


前回の話題を受けます。投資対象が「お手上げ」(too tough)かどうかは、投資対象を自分で理解しているかどうかが判断基準になってきます。今回は、ウォーレン・バフェットの言うところの「ビジネスを理解するとは」です。2000年に開催されたバークシャー・ハサウェイの年次総会での発言を引用します。『Seeking Wisdom』からの孫引きです。(日本語は拙訳)



The only way we know how to make money is to try and evaluate businesses. And if we can't evaluate a carbon steel company, we don't buy it. It doesn't mean it isn't a good buy. It doesn't mean it isn't selling for a fraction of what its worth. It just means that we don't know how to evaluate it. If we can't evaluate the sense of putting in a chemical plant or something in Brazil, we don't do it...

We understand the product. We understand what it does for people. We just don't know [what its economics will be] 10 years from now...You can understand steel. You can understand homebuilding. But if look at a homebuilder and try to think where the economics of it is going to be in five or 10 years, that's another question. It's not a question of understanding the product they turn out, the means they use to distribute it ? all of that sort of thing ? it's the predictability of the economics of the situation 10 years out.

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