







We, like all public companies, are required by the SEC to annually catalog "risk factors" in our 10-K. I can't remember, however, an instance when reading a 10-K's "risk" section has helped me in evaluating a business. That's not because the identified risks aren't real. The truly important risks, however, are usually well known. Beyond that, a 10-K's catalog of risks is seldom of aid in assessing: (1) the probability of the threatening event actually occurring; (2) the range of costs if it does occur; and (3) the timing of the possible loss. A threat that will only surface 50 years from now may be a problem for society, but it is not a financial problem for today's investor.

Berkshire operates in more industries than any company I know of. Each of our pursuits has its own array of possible problems and opportunities. Those are easy to list but hard to evaluate: Charlie, I and our various CEOs often differ in a very major way in our calculation of the likelihood, the timing and the cost (or benefit) that may result from these possibilities.

Let me mention just a few examples. To begin with an obvious threat, BNSF, along with other railroads, is certain to lose significant coal volume over the next decade. At some point in the future - though not, in my view, for a long time - GEICO's premium volume may shrink because of driverless cars. This development could hurt our auto dealerships as well. Circulation of our print newspapers will continue to fall, a certainty we allowed for when purchasing them. To date, renewables have helped our utility operation but that could change, particularly if storage capabilities for electricity materially improve. Online retailing threatens the business model of our retailers and certain of our consumer brands. These potentialities are just a few of the negative possibilities facing us - but even the most casual follower of business news has long been aware of them.

None of these problems, however, is crucial to Berkshire's long-term well-being. When we took over the company in 1965, its risks could have been encapsulated in a single sentence: "The northern textile business in which all of our capital resides is destined for recurring losses and will eventually disappear." That development, however, was no death knell. We simply adapted. And we will continue to do so.

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