




Well, I've done enough for economics, let's go on. Corporate finance is beneath contempt. Believing just by buying volatile stocks you make an extra 7 percentage points per annum, I mean those people still believe in the tooth fairy and yet it is taught to the children. On the other hand, the children don't have to work very hard to get there so it's a Mad Hatter's tea party -- but this is the real world as [it] exists. You have these extremely dumb things being done by these smart people. But a lot of them are under big institutional pressure like the poor bastard in the law department who has to face the new Gresham's Law. Of course, that kind of pressure is on all these other people that are doing these dumb things, many in academia. I had a friend who had a child in the economics department at Chicago, very free market orthodox economics, and [the child] didn't believe the markets were quite as perfect as they thought at the University of Chicago and he had to hide his views. There wasn't the slightest chance he could do [audio unintelligible] at the economics department at a really great university unless he pretended to believe twaddle. Of course, employment is full of this sort of thing. Generally, the employment relationship - the need for money - causes more terrible cognition than any other single factor. Upton Sinclair said it best of all. He said, ‘It is very hard to get a man to believe non-X when his way of making a living requires him to believe X.' On a subconscious level, your brain plays tricks on you and you think [that] what is good for the true little me is what you should believe. Of course, it's very hard to deal with since it's not conscious malevolence that's causing the bad cognition -- it's the subconscious reality of the human mind.

1 件のコメント:

  1. == 追記: 歯の妖精について ==
    Tooth fairy (Wikipedia)
    'Tooth Fairy' Average Gift is $2.42 a Tooth (abc news)
