

2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - (付録)企業年金制度について(1)







次の10年間は、公的年金制度に関するニュースをみなさんもいろいろと目にすることでしょう。それも悪いニュースです。問題の存在する箇所において速やかに対応策を講じる必要性があることを理解する上で、わたしの書いた文章がお役に立てれば幸いです。 (p.21)

Local and state financial problems are accelerating, in large part because public entities promised pensions they couldn't afford. Citizens and public officials typically under-appreciated the gigantic financial tapeworm that was born when promises were made that conflicted with a willingness to fund them. Unfortunately, pension mathematics today remain a mystery to most Americans.

Investment policies, as well, play an important role in these problems. In 1975, I wrote a memo to Katharine Graham, then chairman of The Washington Post Company, about the pitfalls of pension promises and the importance of investment policy. That memo is reproduced on pages 118 - 136.

During the next decade, you will read a lot of news - bad news - about public pension plans. I hope my memo is helpful to you in understanding the necessity for prompt remedial action where problems exist.









年金債務では年次費用や現金の支出が累進的に増加していくため、合計すると非常に大きくなる債務です。しかしそれはたやすく作られながらも、直近では財務上の痛みがほとんど生じません。このような債務は、経営上の他の領域ではみられないものです。プレスルームにおける労働慣習のように、小さなあやまりが大きく膨らんでいきます。配慮や注意が望まれます。 (p.118)


There are two aspects of the pension cost problem upon which management can have a significant impact: (1) maintaining rational control over pension plan promises to employees and (2) increasing investment returns on pension plan assets.

The Irreversible Nature of Pension Promises

To control promises rationally, it is necessary to understand the basic arithmetic and practical rules governing pension plans.

The first thing to recognize, with every pension benefit decision, is that you almost certainly are playing for keeps and won't be able to reverse your decision subsequently if it produces subnormal profitability.

As a practical matter, it is next to impossible to decrease pension benefits in a large profitable company - or even a large marginal one. The plan may embody language unequivocally declaring the company's right to terminate at any time and providing that contributions shall be solely at the option of the company. But the law has eroded much of the significance such "out" clauses were presumed to have, and operating practicalities render any residual rights to terminate moot.

So, rule number one regarding pension costs has to be to know what you are getting into before signing up. Look before you leap. There probably is more managerial ignorance on pension costs than any other cost item of remotely similar magnitude. And, as will become so expensively clear to citizens in future decades, there has been even greater electorate ignorance of governmental pension costs. Actuarial thinking simply is not intuitive to most minds. The lexicon is arcane, the numbers seem unreal, and making promises never quite triggers the visceral response evoked by writing a check.

In no other managerial area can such huge aggregate liabilities - which will be reflected in progressively increasing annual costs and cash requirements - be created so quickly and with so little immediate financial pain. Like pressroom labor practices, small errors will compound. Care and caution are in order.

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