



Charlie Munger's 2015 Daily Journal Annual Meeting - Part 3 (Forbes)

<質問> オーストラリアのシドニーから参りました。チャーリー、リー・クアンユーの話に戻りたいのですが、彼がシンガポール政府で築いた文化が、現在あるいは将来において維持される可能性はどれぐらいでしょうか。

<マンガー> あの国はうまくやっていますよ。リー・クアンユーは昔のやりかたを変えました。腐敗を排除するとともに、それが生じにくいように変えたのです。かなりの額の報酬を与えることになりました。ですから、シンガポールでは盗みをして得をする理由がありません。議会や上級の政府役人は、たとえば相当な報酬を得ていますし、尊敬も集めています。


<質問> 彼のご子息や前任者が起こした変化はどうですか。たとえばシンガポールにもカジノが許可されましたが。

<マンガー> それはおぞましいですね。ほかの通常のビジネスとくらべて、カジノの経営は大いに儲かります。在庫はいらないうえに、紙幣を印刷する認可を得ているようなものですから、その誘惑に逆らえないのです。だから彼としては、カジノでは外国人だけがプレーできるようにしたわけですよ。自国民を堕落させたくなかったのですね。私は悪魔と褥を共にしたいとは思いません。しかし、カジノを許可するとなった時には、すでにクアンユーは実権を握っていませんでした。彼がもっと若ければそうしなかった、と思いたいですね。



Q: Charlie, I'm here from Sydney, Australia. I'd like to just come back to Lee Kuan Yew. What are the chances of that culture continuing with the current government and future governments of Singapore?

Mr. Munger: They're pretty good. Lee Kuan Yew left a base, eliminated the corruption, made it hard to get in, and paid the people a lot. There's no real incentive to steal in Singapore. Either in Parliament or as an advanced government administrator, you get paid very well, and you're admired, and so forth.

I think what he's left in Singapore will continue to do very well. But of course, he rose when he was doing it and China wasn't. Now Singapore has to compete with China. China makes it harder.

Q: What about the changes since his son or predecessor came in, for example, allowing casinos to come into Singapore…

Mr. Munger: I would have hated that. You make so much money running a casino, compared to any normal human business. There are no inventories, it's like having license to print money, and people just can't stand the temptation. So, he organized a casino business. Only foreigners can play; he didn't want to ruin the locals. I would not have slept with the devil that much. But Yew was no longer really in power when that happened. If he'd still been young, I'd like to think he would not have done that.

I do not consider it desirable in the United States that we've created casinos and lotteries everywhere. That was not a desirable development in an advanced civilization, and the damn politicians that solve their short-term problems by bringing in this poison deserve to be in the lowest circle of hell. That means that I'm consigning practically all of them, since practically all of them have done it. I can hardly find a place where they aren't putting in new casinos. And the advertising on TV is happy people winning at the table.


Talk about false advertising! You should look at the desperate faces of people trying to get even at the table. Imagine making your living putting those kinds of images on television.

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