


ウォーレン・バフェットはバークシャー・ハサウェイの年次報告書を通じてビジネスや投資に関する示唆を行ってきましたが、一方のチャーリー・マンガーはそのような場を積極的には求めていません。本ブログでご紹介しているような講演が主な発言の場ですが、その内容も投資やビジネスには限定されず、より一般的で抽象度の高い、いわば「とっつきにくい」ものが多くみられます。今回ご紹介するのはチャーリー自身の企業分析のプロセスですが、実はこの文章は本人によるものではなく、引用元の「Poor Charlie's Almanack」の編者ピーター・カウフマン(Peter D. Kaufman)が著したものです。だからといって価値が低いかというと、そうではありません。ピーターは非公開の製造業のCEO及び会長を務めるかたわら、チャーリーが会長を務めるWesco Financialの取締役に2003年から就いています。同様に、チャーリーが会長を務めるデイリー・ジャーナルの取締役にもなっています。ですから、チャーリーとは親交が深く、彼の意思決定や思考プロセスになじんでいることは容易に想像されます。ですので、この文章はチャーリーのやりかた全てをあらわしたものではないでしょうが、目のつけどころを学ぶきっかけにはなるかと思います。(日本語は拙訳)




Throughout his exhaustive evaluation, Charlie is no slave to a database: He takes into account all relevant aspects, both internal and external to the company and its industry, even if they are difficult to identify, measure, or reduce to numbers. His thoroughness, however, does not cause him to forget his overall “ecosystem” theme: Sometimes the maximization or minimization of a single factor (notably specialization, as he likes to point out regarding Costco's discount warehouses) can make that single factor disproportionately important.

Charlie treats financial reports and their underlying accounting with a Midwestern dose of skepticism. At best, they are merely the beginning of a proper calculation of intrinsic valuation, not the end. The list of additional factors he examines is seemingly endless and includes such things as the current and prospective regulatory climate; state of labor, supplier, and customer relations; potential impact of changes in technology; competitive strengths and vulnerabilities; pricing power; scalability; environmental issues; and, notably, the presence of hidden exposures (Charlie knows that there is no such thing as a riskless investment candidate; he's searching for those with few risks that are easily understandable). He recasts all financial statement figures to fit his own view of reality, including the actual free or “owners” cash being produced, inventory and other working capital assets, fixed assets, and such frequently overstated intangible assets as goodwill. He also completes an assessment of the true impact, current and future, of the cost of stock options, pension plans, and retiree medical benefits. He applies equal scrutiny to the liability side of the balance sheet. For example, under the right circumstances, he might view an obligation such as insurance float ? premium income that may not be paid out in claims for many years ? more properly as an asset. He especially assesses a company's management well beyond conventional number crunching ? in particular, the degree to which they are “able, trustworthy, and owner-oriented.” For example, how do they deploy cash? Do they allocate it intelligently on behalf of the owners, or do they overcompensate themselves, or pursue ego-oriented growth for growth's sake?

Above all, he attempts to assess and understand competitive advantage in every respect ? products, markets, trademarks, employees, distribution channels, societal trends, and so on ? and the durability of that advantage. Charlie refers to a company's competitive advantage as its “moat”: the virtual physical barrier it presents against incursions. Superior companies have deep moats that are continuously widened to provide enduring protection. In this vein, Charlie carefully considers “competitive destruction” forces that, over the long term, lay siege to most companies. Munger and Buffett are laser-focused on this issue: Over their long business careers they have learned, sometimes painfully, that few businesses survive over multiple generations. Accordingly, they strive to identify and buy only those businesses with a good chance of beating these tough odds.

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