




1. カール・ブラウン氏が実践してきたコミュニケーションのやりかた

2. パイロットの訓練に使うシミュレーター

3. アルコホーリクス・アノニマス[断酒団体]が採用しているシステム

4. メディカル・スクールにおける医療訓練の方法

5. 合衆国憲法制定会議における議事進行上の規則

6. ばあちゃんのいいつけ

7. ハーバード・ビジネス・スクールが強調する決定木の重要性

8. ジョンソン・アンド・ジョンソンにおける事後評価の実施

9. 確証バイアスを避けていたチャールズ・ダーウィンの卓越した先例

10. 立会取引に対するウォーレン・バフェットのきめごと

My third question is also compound: In the practical world, what good is the thought system laid out in this list of tendencies? Isn't practical benefit prevented because these psychological tendencies are so thoroughly programmed into the human mind by broad evolution [the combination of genetic and cultural evolution] that we can't get rid of them? Well, the answer is that the tendencies are probably much more good than bad. Otherwise, they wouldn't be there, working pretty well for man, given his condition and his limited brain capacity. So the tendencies can't be simply washed out automatically, and shouldn't be. Nevertheless, the psychological thought system described, when properly understood and used, enables the spread of wisdom and good conduct and facilitates the avoidance of disaster. Tendency is not always destiny, and knowing the tendencies and their antidotes can often help prevent trouble that would otherwise occur. Here is a short list of examples reminding us of the great utility of elementary psychological knowledge:

One: Carl Braun's communication practices.

Two: The use of simulators in pilot training.

Three: The system of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Four: Clinical training methods in medical schools.

Five: The rules of the U.S. Constitutional Convention: totally secret meetings, no recorded vote by name until the final vote, votes reversible at any time before the end of the convention, then just one vote on the whole Constitution. These are very clever psychology-respecting rules. If the founders had used a different procedure, many people would have been pushed by various psychological tendencies into inconsistent, hardened positions. The elite founders got our Constitution through by a whisker only because they were psychologically acute.

Six: The use of Granny's incentive-driven rule to manipulate oneself toward better performance of one's duties.

Seven: The Harvard Business School's emphasis on decision trees. When I was young and foolish I used to laugh at the Harvard Business School. I said, “They're teaching twenty-eight-year-old people that high school algebra works in real life?” But later, I wised up and realized that it was very important that they do that to counter some bad effects from psychological tendencies. Better late than never.

Eight: The use of autopsy equivalents at Johnson & Johnson. At most corporations, if you make an acquisition and it turns out to be a disaster, all the people, paperwork, and presentations that caused the foolish acquisition are quickly forgotten. Nobody wants to be associated with the poor outcome by mentioning it. But at Johnson & Johnson, the rules make everybody revisit old acquisition, comparing predictions with outcomes. That is a very smart thing to do.

Nine: The great example of Charles Darwin as he avoided confirmation bias, which has morphed into the extreme anti-confirmation-bias method of the “double blind” studies wisely required in drug research by the F.D.A.

Ten: The Warren Buffett rule for open-outcry auctions: Don't go.

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