


本ブログでは、チャーリー・マンガーの講演・講話を集めた『Poor Charlie's Almanack』に収録されている原文を、当方の和訳付きでご紹介してきました。今回からは講演その7(Talk Seven)を全訳でご紹介します。2000年3月にITバブルが弾けて、株式市場が下落しはじめた時期の講話です。いつものように、インターネット上に原文がアップロードされているサイトがありますので、お急ぎの方はたとえば以下のサイトをご参照ください。

The Philanthropy Round Table (Mungerisms)







Breakfast Meeting of the Philanthropy Roundtable
November 10, 2000

I am here today to talk about so-called “wealth effects” from rising prices for U.S. Common stocks.

I should concede, at the outset, that “wealth effects” are part of the academic discipline of economics and that I have never taken a single course in economics, nor tried to make a single dollar, ever, from foreseeing macroeconomic changes.

Nonetheless, I have concluded that most Ph.D. economists underappraise the power of the common-stock-based “wealth effect”, under current extreme conditions.

Everyone now agrees on two things. First, spending proclivity is influenced in an upward direction when stock prices go up and in a downward direction when stock prices go down. And, second, the proclivity to spend is terribly important in macroeconomics. However, the professionals disagree about size and timing of “wealth effects”, and how they interact with other effects, including the obvious complication that increased spending tends to drive up stock prices while stock prices are concurrently driving up spending. Also, of course, rising stock prices increase corporate earnings even when spending is static, for instance, by reducing pension cost accruals after which stock prices tend to rise more. Thus, “wealth effects” involve mathematical puzzles that are not nearly so well worked out as physics theories and never can be.

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