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This is a company that, because it has a very big government securities operation, now does over $200 billion of business a day. You don't make very much money on it, but that's close to three times as much business as Wal-Mart does in a year. Now, it is a different sort of business. But it does require someone who knows what is going on, and I didn't know the business or the details of the business at all. So, I was faced on that Friday night with the problem of deciding who would run this place and then making a recommendation to the Board, that was going to meet on Sunday. There were about a dozen candidates for that job who were high up in Salomon. I only knew four or five of them by their faces. I knew most of the twelve by name, but I only had met four or five of them. This was the most important hiring decision in my life.

I hope all of you are going to go out and get hired in the next few years. And, it might be interesting to know what went through my mind in making that important hiring decision because it may be going through the minds of some of the people that you will be facing in the next few years. What I did was interview those twelve people. We had one discussion on Friday night because they were in an uproar about something or other, and then the next morning, I interviewed these people serially over a three- or four-hour period. Now, the good news is that I did not ask them their grades in business school. You can relax. But, the bad news is, of course, that I didn't even ask them whether they went to business school. I did not ask for their resume. I never saw a resume on the fellow that I decided on. I really had to decide in that time who was going to be the best person for me to go into a fox hole with and who was going to be able to lead this organization during an extremely difficult period, when people would be quitting, when customers would be badgering them, and when lenders would be pulling out - all of that sort of thing. I didn't give them an IQ test. I had twelve people there who all were smart enough to run the place. And, most of the people in this room, a very significant majority, would be smart enough to run the place.

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