


アメリカのバリュー・ファンド・マネージャーの中でも極めつけの慎重派がボブ・ロドリゲス氏です。単に慎重なだけでなく、好成績を長期間挙げているのがすばらしいです。今回は、彼のファンド会社FPAのサブ・ファンド・マネージャーのインタビューFPA's Rikard Ekstrand Found Opportunities In Downturn(Investors.com)から引用します。(日本語は拙訳)


大見出しに登場するような人気株にはほとんど投資しないのですが、FPA Capitalファンドは素晴らしい成績を挙げ続けています。


Despite rarely holding the flashy highflying stocks that capture the headlines, FPA Capital Fund has been remarkably consistent.

Over the 15 years ended Nov. 30 the $1.2 billion fund's 10.2% average annual gain nearly doubled the S&P 500's. It was the top performing midcap value fund tracked by Morningstar Inc.




IBD: Your cash weighting as usual is high. It was 34% as of Sept. 30. Is it rising or falling?

Ekstrand: It's actually less now. We found some opportunities in the last three months. We deployed about 600 basis points into seven new names.

They're in several sectors, including health care, industrials and tech.

So our cash is around 29%.




IBD: And you often hold stocks for a long time.

Ekstrand: Yes, we hold on average for more than five years. We aren't concerned with how a name will do over the next few quarters or even year or two.

今回の記事で目についた銘柄は、Arrow Electronics (ARW)という電子部品・コンポーネントの商社です。売上高が1兆円を超えているのに初耳でした。自分の投資先に半導体輸入商社の富士エレクトロニクス(9883)があるので、投資判断が参考になるかと思い、興味をひいた一節です。

(質問)Arrow Electronics(ARW)やAvnet(AVT)は、どのようにお考えですか。



IBD: What's your view on Arrow Electronics (ARW) and Avnet (AVT)?

Ekstrand: They're the leading electronics distributors in the world. They distribute components such as semiconductors. This is a backdoor way to participate in the growth of technology.

Because technology obsoletes faster than most other sectors, Arrow and Avnet have an inherent ability to grow even when economies are growing slowly.

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