



<質問者> キャピタル・シティーズ社の株式交換のときに、現金ではなくてディズニー社の株にしたことについてお聞かせください。報道によれば、現金で受けとることを検討されていたようですが[参考記事]。

<マンガー> ディズニーはこの上なくすばらしい会社ですが、非常に高値でした。その理由として一般向けの映画を製作していることもありますが、私としてはその商売にはまったく興味がありません。しかし、ディズニーは豊かな金鉱以上のものも有していました。孫が、つまり子供向けのビデオのことです。






Q: Could you talk about the thoughts that went into your decision to swap your Capital Cities stock for Disney rather than taking cash. In the media, it was reported that you mentioned thinking about taking the cash.

Disney's a perfectly marvelous company, but it's also very high-priced. Part of what it does is to make ordinary movies - which is not a business that attracts me at all. However, part of what Disney has is better than a great gold mine. My grandchildren - I mean, those videocassettes…

Disney is an amazing example of autocatalysis…. They had all those movies in the can. They owned the copyright. And just as Coke could prosper when refrigeration came, when the videocassette was invented, Disney didn't have to invent anything or do anything except take the thing out of the can and stick it on the cassette. And every parent and grandparent wanted his descendents to sit around and watch that stuff at home on videocassette. So Disney got this enormous tail wind from life. And it was billions of dollars worth of tail wind.

Obviously, that's a marvelous model if you can find it. You don't have to invent anything. All you have to do is to sit there while the world carries you forward….

Disney's done a lot of new things right. Don't misunderstand me. But a lot of what happened to Disney was like what a friend of mine said about an ignorant fraternity brother of his who succeeded in life: "He was a duck sitting on a pond. And they raised the level of the pond."

Eisner and Wells were brilliant in how they ran Disney. But the huge tail wind from videocassette sales on all of the old stuff that was there when they came in, that was just an automatic break for the new management.

To be fair, they have been brilliant about creating new stuff - like Pocahontas and The Lion King - to catch the same tailwind. But by the time it's done, The Lion King alone is going to do plural billions. And, by the way, when I say "when it's done," I mean fifty years from now or something. But plural billions - from one movie?



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