







顧客向けのメモ「あなたは投資家、それとも投機家?」の中で、私がこの文章を書いたのは1997年のことです。現在の私と同じように、当時の私も慎重でした。そして「実はそれで正しかった」、そうなるまでに3年近くかかりました。これは「書いたときには間違っていた」という意味ではありません..。時期が早すぎたのです。(p. 4)

At times when the economy does well, risk doesn’t rear its head, risk-takers prosper and the returns on low-risk alternatives are unattractive, investors tend to drop their prudence and conclude that high prices aren’t a problem in and of themselves. This usually turns out to be a mistake, but it can take years.

For authority, I’ll cite a passage that seconds that view:

The market seems extremely comfortable with the proposition that as long as the macro-environment remains benign, stocks prices can continue to appreciate at rates that far outstrip the growth of their issuers’ profits, and thus the growth of their intrinsic value. Few market participants seem concerned about appropriate valuation levels - the relationship between assets and their prices - and this is a condition that we think must eventually have negative consequences. . . .

Today’s combination of a stable economy, low interest rates, enormous cash flows and strong investor optimism has created a climate in which capital is available for both good investments and bad, and in which risk is rarely seen as something to be shunned.

I wrote that in 1997, in a clients-only memo entitled “Are You an Investor or a Speculator?” I was cautionary then, like I am now. And it took almost three years for that to turn out to be correct. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t correct when it was written . . . just early.



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