




<質問> バークシャーは3Gキャピタル社と提携して取引に参加していますが、彼らが極端なまでにコスト削減をして、何千人もの職を減らしている件について、どのようにお考えですか。

<ウォーレン・バフェット> 3G社の経営陣はかなり近い距離から見てきました。基本的に彼らは、「保有する会社は可能な限り生産的であるべし」との信念を持っています。もちろんですが、この会場におられるみなさんにとっても、オマハの人にとっても、アメリカ中の人にとっても、社会全体の発展は生産性の上昇によってもたらされています。もし生産性に変化がなかったとしたら、現代人の生活は1776年の建国当時の人たちと同じままだったでしょう。3Gの人たちは、そのことをすごい速さで実行しているわけです。彼らの取り組みは非常に巧みで、以前よりも少ない人数で運営することによって生産性を高めています。鉄鋼業界であれ、自動車業界であれ、あらゆる産業でそのような取り組みがなされてきました。そのおかげで、今のように生活水準が向上したわけです。



<チャーリー・マンガー> 生産性を向上させることに、悪いところは何もないですよ。その一方で、「正しいからといって、即実行することにはつながらない」と理屈づけ、非生産的な意見を表明する例がいろいろと見受けられますね。

<ウォーレン・バフェット> その通りだと思います。

(PDFファイルのp. 27。Yahoo! Finance映像では4:24:20)


Q. Berkshire partners with 3G Capital on deals. What do you think of their extreme cost cutting and elimination of thousands of jobs?

Warren Buffett: Essentially, 3G management - I’ve watched them very close - is basically they believe in having a company as productive as possible, and of course, the gains in this world for the people in this room and the people in Omaha and the people throughout America have come from gains through productivity. If there had been no change in productivity, we would be living the same life as people lived in 1776. The 3G people do it very fast, and they’re very good making a business productive with fewer people than operated it before. We’ve been doing that in every industry whether it’s steel or cars. That’s why we live as well as we do.

We at Berkshire prefer to buy companies that are already run efficiently. Frankly, we don’t enjoy the process at all of getting more productive. It’s not pleasant, but it is what enabled the company to progress. Nobody has figured a way to double people’s consumption per capita without in some way improving productivity per capita. It’s a good question, and whether it’s smart overall if you think you’re going to suffer politically because political consequences do hit businesses. I don’t know that I can answer the question categorically, but I can tell you they not only focus on productivity and do it in a very intelligent way but also focus to a terrific degree on product improvement, innovation and all of the other things that you want a management to focus on. At lunchtime if you had the Kraft Heinz cheesecake, you will agree with me that product improvement and innovation is just as much a part of the 3G playbook as productivity.

Personally, we have been through the process of being in a textile business that employed a couple thousand people and went out of business over a period of time. It’s just not as much fun to be in a business that cuts jobs rather than a business that adds jobs. Charlie and I would probably forgo having Berkshire buy businesses where the main benefits would come from increasing productivity by actually having fewer workers. I think it is pro social to think in terms of improving productivity, and I think the people at 3G do a very good job.

Charlie Munger: I don’t see anything wrong with increasing productivity. On the other hand, there’s a lot of counter-productivity publicity to doing it. Just because you’re right doesn’t mean you should always do it.

Warren Buffett: I agree with that.

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