











<チャーリー・マンガー> この種の公共サービスにおいて、成功を収めた先達がおりましたよ。何十年も前にさかのぼれば、ジョン・D・ロックフェラーが私財を費やして米国医療の分野を著しく発展させました。「著しい」という言葉がぴったりですよ。それに匹敵する発展をなしとげた人間は、他にはだれもいませんね。


<ウォーレン> ちなみにロックフェラーは非常に長生きしましたから、わたしは実際に3つの点で彼を真似している最中になります(笑)。






<チャーリー> 簡単なことではないですよ。

<ウォーレン> そのとおりです。しかし挑戦してみるべきです。

But it is not a - the motivations are not primarily profit-making. They’re - we want to deliver - we want our employees to get better medical service at a lower cost. We’re not going to - we’re certainly not going to come up with something where we think the service that they receive is inferior to what they’re getting now.

But we do think that there may be ways to make a real - significant changes - that could have an effect. And we know that the resistance will be unbelievable.

And if we fail, we’ve at least tried. And - but they - the idea is not that I will be able to contribute anything to, you know, in some breakthrough moment, by reading a few medical journals or something - (laughs) - changing something that is as embedded as the medical system.

But the idea is that maybe the three organizations, which employ over a million people and which, after we announced it, we had a flood of calls from people that wanted to join in, but there isn’t anything to join into now. But they will if we have - come up with any ideas that are useful.

Whether we can - bring the resources, bring the person. And the CEO is terribly important. And then bring the person, support that person. And somehow, figure out a better way for people to continue to receive better medical care in the United States without that 8 percent - 18 percent - going to 20 or 22 percent, you know, in the lifetime of, you know, our children or something of the sort - because there are only a hundred cents in the dollar.

And we will see what happens. It’s - you know - if you were Ajit [Jain], actuarially figuring, it would not - you would not bet on us. But - I think there is some chance we will do something.

There’s a chance - nobody can quantify it - that we can do something significant. And we are positioned better than most people to try. And we’ve certainly got the right partners. So, we will give it a shot and see what happens.

Charlie? (Applause)

CHARLIE MUNGER: There is some precedent for success in this public service activity. If you go back many decades, John B. Rockefeller I, using his own money, made an enormous improvement in American medical care. Perfectly enormous. In fact, there’s never been any similar improvement done by any one man since that rivals it.

So Warren, having imitated Rockefeller in one way, is just trying another. And maybe it’ll work.

WARREN BUFFETT: Rockefeller, incidentally, lived a very long time. So I actually am trying to imitate him three ways there. (Laughter)

We’ll see what happens. But we are - we’re making a lot of progress. And I think we’ll probably have a CEO within a couple of months. But if we don’t have one, then we’re not going to pick somebody just because we want to meet any deadline or anything like that. We’ve got these wonderful partners.

We don’t have a partnership agreement among us. Somebody started drawing up one in a legal department and the CEO just put a stop to it.

They - you do have places that have a lot of resources. And while we all have our share of bureaucracy, we can cut through it if we’ve got something that we really think makes sense.

And we will get the support - we’ll get - we’ll get a lot of resistance, too. But we will get the support of a lot of American business, if we come up with something that makes sense.

But if it was easy, it would’ve already been done. There’s no question about that.

CHARLIE MUNGER: It’s not easy.

WARREN BUFFETT: No. (Laughs) But it should be tried.

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