


ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』から、前回のつづきをご紹介します。第8章「事業価値の算出という技」(The Art of Business Valuation)からの引用です。(日本語は拙訳)





Present-Value Analysis and the Difficulty of Forecasting Future Cash Flow

When future cash flows are reasonably predictable and an appropriate discount rate can be chosen, NPV analysis is one of the most accurate and precise methods of valuation. Unfortunately future cash flows are usually uncertain, often highly so. Moreover, the choice of a discount rate can be somewhat arbitrary. These factors together typically make present-value analysis an imprecise and difficult task.

A perfect business in terms of the simplicity of valuation would be an annuity; an annuity generates an annual stream of cash that either remains constant or grows at a steady rate every year. Real businesses, even the best ones, are unfortunately not annuities. Few businesses occupy impenetrable market niches and generate consistently high returns, and most are subject to intense competition. Small changes in either revenues or expenses cause far greater percentage changes in profits. The number of things that can go wrong greatly exceeds the number that can go right. Responding to business uncertainty is the job of corporate management. However, controlling or preventing uncertainty is generally beyond management's ability and should not be expected by investors.

Although some businesses are more stable than others and therefore more predictable, estimating future cash flow for a business is usually a guessing game. A recurring theme in this book is that the future is not predictable, except within fairly wide boundaries. Will Coca-Cola sell soda next year? Of course. Will it sell more than this year? Pretty definitely, since it has done so every year since 1980. How much more is not so clear. How much the company will earn from selling it is even less clear; factors such as pricing, the sensitivity of demand to changes in price, competitors' actions, and changes in corporate tax rates all may affect profitability. Forecasting sales or profits many years into the future is considerably more imprecise, and a great many factors can derail any business forecast.

2 件のコメント:

  1. == No title ==
    fairly wide boundariesって、わからないこととわかることが混在している領域が広いことを意味しているのでしょうか。

  2. == fairly wide boundaries(bfさんへ) ==
    "fairly wide boundaries"は訳出に悩んだ箇所で、語義をどうとらえればよいのか、あまり自信がありません。わたし個人の見解を申し上げれば、bfさんがご指摘された文言どおりになります。そもそもまちがった翻訳であれば、どなたかご指摘くださればありがたく存じます。
    (1) ほぼ確信をもって判断できる(=限界線のこちら側)
    (2) 重要なことはなにも知らない(=限界線の向こう側)
    (3) その他(=幅広な限界線。確信度0%超から100%未満まで虹のように層別される)
