


デイリー・ジャーナル社の2017年株主総会でチャーリー・マンガーが交わした質疑応答から、二つめの引用です。今回は、チャーリーが残した指折りの知的成果である「とびっきり効果」(Lollapalooza effect)についてです。前回分の投稿はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)

<質問13> 現在起こっているできごとで、気にかかっていることは何ですか。またそれらを特定するために、とびっきり効果のような学際的アプローチをどのように使っておられますか。

<チャーリー・マンガー> かつて私は、心理学のことを何もわかっていなかったものです。しかしそれは自分の手抜かりだと気づき、心理学の主要な初級教科書を3冊買って通読しました。私が「とびっきり効果」という用語を生みだしたのは、その時分でした。もちろんですが、まるでなっていない心理学者よりも、チャーリー・マンガーたる自分のほうがうまくやれると考えましたよ。とびっきり効果はどの本にも書いておらず、みずから思いついたアイデアのひとつです。これは、3つや4つの動向が同一の状況下で同時に働いたときに生じます。線形ではない働きをみせたとき、とびっきりな効果が生じたと言えるわけですね。[参考記事]


Question 13: Question about Lollapalooza effects. What current event is causing you concern and how can you use that inter-disciplinary approach to spot them?

Charlie: Well, I coined that term the “Lollapalooza effect” because when I realized I didn't know any psychology and that was a mistake on my part, I bought the three main text books for introductory psychology and I read through them. And of course being Charlie Munger, I decided that the psychologists were doing it all wrong and I could do it better. And one of the ideas that I came up with which wasn't in any of the books was that the Lollapalooza effects came when 3 or 4 of the tendencies were operating at once in the same situation. I could see that it wasn't linear, you've got Lollapalooza effects.

But the psychology people couldn't do experiments that were 4 or 5 things happening at once because it got too complicated for them and they couldn't publish. So they were ignoring the most important thing in their own profession. And of course the other thing that was important was to synthesize psychology with all else. And the trouble with the psychology profession is that they don't know anything about ‘all else'. And you can't synthesize one thing you know with something you don't if you don't know the other thing. So that's why I came up with that Lollapalooza stuff. And by the way, I've been lonely ever since. (laughter) I'm not making any ground there. And by the way, I'm totally right.

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