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You’ve got to do two things. You can - you’ll have to - you have to understand that that’s the price individuals pay for what’s good for the collective good.

And secondly, you’ve got to take care of the people that are - that - where retraining is a joke because of their age, or whatever it may be. And you’ve got to take care of the people that become the roadkill in something that is collectively good for us as a country. And -

That takes society acting through its representatives to develop the policies that will get us the right collective result, and not kill too many people economically in the process. And you know, we’ve done that in various arenas over the years.

The people in their productive years do help take care of the people that are too old, and too young. I mean, every time a baby is born in the United States, you know, we take on an obligation of educating them for 12 years. It’ll cost $150,000 now, you know? It -

We have a system that has a bond between the people in their productive years and the ones in the young and old. And it gets better over time. It’s far from perfect now. But it has gotten better over time.

And I believe that trade, properly explained, and with policies that take care of the people that are roadkill, is good for our country and can be explained.

But I think it’s a tough - it’s been a tough, tough sell to a guy that made shoes in Dexter, Maine or worked on a loom in New Bedford, Mass, or works in the steel mill in Youngstown, Ohio. (Applause)

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