




<質問29> 社風についておうかがいします。ある企業の社風を部外者の立場から、本当に知ることができるものでしょうか。それと同様に、組織における上層部の人間が、配下の者たちが抱く企業文化について、本当に確信できるものでしょうか。また、ウェルズ・ファーゴ社やGE社のような巨大企業の文化を評価する上で、どのようになさっていますか。文化を理解するのに有用だと考えていらっしゃるものには、何がありますか。

<チャーリー・マンガー> コストコ社のような企業の末端でどのような社風が根付いているか、みなさんもよく知っておられるでしょう。そこまで至った企業文化とは、広大かつ前向きな活力を有していますね。これからもずっと長きにわたって継続すると思いますよ。




Question 29: Questions about culture. How can an outsider really know a company’s culture? And for that matter, how can an insider, at the top of an organization, really be certain about the culture of the company beneath him? And how would you go about assessing the culture of giants like Wells Fargo or General Electric? What is it that you look at that helps you understand culture?

Charlie: Well, you understand culture best where it’s really down (low) in a place like Costco. And there the culture is a vast and constructive force. Which will probably continue for a very, very long time.

The minute you get into General Electric, partly decentralized, partly not. Multi-business instead of one business. It gets very complicated. What is the culture of General Electric when the businesses can be so radically different? Maybe headquarters can have a certain kind of culture. And maybe the culture will be a little wrong. And maybe it’s wrong to shift people around from business to business as much as they do. Which I strongly suspect.

I do think…there are very few businesses like Costco that have a very extreme culture where everybody’s bought into. And where they stay in one basic business all the way. I love a business like Costco because of the strong culture and how much can be achieved if the culture is right.


Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meetings (CNBC)


The definitive collection - Buffett in his own words (CNBC)

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