


マネー・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』から、相対取引価値の話題のつづきです。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)




相対取引価値分析と現在価値分析を峻別するものは、介在する人物つまり熟練した実業家の有無である。その人物の果たす役割には、肯定面と否定面の両方の観点がある。肯定面としては、その人が相当な資金を以って案件に参画していれば、投資家の行う現在価値分析を裏付ける一助となりうる。一方で否定的な面としては、買収する側がくだした判断を信頼することで投資家が自己満足してしまい、自分自身で独立した評価を実行して検証するのを怠ることがある。その人物が本当によくわかっていて洞察力があるかどうかわからずにだ。私自身の決まりとしては、投資対象の事業を保有するのが他人ではなくて自分自身だとしたら一体いくら払うのか、という基準にしたがって評価している。相対取引価値とは評価作業における検討材料のひとつとして使う程度のものであり、価値を決定する際の唯一無二の権威としてはならない。 (p.130)

Nonrecourse debt is not the only skewing influence on private-market-value multiples. In the conglomerate boom of the late 1960s and early 1970s, for example, companies with extraordinarily high share prices used their overvalued equity as currency to buy other businesses. Undisciplined investors were lured into raising their own estimates of private-market values (even if they didn't use this terminology at the time), while ignoring the fact that these high valuations were dependent on ephemeral stock prices. When overvalued conglomerate shares slumped, takeover multiples followed suit.

Investors must ignore private-market values based upon inflated securities prices. Indeed, valuing securities based on the prices paid in takeovers that use securities as currency is circular reasoning, since higher security prices become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Investors relying on conservative historical standards of valuation in determining private-market value will benefit from a true margin of safety, while others' margin of safety blows with the financial winds.

How do sophisticated private-market buyers themselves evaluate businesses for possible purchase? In general, they make projections of free cash flow and then calculate the present value of those cash flows, evaluating the impact of differing assumptions on valuation. In other words, they perform present-value analysis.

What distinguishes private-market-value analysis from present-value analysis is the involvement of the middleman, the sophisticated businessperson, whose role has both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, if the middleman makes a sizable financial commitment, this may help to corroborate the investors' own present-value analysis. On the negative side, relying on the judgment of a buyer of businesses, who may or may not be truly knowledgeable and insightful, can cause investors to become complacent and to neglect to perform their own independent valuations as a check. My personal rule is that investors should value businesses based on what they themselves, not others, would pay to own them. At most, private-market value should be used as one of several inputs in the valuation process and not as the exclusive final arbiter of value.

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