

2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - (付録)企業年金制度について(3)







当然ながら、労働集約的な事業における年金費用は巨額になり、費用の全体像をみる際に重要な変数となる可能性があります。高インフレ率の特徴がある社会においては、なおさらです。冗長になりますが、後者によって生じる影響を強調しておきます。というのもわたしの知っているほとんどの経営者や、政府の年金制度では選出された役人の事実上全員が、相対的に痛みが少ないので今の時点で約束をするものの、それによって社会が負うことになる債務の全体像はきちんと把握しないからです。公的な領域では多くの場合、大部分のツケは次の世代へと先送りされ、増税あるいは輪転機の回転を増やして支払うことになります。しかし企業の場合、これから将来の売上によって債務を賄う必要があります。その際には利子の支払いがあったり、実際には生活費の上昇に伴って費用増になることがよくあります。 (p.119)

Illustrated Elemental Actuarial Principles

To illustrate a few actuarial principles worth understanding, but without employing the technical jargon and the asterisks, let's use the example of your household. Assume that you, personally, make irrevocable promises to pay pensions of $300 per month for life after they reach 65 to, say, four household employees. To make it easy, let's say that they each are 55 years of age at present. If you make that promise today, you have reduced your net worth today by about $70,000. (For simplicity's sake, I am ignoring some variables such as sex of employees - women live longer and therefore cost more - death before 65, etc. In calculating such factors the actuaries shine. )

Why are you immediately $70,000 poorer? Well, if you set aside a $70,000 fund now and invest it at 7% interest - and let all such interest remain in the fund to be compounded - the principal value of the fund will grow to about $140,000 in ten years when your employees reach 65. And to buy them a lifetime annuity of $3,600 per year will then cost about $35,000 each, utilizing the entire accumulated capital of the fund. So if you make the promise and it is binding - legally or morally - figure you have spent today $70,000, even though you don't have to pay out a dime of cash for ten years.

Now take it one step further and assume that your employees each are earning $600 per month but, instead of promising them $300 per month upon retirement, you promise them 50% of their salary at the time they retire. If their increases run 7.2% per year - and they probably will in the world I foresee - they will be earning $1,200 per month by the time they reach 65. And it will now cost you $70,000 each to purchase annuities for them to fulfill your promise. The actual cost, today, of modifying your promise from 50% of present pay to 50% of terminal pay was to exactly double the fund that needed to be set aside now from $70,000 to $140,000.

Many pension plans use final average pay (usually the average of the last five years, or the highest consecutive five years in the last ten years employed) and some use career average pay. I am not arguing here which should be used, but am illustrating the dramatic difference in costs that can occur because of rather minor-appearing changes in wording.

Pension costs in a labor intensive business clearly can be of major size and an important variable in the cost picture, particularly in a world characterized by high rates of inflation. I emphasize the latter factor to the point of redundancy because most managements I know - and virtually all elected officials in the case of governmental plans - simply never fully grasp the magnitude of liabilities they are incurring by relatively painless current promises. In many cases in the public area the bill in large part will be handed to the next generation, to be paid by increased taxes or by accelerated use of the printing press. But in a corporation the bill will have to be paid out of current and future revenues - with interest - and frequently with what is, in effect, a cost-of-living escalator.

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