












Worldly wisdom is mostly very, very simple. And what I'm urging on you is not that hard to do if you have the will to plow through and do it. And the rewards are awesome - absolutely awesome.

But maybe you aren't interested in awesome rewards or avoiding a lot of misery or being more able to serve everything you love in life. And, if that's your attitude, then don't pay attention to what I've been trying to tell you - because you're already on the right track.

It can't be emphasized too much that issues of morality are deeply entwined with worldly wisdom considerations involving psychology. For example, take the issue of stealing. A very significant fraction of the people in the world will steal if (A) it's very easy to do and (B) there's practically no chance of being caught.

And once they start stealing, the consistency principle - which is a big part of human psychology - will soon combine with operant conditioning to make stealing habitual. So if you run a business where it's easy to steal because of your methods, you're working a great moral injury on the people who work for you.

Again, that's obvious. It's very, very important to create human systems that are hard to cheat. Otherwise, you're ruining your civilization because these big incentives will create incentive-caused bias and people will rationalize that bad behavior is OK.

Then, if somebody else does it, now you've got at least two psychological principles: incentive-caused bias plus social proof. Not only that, but you get Serpico effects: If enough people are profiting in a general social climate of doing wrong, then they'll turn on you and become dangerous enemies if you try and blow the whistle.

It's very dangerous to ignore these principles and let slop creep in. Powerful psychological forces are at work for evil.

How does this relate to the law business? Well, people graduate from places like Stanford Law School and go into the legislatures of our nation and, with the best of motives, pass laws that are easily used by people to cheat. Well, there could hardly be a worse thing you could do.

Let's say you have a desire to do public service. As a natural part of your planning, you think in reverse and ask, "What can I do to ruin our civilization?" That's easy. If what you want to do is to ruin your civilization, just go to the legislature and pass laws that create systems wherein people can easily cheat. It will work perfectly.

参考までに、チャーリー・マンガーは大学を卒業せずにハーバード・ロースクールへ入学しています(過去記事)。また、同僚とともに立ち上げた法律事務所Munger, Tolles & Olsonは、今ではアメリカでも指折りの事務所として評価されています(英文Wikipedia)。

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