



<質問者> 法律に関する実務やビジネスに携わる一員として、ご説明にあったモデルを実践で活かしましたか。またそうであれば、どのように活用しましたか。それはどんな風に機能したのですか。法律事務所がその種のモデルを支持しているようには見えない、とわたしを含めた多くの人が感じていると思います。

<マンガー> たしかにモデルはそこにもあります。しかし学術界で不適切な動機づけがみられるように、法律業界にも同じことが言えます。実際、細かい点では法律事務所のほうが悪い場合もいくつかあります。










Q: As someone who's been in legal practice and business, how did you incorporate, or did you incorporate, these models into your legal practice? And how did it work? I suspect many of us have seen law firms that don't appear to adhere to these kinds of models.

Well, the models are there. But just as there are perverse incentives in academia, there are perverse incentives in law firms. In fact, in some respects, at the law firms, it's much worse.

Here's another model from law practice: When I was very young, my father practiced law. One of his best friends, Grant McFayden - Omaha's Pioneer Ford dealer - was a client. He was a perfectly marvelous man - a self-made Irishman who'd run away uneducated from a farm as a youth because his father beat him. So he made his own way in the world. And he was a brilliant man of enormous charm and integrity - just a wonderful, wonderful man.

In contrast, my father had another client who was a blowhard, overreaching, unfair, pompous, difficult man. And I must have been fourteen years old or thereabouts when I asked, "Dad, why do you do so much work for Mr. X - this overreaching blowhard - instead of working more for wonderful men like Grant McFayden?"

My father said, "Grant McFayden treats his employees right, his customers right, and his problems right. And if he gets involved with a psychotic, he quickly walks over to where the psychotic is and works out an exit as fast as he can. Therefore, Grant McFayden doesn't have enough remunerative law business to keep you in Coca-Cola. But Mr. X is a walking minefield of wonderful legal business."

This case demonstrates one of the troubles with practicing law. To a considerable extent, you're going to be dealing with grossly defective people. They create an enormous amount of the remunerative law business. And even when your own client is a paragon of virtue, you'll often be dealing with gross defectives on the other side or even on the bench. That's partly what drove me out of the profession.

The rest was my own greed, but my success in serving greed partly allowed me to make easier the process of being honorable and sensible. Like Ben Franklin observed, "It's hard for an empty sack to stand upright. "

I'd argue that my father's model when I asked him about the two clients was totally correct didaction. He taught me the right lesson. The lesson? As you go through life, sell your services once in a while to an unreasonable blowhard if that's what you must do to feed your family. But run your own life like Grant McFayden. That was a great lesson.

And he taught it in a very clever way - because instead of just pounding it in, he told it to me in a way that required a slight mental reach. And I had to make the reach myself in order to get the idea that I should behave like Grant McFayden. And because I had to reach for it, he figured I'd hold it better. And, indeed, I've held it all the way through until today - through all of these decades. That's a very clever teaching method.

There, again, we're talking about elementary psychology. It's elementary literature. Good literature makes the reader reach a little for understanding. Then, it works better. You hold it better. It's the commitment and consistency tendency. If you've reached for it, the idea's pounded in better.

As a lawyer or executive, you'll want to teach somebody what my father taught me or maybe you'll want to teach them something else. And you can use lessons like this. Isn't that a great way to teach a child? My father used indirection on purpose. And look at how powerfully it worked - like Captain Cook's wise use of psychology. I've been trying to imitate Grant McFayden ever since - for all my life. I may have had a few lapses. But at least I've been trying.

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