


ハワード・マークスの新しいメモ"Risk Revisited"から、さらに引用します。原文(PDFファイル)のリンク先はこちらの投稿にあります。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)







・安全な資産からなるポートフォリオに対して「リスキーな」資産を少しばかり加えると、分散度が増していっそう安全になることがあります。この件を指摘したことで、ウィリアム・シャープ[俗に言うノーベル経済学賞の受賞者]は大きな貢献を果たしました。 (p.12)

The first is that risk is counterintuitive.

・The riskiest thing in the world is the widespread belief that there's no risk.

・Fear that the market is risky (and the prudent investor behavior that results) can render it quite safe.

・As an asset declines in price, making people view it as riskier. it becomes less risky (all else being equal).

・As an asset appreciates, causing people to think more highly of it, it becomes riskier.

・Holding only "safe" assets of one type can render a portfolio under-diversified and make it vulnerable to a single shock.

・Adding a few "risky" assets to a portfolio of safe assets can make it safer by increasing its diversification. Pointing this out was one of Professor William Sharpe's great contributions.


ポートフォリオを構成するにあたって、リスクをきちんと管理すると同時に、利益が得られるように考慮することは、見事な功績と言えます。しかしほとんどの場合、努力の痕跡は見えないまま終わります。リスクが生じて損失を出すのは潮が引いたときだけで、時々しか起こらないからです。 (p.13)

The third is that risk is often hidden and thus deceptive. Loss occurs when risk - the possibility of loss - collides with negative events. Thus the riskiness of an investment becomes apparent only when it is tested in a negative environment. It can be risky but not show losses as long as the environment remains salutary. The fact that an investment is susceptible to a serious negative development that will occur only infrequently - what I call "the improbable disaster" - can make it appear safer than it really is. Thus after several years of a benign environment, a risky investment can easily pass for safe. That's why Warren Buffett famously said, "... you only find out who's swimming naked when the tide goes out."

Assembling a portfolio that incorporates risk control as well as the potential for gains is a great accomplishment. But it's a hidden accomplishment most of the time, since risk only turns into loss occasionally … when the tide goes out.

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