





I think the government was totally correct, by the way, given the problems of the recent crisis, to just nationalize the whole thing. They had to and we've got the problem, but there is very little taste that I see toward really changing the whole thing of making lending an entitlement process. But boy, teaching people they don't really have to pay and a lot of the credit being given for education, a lot of it in for-profit education. [This] is very foolish credit given to people who are never going to learn much and never going to pay much. But you know people feel that people with no prospects ought to get the same type of credit as people with prospects. They don't do this in India, they don't this in China, they don't do this in Japan. I mean, this is an American phenomenon and of course, I think it does enormous damage to shovel out a lot of dumb credit, raising false hopes. I think it creates ungodly messes and it degrades human responsibility and that is a very important subject.

Another thing that is never discussed any more is my idea of one of the great philosophers of America who was Charlie Frankel. He was mugged to death in due course because, after all, he lived in Manhattan in a different time. Before he was mugged to death, he created this philosophy of responsibility. He said the system is responsible in proportion to the degree that the people who make the decisions bear the consequences. So to Charlie Frankel, you don't create a loan system where all the people who make the loans promptly dump them on somebody else through lies and twaddle, and they don't bear the responsibility when the loans are good or bad. To Frankel, that is amoral, that is an irresponsible system. That is like selling an automobile with bad brakes and you know the brakes are bad. You shouldn't do it. Well, we've just been through a period where nobody gave a damn about an irresponsible system. If you can engage in business in some lawful way and dump trouble on somebody else through God knows what techniques, the more the merrier. It finally got to be like musical chairs, except in musical chairs, you are only one chair short when the music stops. In the new form of musical chairs, everybody has a hell of a time and is sitting on his ass on the floor. Of course, that is what we created and it was perfectly obvious that something like this was bound to happen although we didn't know when. So this is very, very significant cognitive failure and it has just shot through pretty much through the whole civilization. It isn't everybody. If it were, the civilization would perish and it would deserve to.

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