




Why Edward Thorp Owns Only Berkshire Hathaway (Barron's)

<質問> あなたの新刊『どんな市場でも闘える男』[未訳; 原題はA Man for All Markets]から、どのような教訓を得てほしいとお考えですか。

<ソープ> 己のためにできる最高のこととは、「みずからを教育して、明確かつ合理的にものごとを考えられるようにすること」です。数学や科学、論理的思考を身につけるのに役立つでしょう。その次に大切なのは、広い分野にわたって、書物を読んだり興味をいだくことです。もしそうできれば、道具として使えるものを増やすことができます。(バークシャー・ハサウェイの副会長である)チャーリー・マンガーは多種多様なメンタル・モデルの持ち主ですが、それらはものごとを考える上での短縮法といえるものです。私自身も手持ちがありますが、お気に入りのひとつに「外部性を理解せよ」というものがあります(他者の経済活動から生じる波及効果)。



Q: What lessons do you want people to come away with from A Man for All Markets?

A: That the best thing you can do for yourself is to educate yourself to think clearly and rationally. It helps to have math or science or logical training. The next is to be widely read and curious. If you are that way, you have so much more to use in terms of tools. [Berkshire Hathaway Vice Chairman] Charlie Munger has a collection of multiple mental models—shorthand ways to think of things. I also have my own, and one of my favorites is to understand externalities [spillover effects from other economic activity].

For example, if I buy fire insurance for my house, my neighbor is a little safer. That’s an externality benefit. If someone drives a polluting gasoline car and uses the atmosphere as a waste dump without paying any consequences, that’s a negative externality. Another one is guns. Gun dealers make a lot of money, their clients go out and kill people, and society pays huge costs. Gun dealers don’t.

Externalities are a good way to start analyzing problems. A lot of problems go away if you make people who distribute negative externalities pay the consequences. There’s a neat solution. Automobiles kill about 35,000 people a year. If you want to drive a car, you need a license, some training, and also insurance if your car does damage. People have to be accountable for their guns, just like cars. If your car is stolen, you are expected to report it. [What if it were the] same with guns? People wouldn’t be able to accumulate thousands of guns, because what insurance company will insure it? What do you think the insurance would be for an AR-15? It would be very high.

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