













それが困難であるという意見には賛成です。上昇と下降から成るサイクルでは、たいていはファンダメンタル面の変化が発端となっています。また揺れ動く感情が極端な地点へと押しやります。ファンダメンタルに関する情報や感情面における影響は、だれもが同じように受けます。もしそれらに対して典型的な反応を示せば、その人のとる行動も典型的なものとなります。サイクルに従い、極端に際しては痛ましいあやまちを犯します。それとは反対にうまく対応するには、すなわち逆張りかつサイクルと逆に動くことで成功するには、第一に市場サイクルを理解することが必要です。これは、経験を積むか歴史を学ぶことを通して身に付けられます。第二に、外部からの刺激に対する感情的な反応を統制できることが必要です。これはあきらかに容易なことではありません。平均的な投資家(一例として、サイクルを極端へと駆動する人たち)がそうできれば、そこまで極端な高低には振れないはずです。しかし投資家たるもの、試みるべきです。正真正銘の逆張り派にはなれない、つまり極端に際して逆向きに行動できないのであれば(難しいのは認めますが)、それでは群衆に付き従うのを拒否してみるのはどうでしょうか。(p. 2)

Media Reaction

In working on my new book, I divided the things an investor can do to achieve above average performance into two general categories:

- selection: trying to hold more of the things that will do better and less of the things that will do worse, and

- cycle adjustment: trying to have more risk exposure when markets rise and less when they fall.

Accepting that “there is no better or worse time” simply means giving up on the latter. Whereas Buffett tells us to “be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful” - and he’s got a pretty good track record - this commentator seems to be saying we should be equally greedy (and equally fearful) all the time.

I feel strongly that it’s possible to improve investment results by adjusting your positioning to fit the market, and Oaktree was able to do so by turning highly cautious in 2005-06 and highly aggressive in 1990-91, 2001-02 and immediately after the Lehman bankruptcy filing in 2008. This was done on the basis of reasoned judgments concerning:

- how markets have been acting,
- the level of valuations,
- the ease of executing risky financings,
- the status of investor psychology and behavior,
- the presence of greed versus fear, and
- where the markets stand in their usual cycle.

Is this effort in conflict with the tenet of Oaktree’s investment philosophy that says macro-forecasting isn’t key to our investing? My answer is an emphatic “no.” Importantly, assessing these things only requires observations regarding the present, not a single forecast.

As I say regularly, “We may not know where we’re going, but we sure as heck ought to know where we stand.” Observations regarding valuation and investor behavior can’t tell you what’ll happen tomorrow, but they say a lot about where we stand today, and thus about the odds that will govern the intermediate term. They can tell you whether to be more aggressive or more defensive; they just can’t be expected to always be correct, and certainly not correct right away.

The person who said “there is no better or worse time” was on TV with me, giving me a chance to push back. What he meant, he said, was that the vast majority of people lack the ability to discern where we stand in this regard, so they might as well not try.

I agree that it’s hard. Up-and-down cycles are usually triggered by changes in fundamentals and pushed to their extremes by swings in emotion. Everyone is exposed to the same fundamental information and emotional influences, and if you respond to them in a typical fashion, your behavior will be typical: pro-cyclical and painfully wrong at the extremes. To do better - to succeed at being contrarian and anti-cyclical - you have to (a) have an understanding of cycles, which can be gained through either experience or studying history, and (b) be able to control your emotional reaction to external stimuli. Clearly this isn’t easy, and if average investors (i.e., the people who drive cycles to extremes) could do it, the extremes wouldn’t be as high and low as they are. But investors should still try. If they can’t be explicitly contrarian - doing the opposite at the extremes (which admittedly is hard) - how about just refusing to go along with the herd?


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