




<質問者> Outstanding Investors Digest[バリュー投資家に好評のインタビュー誌]に掲載されていたあなたに関する記事のおわりで、資産運用マネージャーの中で付加価値を生み出しているのはごくわずかな人だけだ、とありました。ここで話をお聞きしているのは未来の法律家たちですが、仕事を通じて価値を加えられるようになるにはどうしたらよいか、何か推奨して頂けますか。

<マンガー> 正しく考えられる人ならば、大きな価値を加えられると思います。また勇気を必要とするときに大いなる自信を以って介入することを賢くも学んだとしたら、これも大きな価値をもたらします。はたまた職場や顧客や自分が気にかけている者を破滅に導くバカげたことが起きないように防いだり止めたりできれば、大きな価値を生んだことになります。







Q: At the end of your article in OID, you mentioned that only a select few investment managers actually add value. Since you're speaking to an audience of future lawyers, what would you encourage us to do in order to be able to add value in our profession?

To the extent you become a person who thinks correctly, you can add great value. To the extent you've learned it so well that you have enough confidence to intervene where it takes a little courage, you can add great value. And to the extent that you can prevent or stop some asininity that would otherwise destroy your firm, your client, or something that you care about, you can add great value.

And there are constructive tricks you can use. For example, one reason why my old classmate, Joe Flom of Skadden Arps, has been such a successful lawyer is that he's very good at dreaming up little, vivid examples that serve to pound the point home in a way that really works. It's enormously helpful when you're serving clients or otherwise trying to persuade some in a good cause to come up with a little humorous example.

The ability to do that is a knack. So you could argue that the Joe Floms of the world are almost born with a gift. But he's honed the gift. And to one degree or another, all of you were born with the gift. And you can hone it, too.

Occasionally, you get into borderline stuff. For instance, suppose you've got a client who really wants to commit tax fraud. If he doesn't push the tax law way beyond the line, he can't stand it. He can't shave in the morning if he thinks there's been any cheating he could get by with that he hasn't done. And there are people like that. They just feel they aren't living aggressively enough.

You can approach that situation in either of two ways: (A) You can say, "I just won't work for him," and duck it. Or, (B) you can say, "Well, the circumstances of my life require that I work for him. And what I'm doing for him doesn't involve my cheating. Therefore, I'll do it."

And if you see he wants to do something really stupid, it probably won't work to tell him, "What you're doing is bad. I have better morals than you."

That offends him. You're young. He's old. Therefore, instead of being persuaded, he's more likely to react with, "Who in the hell are you to establish the moral code of the whole world?"

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