


ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』からのご紹介です。今回は前回に続く文章で、トップダウン投資とボトムアップ投資を比較する話題です。ひきつづき第7章「バリュー投資思想の本質をなすもの」(At the Root of a Value-Investment Philosophy)から引用します。(日本語は拙訳)


ボトムアップとトップダウン戦略の違いのうち、重要だが必ずしも明確ではないものがある。それは折々で現金を保有しつづけることの理由づけだ。ボトムアップ投資家は、興味をそそる投資候補がみつからなければ現金のまま保有するし、現れたときには現金を投じる。そして全額投資に踏みきるのは、魅力的な投資先へ分散させて投資できる機会が到来したときだけだ。対照的にトップダウン投資家は、市場へ出入りする時期をとらえようとしている風にみえる。市場全体の進む方向を判断し、市場が下落すると信じられるときには株を売却して現金に換え、より強気な見方が出てくるのを待っている。 ボトムアップ投資家はこういったことには近寄らない。




Paradoxically a bottom-up strategy is in many ways simpler to implement than a top-down one. While a top-down investor must make several accurate predictions in a row, a bottom-up investor is not in the forecasting business at all. The entire strategy can be concisely described as "buy a bargain and wait." Investors must learn to assess value in order to know a bargain when they see one. Then they must exhibit the patience and discipline to wait until a bargain emerges from their searches and buy it, regardless of the prevailing direction of the market or their own views about the economy at large.

One significant and not necessarily obvious difference between a bottom-up and top-down strategy is the reason for maintaining cash balances at times. Bottom-up investors hold cash when they are unable to find attractive investment opportunities and put cash to work when such opportunities appear. A bottom-up investor chooses to be fully invested only when a diversified portfolio of attractive investments is available. Top-down investors, by contrast, may attempt to time the market, something bottom-up investors do not do. Market timing involves making a judgment about the overall market direction; when top-down investors believe the market will decline, they sell stocks to hold cash, awaiting a more bullish opinion.

Another difference between the two approaches is that bottom-up investors are able to identify simply and precisely what they are betting on. The uncertainties they face are limited: what is the underlying business worth; will that underlying value endure until shareholders can benefit from its realization; what is the likelihood that the gap between price and value will narrow; and, given the current market price, what is the potential risk and reward?

Bottom-up investors can easily determine when the original reason for making an investment ceases to be valid. When the underlying value changes, when management reveals itself to be incompetent or corrupt, or when the price appreciates to more fully reflect underlying business value, a disciplined investor can reevaluate the situation and, if appropriate, sell the investment. Huge sums have been lost by investors who have held on to securities after the reason for owning them is no longer valid. In investing it is never wrong to change your mind. It is only wrong to change your mind and do nothing about it.

Top-down investors, by contrast, may find it difficult to know when their bet is no longer valid. If you invest based on a judgment that interest rates will decline but they rise instead, how and when do you decide that you were wrong? Your bet may eventually prove correct, but then again it may not. Unlike judgments about value that can easily be reaffirmed, the possible grounds for reversing an investment decision that was made based upon a top-down prediction of the future are simply not clear.

2 件のコメント:

  1. == No title ==
    『Margin of Safety』は金言の詰め合わせですね。非常に勉強になります。

  2. == isさん、ありがとうございます ==
    7/14の投稿にありましたが、セス・クラーマン自身もマクロのことをまったく気にしないわけではないようですね。彼もウォーレン・バフェットやチャーリー・マンガーと同じように、決定木を思い描いて発生確率で重みづけしているのではないか、と個人的には想像しています。その中にマクロ的な要因も含めているだろうと。そう考えると、いわゆるHigh Qualityな銘柄と循環銘柄では、投資時期がマクロに左右されうるように思えます。
