉄業界の状況は、米国製鉄業界にとって信じられないほどの逆風でしたよ。


<ウォーレン> 常々言っていることですが、どんな大統領であろうとも、その人物は最高教育責任者であるべきです。フランクリン・ルーズベルトが大恐慌の時期に、語らいの場として炉辺談話[=ラジオ放送]を始めたのはそのためです。何をしなければならないのか、また何が起こっているのかを大衆へと伝達する上で、とても重要なことでした。








18. Munger on steel tariffs: “Even Donald Trump can be right”

WARREN BUFFETT: OK. Station five.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Good morning, Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. My name is Ethan Mupposa (PH), and I am from Omaha, Nebraska.

My question is, how will Donald Trump’s tariffs affect the manufacturing business of Berkshire Hathaway?

WARREN BUFFETT: Well, to date - (applause) - steel costs - we’ve seen steel costs increase somewhat. But as I said earlier, I don’t think the United States or China - there’ll be some jockeying back and forth, and there will be something that leaves some people unhappy and - but I don’t think - I don’t think either country will dig themselves into something that precipitates and continues any kind of real trade war in this country.

We - we’ve had that in the past a few times. And I think we’ve learned a general lesson on it.

But there will - there will be some things about our trade policies that irritate others. And there will be some from others that irritate us. And there will be some back and forth. But in the end, I don’t think we’ll come out with a terrible answer on it.

Charlie, I’ll let you -

CHARLIE MUNGER: Well, steel has - it reached - the conditions in steel were almost unbelievably adverse to the American steel industry.

You know, even Donald Trump can be right on some of this stuff. (Laughter and applause)

WARREN BUFFETT: The - the thing about trade - you know, I’ve always said that the president, whether it’s president - any president - needs to be an educator-in-chief, which [Franklin] Roosevelt was in the Depression. That’s why he had those Fireside Chats, and it was very important that he communicated to the people what needed to be done and what was happening around them, and -

Trade is particularly difficult, because the benefits of trade are basically not visible, you know. You don’t know what you would be paying for the clothes you’re wearing today if we’d had a rule they all had to be manufactured in the United States, or what you’d be paying for your television set, or whatever it may be.

No one thinks about the benefits day-by-day as they walk around buying things and carrying on their own business.

The negatives, and there are negatives, are very apparent and very painful. And if you’re laid off - like happened in our shoe business [Dexter Shoes] in Maine - and you know you are - been a very, very, very good worker, and you were proud of what you did, and maybe your parents did it before you, and all of a sudden you find out that American shoes - shoes manufactured in America - are not competitive with shoes made outside the United States.

You know, you can talk all you want about Adam Smith or David Ricardo or something and explain the benefits of free trade and comparative advantage and all that sort of thing, and that doesn’t make any difference.

And if you’re 55 or 60 years old, to talk about retraining or something like that, you know, so what?

So, I - it is tough in politics where you have a hidden benefit and a very visible cost to a certain percentage of a - of your constituency.

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