



<質問者> 昨日のワールド・ヘラルド紙で、近親者のいないある億万長者が連邦政府に560万ドルを遺贈したと報じられていました。

<バフェット> それなら私も読みました。

<質問者> その金額では政府が支出する金額の2分間も持ちません。では、あなたにも近親の方がいらっしゃらない上に慈善財団もつくらないとしたら、同じように政府に資産を残しますか。もちろん、あなたの財産を使い切るにはもっとかかると思いますが。

<バフェット> 実は、今日はここに近親の者が一人来ていて、わたしが話すことを観察しているのです。それはともかく別に読んだ話で、自分の全資産を妻へ残した人が、彼女が再婚することを条件にしていました。ですから亡くなった彼のことを悼んだ男性が、少なくとも一人はいたでしょう。さて、慈善活動はなしということですから、むずかしい問題ですね。政府に残すということは、基本的には社会へ残すということになります。それなら高潔で賢い人に託したいですね。単にその年の政府の債務の穴埋めをするのではなく、社会のために使ってくれる人にです。



<質問者> どうか150歳や200歳まで長生きされることを心から願っております。あなたのお相手をできる人がずっと必要ですが。

<バフェット> いやいや、どうもありがとうございます。

Q. Yesterday in the World Herald, it was reported that a multi-millionaire with no blood relatives left $5.6 million to the U.S. government.

A. I saw that.

Q. And that money would cover less than two minutes of government spending. If you had no blood relatives and no charitable foundation, would you leave your money to the government? Assuming, of course, it would take longer to spend your fortune.

A. Well, I have one of the blood relatives here today who's monitoring what I'm saying. I read the other day about a fellow who left all of his money to his wife on the condition that she would remarry, so at least one man would mount his passing. I would say this, when you rule out the philanthropic, that gets tough. If you leave it to the government, you're leaving it to society, basically. I would rather leave it to people, very high-grade intelligent people, to spend in the interests of society rather than simply to reduce the debt or the deficit that year.

You know, if you told me that I couldn't leave it to an individual or to charity, I mean, at that point I would be pretty much stuck. It would be like having a 100% estate tax, in effect.

I would say that I got my money from society. If you stuck me down in the middle of Bangladesh or Peru, I wouldn't be worth a damn. I have some talents that are particularly suited to this particular economy. I get a lot from society. I get to live exactly the kind of life I want to live; and then not to give it back to society seems a little crazy to me. So, essentially, everything I have will go back. And, I will not try to direct what the trustees do ahead of time. I just want to pick very high grade people, smart people, very few people because if you get a large group, it will bureaucratize. I've got six trustees on the foundation and they will do a much better job above ground after I die than will be done if I start giving them instructions from beneath the ground. I'm very satisfied with the arrangement. The only thing I've instructed them to do is try and do something big. I don't believe in lots of little things.

Q. Well we certainly hope you live to be 150, 200. Someone with your character needs to stay around.

A. Thank you. Thank you.


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