




<質問17> GDP比でみた連邦政府の債務水準が上昇しており、同時に景気循環の終盤にあって巨額の財政赤字に陥っています。そういったあらゆる現状を憂慮されていますか。

<チャーリー・マンガー> 連邦政府の債務水準が上昇していることは、もちろん不安視していますよ。この国にとって新たな領域に突入しており、新たな領域というものはたぶんに危機が待ち受けているものです。その一方で、程度はともあれこの世界がそれなりにうまく進行する可能性もあります。政府のとる行動パターンが、「歴史に照らして信頼できるものだ」とみなさんや私が考えるものとは大きく異なっているとしてもです。もちろん、この100年間でインフレーションを避けてきた時期には、当時の政府は物価の安定を目標に掲げていました。一方、今の政府の目標は2%のインフレです。さあ、一体どうなることでしょうか。「だれにもわからない」というのが答えです。しかし、「長期的なインフレ率が2%を大きく超える」とする側に賭けるのが筋ではないですかね。私ならそちらに賭けますよ。ただし我々は過去の経験から、「マクロ経済という代物は実に奇異なもので、物理学のようには動かない」ことを学んでいます。今後10年間における[経済]システムは、過去10年間に存在したシステムとは別のものです。異なるシステムには異なる公式が当てはまります。しかしシステムがいつ変化したのか、そして公式がいつ変化すべきなのかは、だれも教えてくれません。



Question 17: Are you concerned at all about the rising level of government debt to GDP at the same time that we’re running large deficits late in the economic cycle.

Charlie: Of course I’m concerned about the rising level of government debt. This is new territory for us, and new territories probably has some danger in it. On the other hand, it is possible that the world will function more or less pretty well, even with a very different pattern of government behavior than you and I would have considered responsible based on history to date. Of course if you look at the inflation we got out of the last hundred years when the announced objective of government was to keep prices stable. Now the announced objective is 2% inflation. Well what the hell’s going to happen? Well the answer is, we don’t know. But isn’t the way to bet that it’s going to be…inflation over the long-term is way higher than 2%? I think the answer is yes. But I think that we have learned from what has happened in the past that macro-economics is a very peculiar subject and it doesn’t work like physics. The system is different in one decade, than the system that was present in the last decade. Different systems have different formulas, but they don’t tell you when systems have changed, and when the formulas have to change.

So I don’t expect the world to go totally to hell because…well, look at what happened in Germany after World War I. They had a hyper-inflation when the currency basically went to zero in value. They really screwed up big time. And what happened?…Well what happened was they recovered from it pretty quick. And they did it by creating a new Reichsmark backed by the mortgages which they put back on the houses and properties of the people who had unfairly gotten rid of their mortgages at no cost. And that new Reichsmark was working pretty well and Germany had pretty well recovered from that catastrophe and then along came the Great Depression. And the combination of the Great Depression and the Weimar inflation really brought in Hitler. Without the Great Depression I don’t think he would have come into power.

What happened…now you’ve got…by the late 30’s, what was the leading economic power in Europe? It was Germany. Cause Hitler in his crazy desire for vengeance and so on, bought a lot of munitions and trained a lot of soldiers and so forth. And the accidental Keyensianism of Germany under Hitler caused this vast prosperity. So Germany was the most prosperous place in Europe in 1939. So all that catastrophe, they recovered from. So I don’t think you should be too discouraged by the idea that the world might have some convulsions. Because there’s a way of recovering. Now I’m not advocating the German system (laughter), but I do think knowing these historical examples creates what I call “mental ploys.” And you’d think that a country that destroyed (itself) in a silly war, destruction of your own currency, great depression, and by 1939 it’s the most prosperous country in Europe. It’s encouraging. I hope you feel better. (laughter)

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