



(GMO; 2023/12/21付)













驚くことではないが、日本企業が残念な本質的リターンしかあげられなかった80・90・00年代は、ROC(Return On Capital; 資本利益率)が残念な結果にとどまった時期と一致していた。図2の左図の赤色線で示すように、その数十年間における日本のROCを均してみると、先進国で達成すべきだと我々が算定した値(4.5%、青色線で示す)の半分にしか達していなかった。実際のところ2018年あたりまでは、日本市場はその程度のROC(緑色の平坦線)に回帰するだろうと予想していた。つまり標準的な利益率の半分にだ。しかし我々は2018年までに、無視しがたい変化がROCに現れていることをみてとった。我々のデータにおいて標準的と定めた値をはじめて超過したのだ。そして高いROCを達成した年が何年か続いたことで、日本が恒常的な変曲点に到達したと我々は確信した。


 4% Real Return Forecast Supported by Improving Fundamental Performance


Two key drivers underpin GMO’s forecasts: valuations and fundamental growth. After the recent run in Japanese equities, valuations look fairly valued for the broad universe. The interesting part of the story lies with fundamentals. While many believe recently strong fundamentals are a head fake and will revert to lower levels, evidence suggests otherwise. 

Most investors do not realize that Japan has been delivering superior fundamental growth for years. Exhibit 1 charts the returns shareholders earn from distributions and fundamental growth, ignoring the effects of valuation change. The smooth 4.5% annualized return line is consistent with what we expect stocks to earn in our “Low” base-case forecast scenario, and it’s roughly what we think equity markets should have delivered over the last 10 years.

Interestingly, it is almost exactly what U.S. companies earned over this period. Japanese companies, however, did much better delivering 6.5% fundamental performance. This might be surprising given the U.S. equity market outperformed the Japanese market when measured in dollars, but that is because valuation changes and currency movements more than offset the fundamental advantage Japan delivered. While investors did better owning U.S. equities over the last decade, underlying corporate performance was actually better in Japan. 




Not surprisingly, Japan’s disappointing fundamental return in the eighties, nineties, and aughts corresponded to a period where returns on capital were disappointing. During those decades, Japan’s ROC, shown in red on the left of Exhibit 2, averaged only about half of what we estimate companies in developed markets should deliver (i.e., the blue line at 4.5%). Indeed, up until about 2018 our base case when forecasting Japanese market returns (the flat green line in the ROC chart) was to assume that ROCs would mean revert around this level of half of normal profitability. But by 2018 we had seen a change in ROC that was hard to ignore – ROCs had, for the first time on our data – exceeded what we assume to be normal. Further, after years of stronger returns on capital, we believed Japan had reached a permanent inflection point.

The chart on the right of Exhibit 2 represents a structural break model which asks how likely is it that ROCs were no longer mean reverting around the flat green line. By 2018, the model had put the odds of a structural break as a near certainty. We therefore changed our forecast model by assuming that profitability in Japan was slowly transitioning toward developed market norms (the stairstep section of the green line on the left.) In our view, Japan’s ROC improvement was not a head fake and would continue to converge toward the developed market norm, not fall back toward the old flat line.


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