


チャーリー・マンガーの子供たちが父親にまつわる思い出をえがいた文章が『Poor Charlie's Almanack』に寄せられています。過去の投稿で2件取りあげたので(チャーリーJr, デイヴィッド)、今回ご紹介するのが3人目になります。前妻との娘さんであるウェンディー・マンガーの文書です。(日本語は拙訳)




道徳ばなしのほうはもっと直截的でした。上は25歳から下は5歳の子供たちに対して、父がしてくれたある話を覚えています。こんな話でした。父の関わるある会社の財務部門の責任者が、間違いを犯して何十万ドルという損失を会社にもたらしました。 その責任者は過ちを認識するとすぐに、社長へ報告しに行きました。父の話によると、その社長はこう言ったそうです。「このようなひどい間違いを二度と繰り返してほしくありません。しかし間違えるのが人間です。間違いを認めるという正しい行いをしてくれたので、今回は許しましょう。もし隠そうとしたり、少しの間でも取り繕っていたら、この会社にはいられなかったですよ。ですがそうせずに、このまま会社にいてほしいと思います」。間違いを犯した政府高官が正直に告白せずに取り繕った、そんな話を聞くたびに父の語ってくれたこの話を思い返します。


Family Values at the Munger Dinner Table
By Wendy Munger

My dad often used the forum of the family dinner table to try to educate his children. His favorite educational tools were the Morality Tale, in which someone faced an ethical problem and chose the correct path, and the Downward Spiral Tale, in which someone made the wrong choice and suffered an inevitable series of catastrophic personal and professional losses.

His specialty was the Downward Spiral Tale. He could really warm to the topic of apocalyptic consequences. He used such extreme and horrific examples that we were often simultaneously groaning and laughing by the time he finished. He's in a league of his own when it comes to describing negative outcomes and the lessons to be learned from them.

His Morality Tales were more straightforward. I remember the story my dad told his kids, then ranging from age five to twenty-five about a financial officer at one of his companies who made a mistake that resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars to the company. As soon as this officer realized his mistake, he went immediately to the president of the company and told him about it. My dad told us that the president then said. "This was a terrible mistake, and we don't want you ever to make another one like it. But people make mistakes, and we can forgive that. You did the right thing, which was to admit your mistake. If you had tried to hide the mistake, or cover it up for even a short time, you would be out of this company. As it is, we'd like you to stay." I think back on this story every time I hear of yet another government official who chose the cover-up instead of the honest confession after making a mistake.

I don't know why I use the past tense in describing my dad's educational efforts at the dinner table. His oldest children are heading toward their sixties, the table is now crowded with grandchildren, and he's still using his distinctive style of storytelling to keep us on the side of the angels. We're very lucky to have him at the head of our table.


Munger elected to Board of Trustees (Stanford University)

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