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ラベル バークシャー・ハサウェイ の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



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<質問者> あなたやマンガーさんがのんびりされてきて引退しようとなったときのために、後継の経営者についてどのような計画を立案していますか。

<バフェット> これはこれは、わたしたちが死ぬときのことをご丁寧に表現されているわけですね。のんびりするつもりも、引退するつもりもありません。まあ、ペースは落ちるかもしれませんが、引退はしません。実は、死んで5年経ってから引退することにしていますので、そう言っておきましょう。株主総会ではいつもこんな質問をされます、「一体どうなるのでしょうか、もしあなたがええと...」。しばしためらってから、最後にこうです。「そうです、トラックにはねられたらどうなるでしょうか」。それに対してこう答えます。「ありがとうございます、そう質問してくれて。トラックにはねられなかったらどうなるのか、と質問されなくて助かりました」。わたしの仕事はけっこう簡単なものです。どの事業もこれまでと同じように続くでしょうから。H.H.ブラウンやデクスター、シーズやスコット・フェッツァーといった各社は、すべきことをちゃんとわかっています。わたしがやればいいのはただ資本を配分する、つまり送られてきた資金を使ってなにか別のものを買うことです。その他には、それぞれの経営者たちがこれからも働き続けてくれるような状態を維持することがあります。その職責を満足する人として、わたしたち二人は同じ人物を心に抱いていました。ただ現段階では彼らの名前を明かそうとは思っていません。しかし、わたしが死んだからといってコカ・コーラが変わるわけではありません(われわれは同社の8%近くを保有しており、市場価値はおよそ50億ドルとなっています)。その後もコーラは飲まれ続けるでしょうし、実際のところ葬儀の際にはコーラで献杯してくれるでしょうから、売り上げがすこしばかり加速すると思っています。つまり、大幅にペースが落ちる要素は見当たりません。ですから将来も入り続ける資金を受け取って、それを使ってできる賢明なことをさがす、これがわたしの後継者に任される仕事となります。

Q. What plans have you implemented for management succession when you and Mr. Munger slow down and retire?

A. Well, that's a polite way of saying when we die. We're not going to slow down and retire; we may slow down, but we won't retire. I'll put it that way because I plan to retire about five years after I die, actually. At the annual meeting somebody always says, "What happens if you...?", and then they stutter around a little bit and they finally get, "you know, you get hit by a truck?" I say, "Well, I'm glad you are asking that instead of asking what happens if you don't get hit by a truck." My job is fairly easy. All of our operating businesses would continue just as they are. The people that are running H.H. Brown or Dexter or See's or Scott Fetzer, all know what they are doing. All I do is allocate capital. They mail me the money and then I use it to go buy something else. I also try to maintain conditions so that they want to keep working. I've got in mind people beyond the two of us who can fulfill that function. I don't want to name them at present, but it's not as if Coca-Cola (where we own almost $5 billion worth of it, close to 8% of the company) will change when I die. People are going to keep drinking Coke the day after; in fact they will probably toast me at the funeral with Coke and so sales may spurt a little bit! There's no big slowdown that will take place. The job of the person who succeeds me will be to take that money which keeps coming in and find intelligent things to do with it in the future.



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<質問者> 会社を調べるときは3つのこと、つまり経営者、価格、人材のことを確認すると言われていました。なみはずれた株価にまで達したのは、人に関する分析が良かったからでしょうか。

<バフェット> その3つの中の1つなのですが、しかし3つすべてが大切です。たしか事業の「経済性」と言ったかと思います。つまり最高にすばらしい人がいても、わたしたちが30年前に買ったような織物の事業を経営するのであれば、好業績はあげられないでしょう。反対にコカ・コーラ社を経営すれば、みんなが仰天するほどうまくいくと思います。わたしたちが加わりたいと考える事業は根本的に優れた経済性を持っている、つまりコカ・コーラやジレットのような会社です。その次にくるのが人材と値段です。しかしどれも非常に大切なことです。

Q. You said that you look at three things when you are looking at a firm. You look at management, price and people. Is your analysis of people what makes your stock prices exceptional?

A. It's one of three, but it's all three things. I think I said the "economics" of the business. I mean, you can have the most wonderful person in the world, but if they are running a textile business like we had 30 years ago, they're not going to do well. On the other hand, if they're running Coca-Cola, they are going to do sensationally. So, we want to be in a business that has fundamentally good economics like a Coca-Cola or a Gillette or something of the sort. And, then we want people and the price. But all three are very important.

<質問者> 私の父は必死になって働いたことで、かなりの成功をおさめました。そんな家庭で育ったのですが、バフェットさんは仕事とご家庭をどのように両立されていますか。奥様を仕事のなにかと結びつけることがありますか。それとも2つはまったく別次元・別世界のものとしてとらえているのですか。

<バフェット> ちがいます。2つは別のものとして扱っています。今日ここに来ているわたしの娘は一度質問していたので、高校時代になって自分の父は「セキュリティー」の分析家だと他の人に説明したことがあります。わたしの仕事は家々などを調べてまわり、泥棒に侵入されないことを検証する何かだと考えていたのですね。仕事と家庭は別々のものだとわたしは考えています。自分のしていることが仕事だと考えたことはありません。生活のためにしているわけではなく、これが絶対一番やりたいと思えることをしているわけです。

Q. I've come from a family where my father works a lot and he's rather successful. How do you balance work with your family? Do you tie your wife into any of your work, or is it totally two different dimensions, two different worlds?

A. No, it's two different deals. My daughter, who is here, was doing an interview one time and explained that when she was in high school, she told people I was a securities analyst. She thought that meant I went around checking on homes or something to be sure they wouldn't be burglarized! No, work and family are two independent things. I don't consider what I do as work at all. I'm not doing this for a living. I'm doing it because I would rather do it than anything else I can think of in the world.

<質問者> 年次報告書の中で、株式交換や株式分割によって投資家の数を増やしたくないと書かれていました。しかし、ある種の大きな相互会社[投信]や巨大な持ち株会社となれば、なぜ使える資本の額を増やさないのですか。

<バフェット> たしかにそういったことはやりませんでした。株主数を増やすのとは違う話ですが、わたしたちは資本を追加することを望んでいません。毎年利益をあげることで自然と資本が増えるので、それで十分満足しています。現在の資本以上の妙案を持ち合わせていないのです。学校を出たころは資本以上にやりたいことがありました。ですが資本が決定的に不足しており、追加が必要でした。そこで1956年に共に参画してくれるパートナーを募ってパートナーシップを設立しました。しかしバークシャーは今後の運営に新たな資本を必要としないでしょう。そこで疑問となるのは、「だれが株主になるのか」「だれが株主の座を占めるのか」です。株式を100万株発行する場合、できれば私がと思うのですがだれかが保有することになります。全部の席が埋まると次の疑問になります。「ずっとその座を占めていてほしい人に、どうすればそう思ってもらえるか」、これはすごく簡単です。会場の外に「ロック・コンサート」と書いた看板を出せばその類いの人たちが来ますし、「オペラ」と書けば別の集団があつまります。どちらの集団でもよいのですが、オペラを期待してやってきた人たちが入ってみたらロック・コンサートだった、とはならないほうがよいはずです。その逆でも同じです。


Q. You say in your annual report that you do not want to increase the number of investors you have through a stock swap or a split, but if you are, in a sense, a large mutual company, a large holding company, why would you not increase the amount of capital available to you?

A. Well, we haven't; we don't want to increase the amount of capital, which is different than increasing the number of shareholders, of course. We get a natural increase in capital just by the amount we earn from year to year, and that's plenty satisfactory. I do not have way more ideas than I have capital at the present. When I got out of school, I had way more ideas than capital. I was definitely capital short and at that point I did need more capital. So that's why I formed a partnership in 1956 to have some partners join with me. But, Berkshire will not need new capital as we go along. Now, the question is, "Who are going to be your shareholders?" "Who is going to sit in every seat?" If you have a million shares outstanding, somebody has to own them, preferably me. All the seats get filled and then the question is, "How do you encourage the people you want to have in those seats to attend?" It's very simple. If you stick a sign outside an auditorium and say "rock concert", you will get one group and if you say "opera", you will get another group. Either group is fine, but you'd better not have people coming who think they are going to the opera and find that they are at a rock concert, or vice versa.

So, I believe in communicating with the investment world about our objectives - how we think, and the time horizons to draw a compatible group into Berkshire - and we've done that over time. That's why the turnover in Berkshire stock is so low. We have less turnover than any stock on the New York Stock Exchange. The New York Stock Exchange doesn't like it but I like that because it means that basically the people are there who want to be there. Splitting the stock or anything like that would tend to draw a slightly different crowd; not a terrible crowd, but not a better crowd than the crowd we have already. The only way somebody can enter is for somebody to leave. And we want to make sure that we're not losing people who identified with our objectives and horizons, to take on people who have some other different focus.



2013年度バフェットからの手紙(付録) - 内部留保について

0 件のコメント:
ウォーレン・バフェットがバークシャー・ハサウェイの株主向けに毎年書いている文章では、本題の範囲を超える話題については深入りせず、年次報告書(Annual Report)の末尾に付録として添付しています。2013年度版の付録には、「本源的価値(Intrinsic Value)」と題する一節がありました。この話題は2010年度にウォーレンが書いた文章ですが、2013年度版にも再掲されています。2010年度版が発表された頃は個人的に職務が極めて多忙だったため(そして大地震がやってきたため)、目を通していませんでした(あるいは読んだことを忘れてしまいました)。今回腰をすえて読んでみたところ、初歩的ながら肝心なことが書かれており、今さらながら感じ入っている次第です。数年前に発表されていた文章なのですでに広く取りあげられているかもしれませんが、ここでは拙訳にてご紹介します。




There is a third, more subjective, element to an intrinsic value calculation that can be either positive or negative: the efficacy with which retained earnings will be deployed in the future. We, as well as many other businesses, are likely to retain earnings over the next decade that will equal, or even exceed, the capital we presently employ. Some companies will turn these retained dollars into fifty-cent pieces, others into two-dollar bills.

This "what-will-they-do-with-the-money" factor must always be evaluated along with the "what-do-we-have-now" calculation in order for us, or anybody, to arrive at a sensible estimate of a company's intrinsic value. That's because an outside investor stands by helplessly as management reinvests his share of the company's earnings. If a CEO can be expected to do this job well, the reinvestment prospects add to the company's current value; if the CEO's talents or motives are suspect, today's value must be discounted. The difference in outcome can be huge. A dollar of then-value in the hands of Sears Roebuck's or Montgomery Ward's CEOs in the late 1960s had a far different destiny than did a dollar entrusted to Sam Walton.



4 件のコメント:

<質問者> あなたはバークシャー・ハサウェイを非常に効率的な組織として運営されています。大きく成長したというのに、どうすればそれほど贅肉が少ないのでしょうか。

<バフェット> いい質問ですね。現在の従業員は[グループ全体で]2万2千名か3千名、もしかしたら2万4千名になっているかもしれません。20年前にはたぶん千名ほどでしたが、今でも本社は10名か11名だけしか雇っていません。なるべく単純にするのが私の信条です。ですから社内には弁護士や広報はいません。守衛もいませんし、カフェテリアもありません。そのように運営するのは、実はすごく簡単です。ずばり言えば、上司に報告するような人の階層がいくつもあるよりもずっと仕事が進むと思います。ほとんどの会社にはムダがたくさんあります。一度ついたムダを取り除くのは非常に大変です。まったくそうしないのはすごく簡単です。相方のチャーリーはこんな言い方をします。「自分が死すべき場所はどこか知りたいね。そこには決して近づかないことにするよ」。巨大な組織というものに対して、わたしはそれと同じように感じています。つまりわたしに関する限りでは、それは事業の死を意味しています。ですから、わたしたちはそこに近づくつもりはありません。人を増やさないのは難しいことではありません。ただ誰も雇用しないだけで、今後もそうするつもりです。株式の売買もすべて自分でやっています。次のような質問を受けることがあります。「業務の上で、あなたに報告する立場にある人は何名いますか」。それが標準的な組織管理のやりかたなのでしょう、彼らは「最適な人数はこうです」といったことを教えてくれます。わたしからの答えは「正しい人を雇っているならば、たくさん人がいるのと同じ」です。その人たちが自分のしていることを理解し、喜んで仕事に臨んでいるのであれば、何十人何百人がいるも同然です。しかしくだらない人を雇ってしまえば、たとえ一人であっても多すぎです。悩みの種となるでしょう。つまり大切なのは「正しい人を雇うこと」です。きわめて有能な人たちといっしょに仕事ができて、わたしたちは非常に幸運でした。


子会社の経営者のうちの4分の3は、経済的に独立した人たちです。何億ドルもの資産を持っている人ばかりで、朝起きて仕事に行く必要はまったくありません。ですからわたしとしては、今日も明日も仕事に行くことが彼らにとってのいちばんの楽しみだ、という雰囲気をつくりだしたり、維持しなければなりません。そこで「自分ならどうすればそう感じるだろうか」と自問してみました。自分自身のショーを自分で運営していると感じられれば、そのひとつと言えると思います。もしわたしに対して一日中とやかく言う人がいたら嫌気がさして、「なぜこんなことをやる必要があるのだろうか」と考えるでしょう。わたしが子会社の経営者に対して後ろ向きなことばかり言ったり、仕事のやり方を指示していたら、 彼らもちょうど同じように感じるでしょう。良き人たちがいれば、わずかの人数でやっていけます。わたしたちのやろうとしているのは、そういうことです。

Q. You keep a very lean machine going at Berkshire Hathaway. How do you keep it so lean when it grows so much?

A. Well, that's a good question, because now we have 22,000 employees or maybe 23,000 or even 24,000, I guess. We probably had 1,000 twenty years ago but we've still got 10 or 11 people in headquarters. I really believe in keeping things simple. We have no inside counsel. We have no public relations people. We have no guards. We have no cafeteria. And, it's a lot easier to run that way. Frankly, I think way more gets done than if you have floor after floor of people that are reporting to people on the floor above them. I see so much waste in most companies and once it gets there, it is very hard to get rid of. It's much easier never to get there. My pal Charlie says that, "All I want to know is where I'm going to die, so I'll never go there." And, that's the way I feel about a large organization. I mean, that would be business death as far as I'm concerned; so we're not going to get there. It's not a problem keeping it down. We just don't hire anybody and we won't. I buy and sell all the stocks myself. Some people say, "How many people can you have reporting to you in a business?" That's standard organizational management stuff. They say, "The optimum number is this" or something like that. The answer is, if you've got the right kind of people, you can have tons of people. You can have dozens and dozens and dozens of people, if they know what they are doing and they like their jobs. But if you have somebody who's a clown, one is too many. They will drive you crazy. The trick is having the right people. We have been very fortunate in getting in with people who are extremely able at doing their jobs.

We bought H. H. Brown, which is a work shoe company, three years ago. It has probably 4,000 employees, and two hundred and fifty million dollars in sales. I've never been to one of their plants. No one ever has. Maybe they don't even exist. I mean, maybe those guys sit there every month and say, "What figures should we send Warren this month? $2.8 million, will he like that? Yeah, he'll probably like that; let's mail it to him." I've got the right kind of people. If you've got the Blumkins running the Furniture Mart or something, what can I do, you know? Should I go out there and tell them we should price this stuff at $498 retail instead of $398? I don't know anything about it.

Three quarters of our managers are independently wealthy. They don't need to get up and go to work at all. Most of them have tens and tens of millions of dollars. So, I've got to create or I've got to maintain an environment where the thing they want to do most in the world is to go to work that day and the next day. And, I say to myself, "What would make me feel that way?" One way is to feel you are running your own show. If I had people second-guessing me all day, I would get sick of it. I would say, ‘What the hell do I need this for?" And, that's exactly the way our managers would feel if I went around second-guessing them or telling them how to run their business. So, you can get by with very few people if they are good people. That's what we try to do.




0 件のコメント:

<質問者> あなたやバフェットさんが言われることは、ことごとく筋が通っていると思います。ですが、30年前にベン・グレアムが使った言葉とそっくり同じようにも聞こえます。彼は、株価[S&P]が900ドルのときに割高だと発言していました。

<マンガー> 我々がグレアムと同意見だとは思いませんね。彼は人間としてはすばらしい人物でしたが、株式市場全体の行く末を予想するという点ではネジがゆるんでいました。それとは違って、市場に対する私やウォーレンの見方は不可知論者であることがほとんどです。


<質問者> バークシャーが公表した年次報告書に対して、報道の多くが悲観的な見方を示し、会社がどんどん大きくなるにつれて残された機会が少なくなっていくことを危惧しています。10年後にはどうなっているのでしょうか。

<マンガー> 我々は「バークシャーの規模が業績の足をひっぱって、株主の富が今後増加する率は以前とくらべて下がっていくだろう」とたびたび繰り返してきました。これは見解ではなくて確約です、と何度も言いました。



Q: Everything you and Buffett say seems logical. But it sounds like exactly the same language that Ben Graham was using thirty years ago when he was saying the stock market was overvalued - when it was at 900.

Oh, I don't think that we share that with him. Graham, great though he was as a man, had a screw loose as he tried to predict outcomes for the stock market as a whole. In contrast, Warren and I are almost always agnostic about the market.

On the other hand, we have said that common stocks generally have generated returns of ten to eleven percent after inflation for many years and that those returns can't continue for a very long period. And they can't. It's simply impossible. The wealth of the world will compound at no such rate. Whatever experience Stanford has had in its portfolio for the last fifteen years, its future experience is virtually certain to be worse. It may still be okay. But it's been a hog heaven period for investors over the last fifteen years. Bonanza effects of such scale can't last forever.

Q: Berkshire's annual report got a lot of press for being pessimistic and for expressing concern about the shrinking pool of opportunities as the company gets bigger and bigger. Where does that leave you ten years from now?

We've said over and over that our future rate of compounding our shareholders' wealth is going to go down compared to our past - and that our size will be an anchor dragging on performance. And we've said over and over again that this is not an opinion, but a promise.

However, let's suppose that we were able to compound our present book value at fifteen percent per annum from this point. That would not be so bad and would work out okay for our long-term shareholder. I'm just saying that we could afford to slow down some, as we surely will, and still do okay for the long-term shareholder.

By the way, I'm not promising that we will compound our present book value at fifteen percent per annum.



2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - 無形資産の償却費について

4 件のコメント:

真剣にとりくんでいる投資家であれば、無形資産という分類には異なった性質のものが混ざっていることを理解しておく必要があります。あるものはまさに時間と共に減耗する一方、価値をまったく失わないものもあります。たとえばソフトウェアにかかる償却費はまさに本物の支出です。しかし他の無形資産、たとえば顧客との取引関係(customer relationships)に関する償却費はパーチェス法を通じて発生するもので、あきらかに実際の支出ではありません。たとえ投資家の視点から見てそれらが大きく異なっていたとしても、企業会計原則(GAAP)ではその2種類の違いを区別せず、利益を算出する際にどちらも費用として計上します。





[前略] serious investors should understand the disparate nature of intangible assets: Some truly deplete over time while others in no way lose value. With software, for example, amortization charges are very real expenses. Charges against other intangibles such as the amortization of customer relationships, however, arise through purchase-accounting rules and are clearly not real costs. GAAP accounting draws no distinction between the two types of charges. Both, that is, are recorded as expenses when earnings are calculated - even though from an investor's viewpoint they could not be more different.

In the GAAP-compliant figures we show on page 29, amortization charges of $648 million for the companies included in this section are deducted as expenses. We would call about 20% of these “real,” the rest not. This difference has become significant because of the many acquisitions we have made. It will almost certainly rise further as we acquire more companies.

Eventually, of course, the non-real charges disappear when the assets to which they're related become fully amortized. But this usually takes 15 years and - alas - it will be my successor whose reported earnings get the benefit of their expiration.

Every dime of depreciation expense we report, however, is a real cost. And that's true at almost all other companies as well. When Wall Streeters tout EBITDA as a valuation guide, button your wallet.

Our public reports of earnings will, of course, continue to conform to GAAP. To embrace reality, however, remember to add back most of the amortization charges we report.



2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - またしてもやってしまいました

0 件のコメント:



エナジー・フューチャー社(Energy Future Holdings)という会社をご存知の方は、ほとんどいらっしゃらないと思います。それはツイています。わたしもそうだったらと心の底から思います。2007年に設立された同社は、多額の借入金を使ってテキサス州にある電力事業を買収する目的の会社でした。80億ドルの資金を払った投資家が株式を保有し、その上で必要な多額の資金は借入によって賄うことになりました。バークシャーは20億ドル分の債券を購入しました。そのときチャーリー[・マンガー]に相談せずに、わたしの判断で進めてしまいました。これが大きなまちがいでした。


In addition to our equity holdings, we also invest substantial sums in bonds. Usually, we've done well in these. But not always.

Most of you have never heard of Energy Future Holdings. Consider yourselves lucky; I certainly wish I hadn't. The company was formed in 2007 to effect a giant leveraged buyout of electric utility assets in Texas. The equity owners put up $8 billion and borrowed a massive amount in addition. About $2 billion of the debt was purchased by Berkshire, pursuant to a decision I made without consulting with Charlie. That was a big mistake.

Unless natural gas prices soar, EFH will almost certainly file for bankruptcy in 2014. Last year, we sold our holdings for $259 million. While owning the bonds, we received $837 million in cash interest. Overall, therefore, we suffered a pre-tax loss of $873 million. Next time I'll call Charlie.





2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - 投資に関するわたしからの助言(3)

0 件のコメント:

さて、ベン・グレアムの話題に戻りましょう。ここまで書いてきた投資に関する考えのほとんどは、ベンの書いた本『賢明なる投資家』(The Intelligent Investor)からわたしが学んだことです。1949年に買ったその本が金融面におけるわたしの人生を変えました。







And now back to Ben Graham. I learned most of the thoughts in this investment discussion from Ben's book The Intelligent Investor, which I bought in 1949. My financial life changed with that purchase.

Before reading Ben's book, I had wandered around the investing landscape, devouring everything written on the subject. Much of what I read fascinated me: I tried my hand at charting and at using market indicia to predict stock movements. I sat in brokerage offices watching the tape roll by, and I listened to commentators. All of this was fun, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I wasn't getting anywhere.

In contrast, Ben's ideas were explained logically in elegant, easy-to-understand prose (without Greek letters or complicated formulas). For me, the key points were laid out in what later editions labeled Chapters 8 and 20. These points guide my investing decisions today.

A couple of interesting sidelights about the book: Later editions included a postscript describing an unnamed investment that was a bonanza for Ben. Ben made the purchase in 1948 when he was writing the first edition and -- brace yourself -- the mystery company was Geico. If Ben had not recognized the special qualities of Geico when it was still in its infancy, my future and Berkshire's would have been far different.

The 1949 edition of the book also recommended a railroad stock that was then selling for $17 and earning about $10 per share. (One of the reasons I admired Ben was that he had the guts to use current examples, leaving himself open to sneers if he stumbled.) In part, that low valuation resulted from an accounting rule of the time that required the railroad to exclude from its reported earnings the substantial retained earnings of affiliates.

The recommended stock was Northern Pacific, and its most important affiliate was Chicago, Burlington & Quincy. These railroads are now important parts of BNSF (Burlington Northern Santa Fe), which is today fully owned by Berkshire. When I read the book, Northern Pacific had a market value of about $40 million. Now its successor (having added a great many properties, to be sure) earns that amount every four days.

I can't remember what I paid for that first copy of The Intelligent Investor. Whatever the cost, it would underscore the truth of Ben's adage: Price is what you pay; value is what you get. Of all the investments I ever made, buying Ben's book was the best (except for my purchase of two marriage licenses).



2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - 投資に関するわたしからの助言(2)

2 件のコメント:















There is one major difference between my two small investments and an investment in stocks. Stocks provide you minute-to-minute valuations for your holdings, whereas I have yet to see a quotation for either my farm or the New York real estate.

It should be an enormous advantage for investors in stocks to have those wildly fluctuating valuations placed on their holdings -- and for some investors, it is. After all, if a moody fellow with a farm bordering my property yelled out a price every day to me at which he would either buy my farm or sell me his -- and those prices varied widely over short periods of time depending on his mental state -- how in the world could I be other than benefited by his erratic behavior? If his daily shout-out was ridiculously low, and I had some spare cash, I would buy his farm. If the number he yelled was absurdly high, I could either sell to him or just go on farming.

Owners of stocks, however, too often let the capricious and irrational behavior of their fellow owners cause them to behave irrationally as well. Because there is so much chatter about markets, the economy, interest rates, price behavior of stocks, etc., some investors believe it is important to listen to pundits -- and, worse yet, important to consider acting upon their comments.

Those people who can sit quietly for decades when they own a farm or apartment house too often become frenetic when they are exposed to a stream of stock quotations and accompanying commentators delivering an implied message of "Don't just sit there -- do something." For these investors, liquidity is transformed from the unqualified benefit it should be to a curse.

A "flash crash" or some other extreme market fluctuation can't hurt an investor any more than an erratic and mouthy neighbor can hurt my farm investment. Indeed, tumbling markets can be helpful to the true investor if he has cash available when prices get far out of line with values. A climate of fear is your friend when investing; a euphoric world is your enemy.

During the extraordinary financial panic that occurred late in 2008, I never gave a thought to selling my farm or New York real estate, even though a severe recession was clearly brewing. And if I had owned 100% of a solid business with good long-term prospects, it would have been foolish for me to even consider dumping it. So why would I have sold my stocks that were small participations in wonderful businesses? True, any one of them might eventually disappoint, but as a group they were certain to do well. Could anyone really believe the earth was going to swallow up the incredible productive assets and unlimited human ingenuity existing in America?

When Charlie Munger and I buy stocks -- which we think of as small portions of businesses -- our analysis is very similar to that which we use in buying entire businesses. We first have to decide whether we can sensibly estimate an earnings range for five years out or more. If the answer is yes, we will buy the stock (or business) if it sells at a reasonable price in relation to the bottom boundary of our estimate. If, however, we lack the ability to estimate future earnings -- which is usually the case -- we simply move on to other prospects. In the 54 years we have worked together, we have never forgone an attractive purchase because of the macro or political environment, or the views of other people. In fact, these subjects never come up when we make decisions.

It's vital, however, that we recognize the perimeter of our "circle of competence" and stay well inside of it. Even then, we will make some mistakes, both with stocks and businesses. But they will not be the disasters that occur, for example, when a long-rising market induces purchases that are based on anticipated price behavior and a desire to be where the action is.

Most investors, of course, have not made the study of business prospects a priority in their lives. If wise, they will conclude that they do not know enough about specific businesses to predict their future earning power.

I have good news for these nonprofessionals: The typical investor doesn't need this skill. In aggregate, American business has done wonderfully over time and will continue to do so (though, most assuredly, in unpredictable fits and starts). In the 20th century, the Dow Jones industrial index advanced from 66 to 11,497, paying a rising stream of dividends to boot. The 21st century will witness further gains, almost certain to be substantial. The goal of the nonprofessional should not be to pick winners -- neither he nor his "helpers" can do that -- but should rather be to own a cross section of businesses that in aggregate are bound to do well. A low-cost S&P 500 index fund will achieve this goal.

That's the "what" of investing for the nonprofessional. The "when" is also important. The main danger is that the timid or beginning investor will enter the market at a time of extreme exuberance and then become disillusioned when paper losses occur. (Remember the late Barton Biggs's observation: "A bull market is like sex. It feels best just before it ends.") The antidote to that kind of mistiming is for an investor to accumulate shares over a long period and never sell when the news is bad and stocks are well off their highs. Following those rules, the "know-nothing" investor who both diversifies and keeps his costs minimal is virtually certain to get satisfactory results. Indeed, the unsophisticated investor who is realistic about his shortcomings is likely to obtain better long-term results than the knowledgeable professional who is blind to even a single weakness.

If "investors" frenetically bought and sold farmland to one another, neither the yields nor the prices of their crops would be increased. The only consequence of such behavior would be decreases in the overall earnings realized by the farm-owning population because of the substantial costs it would incur as it sought advice and switched properties.

Nevertheless, both individuals and institutions will constantly be urged to be active by those who profit from giving advice or effecting transactions. The resulting frictional costs can be huge and, for investors in aggregate, devoid of benefit. So ignore the chatter, keep your costs minimal, and invest in stocks as you would in a farm.

My money, I should add, is where my mouth is: What I advise here is essentially identical to certain instructions I've laid out in my will. One bequest provides that cash will be delivered to a trustee for my wife's benefit. (I have to use cash for individual bequests, because all of my Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA) shares will be fully distributed to certain philanthropic organizations over the 10 years following the closing of my estate.) My advice to the trustee could not be more simple: Put 10% of the cash in short-term government bonds and 90% in a very low-cost S&P 500 index fund. (I suggest Vanguard's. (VFINX)) I believe the trust's long-term results from this policy will be superior to those attained by most investors -- whether pension funds, institutions, or individuals -- who employ high-fee managers.


2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - 投資に関するわたしからの助言(1)

6 件のコメント:

Buffett's annual letter: What you can learn from my real estate investments (Fortune)


-- ベンジャミン・グレアム、『賢明なる投資家』





1993年には別の小規模な投資をしました。ソロモン・ブラザーズのCEOだったときに、同社の家主だったラリー・シルバーシュタインがニューヨーク大学のとなりにある小売店舗用の不動産物件を教えてくれました。整理信託公社(Resolution Trust Corp.; RTC)が売却に出していたものです。商業用不動産も含んでいたこのバブルも、いつものように破裂しました。RTC社は破たんした貯蓄組合が有していた資産を処分するために設立されました。その組合がとった楽観的な貸付慣行によってバカ騒ぎが刺激されたのです。





* 投資によって満足のいくリターンを得るために、専門家になる必要はありません。しかしそうでない以上、自分の限界を認め、ほどほどの成功でもまず間違えのない道を選ぶことが欠かせません。単純なやりかたをとりつづけてください。そして柵越えを狙おうなどと考えないことです。手っ取り早い利益が約束されているところには、素早くも「はずれ」が返ってくるのですから。

* 検討対象の資産がどれだけのものを将来生み出してくれるのか、よく考えてください。その資産が生む将来の利益をざっと見積もったときに安心できなければ、その件は忘れて次へ進んでください。あらゆる投資の可能性を評価できる能力を持つ人などいません。しかし何でも知り尽くしている必要はなく、自分がとる行動を理解していればよいだけです。

* そのかわりに、よく考えて買ったものでも将来の価格変動に注目するのであれば、それは投機をしていることになります。正しくないとは言いませんが、わたし自身は投機で成功できないことは理解しています。そのやりかたで継続的に成功できるという人に対しては、懐疑的に見ています。コイン投げをすれば、最初の1回目の勝負で半数の人が勝てます。しかしゲームをずっとつづけたときに利益をあげられると期待できる勝者はいません。つまり資産価格が直近で上昇したという事実は、それを買う理由にはなり得ません。

* わたしが投資した小規模な2件の例では物件が生み出すものだけを考え、日々の評価額はまったく気にしませんでした。ゲームで勝つのは、競技場に集中する選手です。スコアボードから目をはなせない選手ではありません。株価を見ないで週末を楽しめるようでしたら、平日もそうしてみてください。

* マクロに関する見解をこしらえたり、他人によるマクロや市場の予測に耳を貸すのは時間の無駄です。実のところ、危険なことです。本当に大切な事実に対する自分自身の見方をあいまいにしかねないからです(テレビにでている解説者が市場が次にどう動くかをペラペラ話すのを聞くと、ミッキー・マントル[野球選手]の辛辣な一言を思い出します。「実況放送用の部屋へ入ると、この試合は楽勝だとわかるようになるのは、一体どういうことだ」)。


"Investment is most intelligent when it is most businesslike." --Benjamin Graham, The Intelligent Investor

It is fitting to have a Ben Graham quote open this essay because I owe so much of what I know about investing to him. I will talk more about Ben a bit later, and I will even sooner talk about common stocks. But let me first tell you about two small nonstock investments that I made long ago. Though neither changed my net worth by much, they are instructive.

This tale begins in Nebraska. From 1973 to 1981, the Midwest experienced an explosion in farm prices, caused by a widespread belief that runaway inflation was coming and fueled by the lending policies of small rural banks. Then the bubble burst, bringing price declines of 50% or more that devastated both leveraged farmers and their lenders. Five times as many Iowa and Nebraska banks failed in that bubble's aftermath as in our recent Great Recession.

In 1986, I purchased a 400-acre farm, located 50 miles north of Omaha, from the FDIC. It cost me $280,000, considerably less than what a failed bank had lent against the farm a few years earlier. I knew nothing about operating a farm. But I have a son who loves farming, and I learned from him both how many bushels of corn and soybeans the farm would produce and what the operating expenses would be. From these estimates, I calculated the normalized return from the farm to then be about 10%. I also thought it was likely that productivity would improve over time and that crop prices would move higher as well. Both expectations proved out.

I needed no unusual knowledge or intelligence to conclude that the investment had no downside and potentially had substantial upside. There would, of course, be the occasional bad crop, and prices would sometimes disappoint. But so what? There would be some unusually good years as well, and I would never be under any pressure to sell the property. Now, 28 years later, the farm has tripled its earnings and is worth five times or more what I paid. I still know nothing about farming and recently made just my second visit to the farm.

In 1993, I made another small investment. Larry Silverstein, Salomon's landlord when I was the company's CEO, told me about a New York retail property adjacent to New York University that the Resolution Trust Corp. was selling. Again, a bubble had popped -- this one involving commercial real estate -- and the RTC had been created to dispose of the assets of failed savings institutions whose optimistic lending practices had fueled the folly.

Here, too, the analysis was simple. As had been the case with the farm, the unleveraged current yield from the property was about 10%. But the property had been undermanaged by the RTC, and its income would increase when several vacant stores were leased. Even more important, the largest tenant -- who occupied around 20% of the project's space -- was paying rent of about $5 per foot, whereas other tenants averaged $70. The expiration of this bargain lease in nine years was certain to provide a major boost to earnings. The property's location was also superb: NYU wasn't going anywhere.

I joined a small group -- including Larry and my friend Fred Rose -- in purchasing the building. Fred was an experienced, high-grade real estate investor who, with his family, would manage the property. And manage it they did. As old leases expired, earnings tripled. Annual distributions now exceed 35% of our initial equity investment. Moreover, our original mortgage was refinanced in 1996 and again in 1999, moves that allowed several special distributions totaling more than 150% of what we had invested. I've yet to view the property.

Income from both the farm and the NYU real estate will probably increase in decades to come. Though the gains won't be dramatic, the two investments will be solid and satisfactory holdings for my lifetime and, subsequently, for my children and grandchildren.

I tell these tales to illustrate certain fundamentals of investing:

* You don't need to be an expert in order to achieve satisfactory investment returns. But if you aren't, you must recognize your limitations and follow a course certain to work reasonably well. Keep things simple and don't swing for the fences. When promised quick profits, respond with a quick "no."

* Focus on the future productivity of the asset you are considering. If you don't feel comfortable making a rough estimate of the asset's future earnings, just forget it and move on. No one has the ability to evaluate every investment possibility. But omniscience isn't necessary; you only need to understand the actions you undertake.

* If you instead focus on the prospective price change of a contemplated purchase, you are speculating. There is nothing improper about that. I know, however, that I am unable to speculate successfully, and I am skeptical of those who claim sustained success at doing so. Half of all coin-flippers will win their first toss; none of those winners has an expectation of profit if he continues to play the game. And the fact that a given asset has appreciated in the recent past is never a reason to buy it.

* With my two small investments, I thought only of what the properties would produce and cared not at all about their daily valuations. Games are won by players who focus on the playing field -- not by those whose eyes are glued to the scoreboard. If you can enjoy Saturdays and Sundays without looking at stock prices, give it a try on weekdays.

* Forming macro opinions or listening to the macro or market predictions of others is a waste of time. Indeed, it is dangerous because it may blur your vision of the facts that are truly important. (When I hear TV commentators glibly opine on what the market will do next, I am reminded of Mickey Mantle's scathing comment: "You don't know how easy this game is until you get into that broadcasting booth.")

My two purchases were made in 1986 and 1993. What the economy, interest rates, or the stock market might do in the years immediately following -- 1987 and 1994 -- was of no importance to me in determining the success of those investments. I can't remember what the headlines or pundits were saying at the time. Whatever the chatter, corn would keep growing in Nebraska and students would flock to NYU.




0 件のコメント:



1. 現預金の比率は低下傾向

2. 2013年9月末時点で、現預金や債券の割合は全体の4割程度

3. 現預金や債券比率が相対的に高水準だったのは2004-2006年




1. 事業会社の割合が増加

2. 現預金や債券等の割合は10%強まで低下


1. 相対取引でビジネスを買うことに活路を見いだすこと

2. 償却期間の長い投資を早い段階で実行すること







6 件のコメント:

なぜポートフォリオの投資先を非常に集中させているのだろうか。たとえば33銘柄に等しく配分しているポートフォリオを考えてみよう(各社に3%ずつ)。ミューチュアル・ファンド[=投資信託]であれば、これは「集中」と言えるだろう。たしか[ロバート・]ハグストロームは、フォーカス・ファンドにおいて20から25銘柄を保有している。これだと1社が消えたとしても、ポートフォリオ全体に与える影響は軽微にとどまる。その点から、何千億円もの資金を投じるバフェットがなぜ株式市場から遠ざかったのか、はっきりする。本当に気に入った会社をそれなりの規模で買い込もうとすると、15%保有の制限に達してしまうからだ。買いの決断を20件や30件も下す場合、それらが正しい上に、ポートフォリオ全体に重大な影響を与えるほどになる確率は、いったいどれぐらいなのだろうか。ポートフォリオのわずか3-5%を占めるために、何ヶ月あるいは何年も時間を費やして企業を研究しなければならないのか。バフェットのように重荷を背負っていないという点で、我々は幸せだ。マンガー方式のやり方にしたがい、抜きんでたビジネスをいずれは3つから8つほど集められれば、それぞれが変動する中でポートフォリオ全体へ大きな影響をもたらしてくれるだろう。もちろんここで肝心なのは誤った判断を下さないことで、だからこそ「確実性という点に重きをおく」のだ。バフェットやマンガーが有名になったいきさつを考えれば、たしかに初期のころは安値買いだったが、やがては安定的かつ一貫して支配的なフランチャイズ、つまり独自の競争優位をもった企業を購入するようになったことが、まっさきに思い浮かぶ。バフェットはコークという支配的なフランチャイズを買い込み、当初はポートフォリオ全体の35%を占めるほどだった。このような行動がどんな結果となったかは周知のとおりで、10年間でバークシャーはずっと上昇した。同様に、サラダオイルのスキャンダルのさなかにアメリカン・エキスプレスへ40%投資したことが、ポートフォリオを押し上げてくれた(運用方針から外れることを許可してもらったとどこかで読んだが、忘れてしまった。たぶんOID誌だと思う)。それらの2件はバフェットが(マンガー式のやり方で)下した10ほどの決断に含まれるもので、まさに彼の投資人生を決定づけた。決断を挙げていくと、最初が60年代の株価上昇期にパートナーシップを解散して、バークシャー・ハサウェイ一本にしたこと。2番目がサラダ事件当時にアメックスへ投資したこと。3番目がワシントン・ポスト社、4番目がコカ・コーラ、5番目がGEICO[ガイコ]、6番目がGeneral Re[再保険会社]。その6つの決定をのぞいたら、バークシャーには何が残っているだろうか。


Why a very concentrated portfolio? Think for a moment what it means to have a portfolio of say 33 stocks equally distributed (3% weighting for each company). Such a portfolio would be "focused" for a mutual fund. Hagstrom I believe owns from twenty to twenty-five in his focus fund. Even if one of those companies hits the lights out its impact on the overall portfolio would be minimal. In this light, with billions to deploy, it's obvious to see why Buffett has moved away from the equity markets. He just can't load up on a company he really likes in any meaningful way without hitting the 15% ownership threshold. What are the chances of making twenty or thirty purchase decisions and having those decisions first be correct and second having them result in significant impact to the overall portfolio? Why spend months or years learning a company inside out only to make it a 3-5% portfolio weighting? We're fortunate in that we're not weighted down like Buffett is. If a Munger-like approach can manage over time to collect from three to eight superior businesses then the dynamics of each would have significant impact on the overall portfolio. Key to this of course is avoiding mistakes in judgement - therefore, "We place a high premium on certainty." Certainty I think comes first by paying a low price and then purchasing the stable, consistent dominant business franchises which have distinct competitive advantages and for which Buffett and Munger are famous. We have seen what happens when one can load up on a dominant franchise as Buffett did with Coke and initially make it 35% of the total portfolio - it drove Berkshire ever higher for a decade. Likewise, the 40% weighting to American Express in the salad scare days drove the portfolio (and yes I read somewhere that he had to get an exception to policy for this but I can't remember where! Perhaps OID). Those were two of the ten or so decisions which Buffett made (in a Munger like fashion) that really define his investment life - 1) Closing the partnership at market high in 60s and going with just Berkshire Hathaway; 2) AXP in salad scare days; 3) Washington Post; 4) Coca Cola; 5) Geico; 6) General Re. Remove those six decisions and what would Berkshire be today?

I think the key to Munger is the "prepared mind" which sorry to say can not be derived from some magic investment formula. I just can't imagine Munger applying some formula to his universe. I think that the essence of Munger the investor is defined by what not to do, followed by a thorough multi-disciplinary attack on what remains, and then seizing the moment when it appears.



0 件のコメント:

<質問46:LA在住の株主> ハインツに払うことになった金額は妥当だったのでしょうか。(後略)

<ウォーレン・バフェット> 払いすぎだとはいつも感じていますが、いいビジネスだとわかっていれば、口をつぐんで値段を呑むことにしています。これは数式であらわせるものではありません。過去にはもっと支払ってもよかったビジネスもありましたが、それでもよい判断だったと思います。一般的にいえば、著しく高い割合でずっと利益を上げられ、うまくいけば再投資して成長できる、そんな経済的特性を持ったよいビジネスを買う機会があってその判断に自信があれば、少しばかり背伸びしてもよいでしょう。チャーリーも同感だと思います。実際にそうだったのがシーズ・キャンディーで、自分が考えていたより5%多く支払いました。チャーリーはこう言いましたよ、「これはおどろいたね、ウォーレンが小切手を切るとは」。わたしたちはいつも高すぎると感じているのです。

<チャーリー・マンガー> ほとんどいつもそうですね。最近の値段は安くないですよ。

<ウォーレン> しかしみなさんは市場を相手にしているのでしたね。相対でビジネスを買うとなると、相手は絶対と言っていいほどしっかり準備をしています。一方株式市場では、瞬間的な暴落(フラッシュ・クラッシュ)という、現実のビジネスの世界では得られない機会が訪れてくれます。わたしたちの一番の望みは、買ったビジネスを保有しつづけることです。続々と現金が入ってくるときには特に、末永く成果を享受できるビジネスに資金を投下したいものです。

<チャーリー> 我々はもはや昔とは違うやりかたをしています。昔のままだったら、こんなにうまくやれなかったですね。このゲームで勝ちをおさめたいのであれば、学びつづけることです。

<ウォーレン> ぜひ勝ちたいですね。

Q46, Station 4. Shreveport, LA. How did you tell Heinz was fair price? What sources on changes in industries?

WB: We usually feel we are paying too much. We then gag and get there on price if we find the business good. There is no mathematical formula. Looking back, we could have paid significantly more money for some businesses and still would have been a good decision. In general, if get a chance to buy a good business that you have a high degree of certainty has economic characteristics that they will earn unusually high rates over time, or, better yet, can reinvest to grow, you should probably stretch a little. Charlie or I will say let's do it. It happened with See's Candies. We were paying 5% more than I wanted and Charlie said, “For god's sakes Warren write the check!” We always think it is too expensive.

CM: It almost always happens. Modern prices aren't cheap.

WB: But you will see it in the market. Negotiated purchase of business - you are almost always dealing with person who is prepared. In stock markets you get flash crashes. You will see opportunities in stock market that you will never get in business market. What we really like is buying businesses to hold. Particularly when you've got cash coming in, you want to deploy in businesses you can enjoy forever.

CM: We are in different mode now. If we kept to our original mode, we wouldn't have done very well. It is a game of learning, if you want to win.

WB: We want to win.



6 件のコメント:

<質問37:シアトル在住の株主> 株式を判断するのに、どのような定量的指標を使っていますか。

<ウォーレン・バフェット> われわれは株式という切り口ではなく、つねにビジネスを買うという観点でみています。バスケットボールのコーチなら身長が7フィート[≒213cm]以上の選手をさがすように、事業に応じてちがう数字で判断しています。ただしわれわれには深く考察できないものもありますし、わからないことがあるのも承知しています。ときには、それによって考え直すこともあります。バンク・オブ・アメリカの件では、風呂に入っていたこと自体は重要ではありませんでした[案件をひらめいたときの場所]。同行について書かれた本"Biography of a Bank"を50年ほど前に読んだのですが、すばらしい内容でしたよ。保険業界をみるときとイスカル[買収した切削工具メーカー]とでは違った観点で考えますし、ブランドがものをいう業界となれば、また別の見方になります。コークのようにうまくいくブランドもあれば、そうでないものもありますね。風呂に浸かっているときにバンカメはいい投資かもしれないと思いあたり、電話をかけたのです。そのときは、PERやPBRを厳密に計算したわけではありません。会社が5年後にどうなっているかを考え、価格と現在価値がかい離していると思ったのです。

<チャーリー・マンガー> 何かの指標にもとづいて株を買うやり方はよくわかりませんね。知りたいのは、ある企業が実のところどのように機能しているかです。ウォーレンはコンピュータを使ってスクリーニングしていますか。

<ウォーレン> いいえ、どうやるのか知らないのですよ。ただしスクリーニングは使っていませんが、別の意味であらゆるものをふるいにかけています。だれかが提示してくれたかのように、あらゆるものについて考えるようにしているわけです。5年,10年後にどうなっているか、どこまでそれを確信できるか、そして価格にどれだけ織りこまれているか、ということをです。われわれでは答えがだせなかったり、未来がうまく見通せないと感じるビジネスも数多くあります。自動車業界をみてきて50年になりますが、あれは非常におもしろいビジネスですね。

<チャーリー> 10年後のBNSF[買収した鉄道会社]は競争優位を手にしているでしょうが、アップルや石油会社がどうなるかは我々には判断できないですね。


<ウォーレン> ベン・グレアムから教わったやりかたとはちがいますね。数字だけをみることになっていたら資金をうまく運用できていたか、なんともいえません。

<チャーリー> きっとお粗末な結果だったでしょうな(笑)。

Q37, Station 1: Seattle. Which quantitative metrics to judge a stock?

WB: We aren't looking at the aspects of stocks, but always are buying a business. If you were a basketball coach, you can look for all seven-footers. We look at different numbers for different businesses. We see certain things that shut out to us to look further. We also know what we can't know. Often we have a fact that slips back in which causes us to change our mind. The bathtub wasn't the central factor for Bank of America. I read a book 50 years ago, Biography of a Bank, a great book. We have certain things we look for in insurance. We have things that we think about which is different when we think about Iscar. There are things we think about when dependent on brands. Some brands travel well, like Coke, some don't. In the bath, I thought Bank of America might be good idea, so I gave him a call. It is not because I calculated some precise PE or book value ratio. I have some idea of what company will look like in 5 years, and there is a disparity between that price and today's value.

CM: We don't know how to buy a stock based on ratios. We need to know how a company actually functions. Do you use a computer to screen anything?

WB: No I don't know how to. We don't really use screens but we are really screening everything. We look at it just as if someone offered us the whole thing, and what will it look like in five to ten years, and how sure of it we are and if it is in the price. There are a lot of businesses that we just don't know the answers to and feel that we can't foresee the future well enough. We have watched the auto business for 50 yrs. It is a very interesting business.

CM: BNSF will have a competitive advantage in 10 yrs. We don't know that about Apple or an oil company.

CM: People who are good at math look for numbers and think they can find an answer. You need to understand a company's competitive position, but it isn't that easy. It isn't math, you need to need to know the business.

WB: Not what I learned at Ben Graham. Not sure whether I would know how to manage money if I just had to look at the numbers.

CM: You would do it poorly. [laughter]





0 件のコメント:

<質問32:ベッキー・クイック> 保険業では非常に大きな金額を扱っていますが、合理的な料率が設定できるのはなぜですか。

<ウォーレン・バフェット> 合理的にやるという点で、バークシャーは並はずれています。当社にはずっと以前から支配株主がいたので、やりたくないことを強いる外部の株主がいませんでした。ですから、保険料収入を増やすように圧力をかけられることがありません。保険料率が悲惨だったころには、実際にナショナル・インデムニティー[バークシャーの損保子会社]では事業規模を8割縮小しました。そこまでできる公開企業はほとんどないと思います。バカなことをすればそれはわたしたち自身のせいであり、外部からの要因は何も関係していません。事業を進めるうえで、このやりかたはすばらしいものですよ。ただし他人がウォール街から称賛されているときに、このようなやりかたをとるのは難しいかもしれません。しかし、わたしたちには保険ビジネスでバカなことをする理由はありません。当社は巨大自然災害に関する損害保険の主要な引き受け手で、こちらがマーケットから立ち去ったことはありませんが、マーケットのほうが立ち去ることはありました。ですが、確率的にみたら1ドルを失う場合に90セントを受けとるようなことはしません。

<チャーリ・マンガー> よそだと我々が望まないような圧力がかかっていますが、我々にはそういう人がいないのですね。事業を8割縮小するというのは非常にむずかしいことですよ。人がいるのに仕事がないとくれば、なおさらでしょう。

<ウォーレン> インターネット株のときはわたしたちの同業者さんが成功していましたが、彼らは高いIQの持ち主でした。しばらくはうまくいっていましたが、非常に危険な時期だったと思います。当初は疑いの目でみられていたものの、同業者さんのほうはどんどん儲かっていきました。しかしそういったことをしろという圧力は、わたしたちにはかかってきません。ですから、他の人たちよりも賢いとは思いませんが、自分たちがよくわからないものには手を出さないことにしています。そして、他人がうまくやっているからといって妬まない。それですべてです。

<チャーリー> 私は常々、そのことが聖書に書かれているのは理由あってのことだと言ってきました。「隣人のロバをむさぼってはならない」。妬みというのはずっと昔から、災いを起こす原因になっていたのです。何の楽しみももたらさない罪はこれだけですよ。

<ウォーレン> 欲望は心にあり。ところでクリフさん[出席している業界アナリスト]、何かありますか。(笑)

Q32, Becky Quick: Why pricing so rational in insurance when so large?

WB: Berkshire is an unusually rational place. We have had a long run. We have a controlling shareholder. There is no outside shareholder pushing us in direction we didn't want to go. There is no pressure for increasing premium volume. We actually contracted the business, at National Indemnity, by 80%, when we thought pricing worse. Most public companies couldn't do that. If we did something stupid, it is because we did something stupid. No external factors are pressing on us. That is great way to operate. It can be hard when others are getting applauded by Wall Street. There is no reason for us to do anything stupid in insurance. We were major writers of natural catastrophe insurance. We haven't left market, market left us. We won't get paid 90c to get probabilistic loss of $1.

CM: There are pressures on other people that we don't want and therefore don't have. It is very difficult to shrink a business by 80% -- especially when people come in and have nothing to do.

WB: Like in internet stocks, and neighbors having success and they have high IQ's. It works for a while, that is great danger period. It starts as skepticism, but neighbor gets richer. We don't have any pressures to do that sort of thing. We don't think we are smarter than others, we just won't do stuff we don't understand. And we won't be jealous when others do well. That is what it is all about.

CM: I always say there is a reason why that stuff is in the Bible. Can't covet your neighbor's ass. They were having trouble with envy a long time ago. It is the one sin there is no fun.

WB: Lust has its place, but Cliff you're up? [laughter]




0 件のコメント:

Berkshire Hathaway Annual Meeting 2013 (PDFファイル) (csinvesting)

<質問17: ダグ・カース> ウォーレン、いいですか!

<ウォーレン・バフェット> ダグさん、いいですよ!!

<ダグ> あなたの投資した対象があげるリターンは、あなたご自身の評判に帰するところが大きいと思いますが、後継の方に代わるとどうなるものでしょうか。

<ウォーレン> わたしの後を継ぐ人は、市場で問題が生じた際にわたしより多額の資金を扱っていると思います。そういうときに資金が残っている人はほとんどいませんし、その資金を投じようとする人はさらに稀です。そんな動乱のときに資本を有しているというのは並大抵ではなく、多額の資金を以って二つ返事で応じられるというのは、際立った存在なのです。わたしの後継者も、よそからお願いされたら喜んで資金を投じると思いますよ。バークシャーというのは、市場がパニックになった時に電話をもらう会社です。2008年には何度かありましたし、2011年にも一度ありました。これはバークシャーの主要業務ではないのですが、ダウ平均が数日間のうちに1,000ポイントでも下落したときには、きっとご連絡いただけると思います。わたしがいなくなった後でも同じことをやれば、バークシャーの評判はもっと強固になるでしょう。「バークシャー」ブランドはいっそう高まるはずです。

<チャーリー・マンガー> 初期のころのウォーレンは、競争が少なかったので大成功をおさめられました。その後、競争は激しくなりましたが、現在の我々は巨大なビジネスへ資金を提供するというニッチの世界にいます。彼らは他人からコントロールされたくないので、そうするのですね。この世界ではあまり競争がありません。ですから過去と同じ場所にとどまるべきだったとするのは、不合理な考えです。よそには連絡がいってないのですから。

<ウォーレン> 他のところは、資金がない上にすぐに動こうとも考えていなかったのですね。この領域はわれわれにぴったりです。わたしが去った後でも、そういった特質はバークシャーに残り続けるでしょう。

<チャーリー> それこそ私の望むところですね。

Q17, Doug Kass: [assertively] Warren, …

WB: [assertively] Doug, …

Q17, cont: Much of your returns from your investments have been premised on your reputation, what about successor?

WB: My successor will have more capital than me when markets are in distress. At those times few people have capital and even fewer have willingness to commit. It is unusual to have capital at times of turbulence, when ability to say yes quickly with large sums sets you apart. I would not worry about that successor being willing to deploy and being called upon. Berkshire is the 1-800- number when there are panics in markets. It happened a couple times in 2008 and once in 2011. Not our main business, but if Dow falling down a 1000 points for a few days, they will call Berkshire. Our reputation will become even more solidified, when Berkshire does it when I'm not around. It becomes even more the Berkshire brand.

CM: In the early days, Warren had huge success because competition was small. Then competition was more intense. Now we are in in the niche of offering capital to big businesses who don't want to be controlled by somebody else - and this is less competitive. It is ridiculous to think the past was a place we should have stayed. The other people are not getting calls.

WB: They don't have money and are not willing to act immediately. This area is very much our own. These qualities will remain with Berkshire after I'm gone.

CM: That is what I like about it.




0 件のコメント:
バークシャー・ハサウェイの今年の年次株主総会は、先週の5月4日(土)でした。質疑応答のトランスクリプトがいずれ公開されると思いますが、ダイジェスト的な記事はたとえばThe New York Timesの経済ニュースサイトDealBookなどに掲載されています。今回は同記事から、ウォーレン・バフェットとチャーリー・マンガーの回答のうち、個人的にもっとも印象に残った2つをご紹介します。(日本語は拙訳)

Berkshire Hathaway's 2013 Shareholder Meeting (DealBook - The New York Times)

午後3時17分の質疑応答 「インデックスに打ち勝つには」




3:17 P.M.Trying to Beat the Index

A shareholders asks if buying shares in the 20 best companies in the United States would be better than investing in an index fund.

Mr. Buffett replies that the results would probably be similar. Then he launches into a bigger point: there are professional investors, and then there are amateurs who invest. Being the former requires a lot of work and research, which many, many amateurs don't have the time or inclination to do.

The main problem for most people, he says, is "trying to behave like a professional when you aren't spending the time in the game needed to be a professional."

午前11時52分の質疑応答 「バークシャーとは」




11:52 A.M.Defining Berkshire

Ms. Loomis of Fortune asks a question on behalf of a shareholder in the audience: How would you explain Berkshire and its value premise to the investor's 13-year-old daughter?

Mr. Munger takes first crack as Mr. Buffett helps himself to some See's Candy fudge: "We like to stay sane while others go crazy. That's a competitive advantage." He also notes that the company tries to be a good steward to its subsidiaries and a good partner.

"This was a very good idea," he says drolly. "I wish we'd done it on purpose."



2 件のコメント:







We continue in our Rip Van Winkle mode: Five of our six top positions at yearend 1994 were left untouched during 1995. The sixth was American Express, in which we increased our ownership to about 10%.

In early 1996, two major events affected our holdings: First, our purchase of the GEICO stock we did not already own caused that company to be converted into a wholly-owned subsidiary. Second, we exchanged our Cap Cities shares for a combination of cash and Disney stock.

In the Disney merger, Cap Cities shareholders had a choice of actions. If they chose, they could exchange each of their Cap Cities shares for one share of Disney stock plus $65. Or they could ask for - though not necessarily get - all cash or all stock, with their ultimate allotment of each depending on the choices made by other shareholders and certain decisions made by Disney. For our 20 million shares, we sought stock, but do not know, as this report goes to press, how much we were allocated. We are certain, however, to receive something over 20 million Disney shares. We have also recently bought Disney stock in the market.

One more bit of history: I first became interested in Disney in 1966, when its market valuation was less than $90 million, even though the company had earned around $21 million pre-tax in 1965 and was sitting with more cash than debt. At Disneyland, the $17 million Pirates of the Caribbean ride would soon open. Imagine my excitement - a company selling at only five times rides!

Duly impressed, Buffett Partnership Ltd. bought a significant amount of Disney stock at a split-adjusted price of 31> per share. That decision may appear brilliant, given that the stock now sells for $66. But your Chairman was up to the task of nullifying it: In 1967 I sold out at 48> per share.

Oh well - we're happy to be once again a large owner of a business with both unique assets and outstanding management.


1. コカ・コーラ
2. ジレット(P&Gに吸収合併された)
3. キャップ・シティーズ(ディズニーに吸収合併された)
5. ウェルズ・ファーゴ(吸収合併されたが、社名は継続)
6. アメリカン・エキスプレス





0 件のコメント:



配当方針というものは結局のところ、常に明確かつ合理的で一貫したものであるべきです。熟慮せずに方針が変更されると株主は困惑しますし、投資しようと検討している人たちを遠ざけることになります。54年前にフィル・フィッシャーが著書 "Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits"[邦訳『フィッシャーの「超」成長株投資』]の第7章でうまく表現しています。この本は、真剣な投資家が読むべき歴代ベスト書籍の中で、『賢明なる投資家』と『証券分析1940年版』の次にあげられる一冊です。フィルの説明はこうです、ハンバーガーか中華料理のレストランを出して成功するかもしれない。しかし、思いつきで反対の店に暖簾替えしてしまったら、どちらであろうとお得意さんは戻ってきませんよ、と。





Let me end this math exercise - and I can hear you cheering as I put away the dentist drill - by using my own case to illustrate how a shareholder's regular disposals of shares can be accompanied by an increased investment in his or her business. For the last seven years, I have annually given away about 4.25% of my Berkshire shares. Through this process, my original position of 712,497,000 B-equivalent shares (split-adjusted) has decreased to 528,525,623 shares. Clearly my ownership percentage of the company has significantly decreased.

Yet my investment in the business has actually increased: The book value of my current interest in Berkshire considerably exceeds the book value attributable to my holdings of seven years ago. (The actual figures are $28.2 billion for 2005 and $40.2 billion for 2012.) In other words, I now have far more money working for me at Berkshire even though my ownership of the company has materially decreased. It's also true that my share of both Berkshire's intrinsic business value and the company's normal earning power is far greater than it was in 2005. Over time, I expect this accretion of value to continue - albeit in a decidedly irregular fashion - even as I now annually give away more than 4.5% of my shares (the increase having occurred because I've recently doubled my lifetime pledges to certain foundations).

Above all, dividend policy should always be clear, consistent and rational. A capricious policy will confuse owners and drive away would-be investors. Phil Fisher put it wonderfully 54 years ago in Chapter 7 of his Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits, a book that ranks behind only The Intelligent Investor and the 1940 edition of Security Analysis in the all-time-best list for the serious investor. Phil explained that you can successfully run a restaurant that serves hamburgers or, alternatively, one that features Chinese food. But you can't switch capriciously between the two and retain the fans of either.

Most companies pay consistent dividends, generally trying to increase them annually and cutting them very reluctantly. Our "Big Four" portfolio companies follow this sensible and understandable approach and, in certain cases, also repurchase shares quite aggressively.

We applaud their actions and hope they continue on their present paths. We like increased dividends, and we love repurchases at appropriate prices.

At Berkshire, however, we have consistently followed a different approach that we know has been sensible and that we hope has been made understandable by the paragraphs you have just read. We will stick with this policy as long as we believe our assumptions about the book-value buildup and the market-price premium seem reasonable. If the prospects for either factor change materially for the worse, we will reexamine our actions.



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And that brings us to dividends. Here we have to make a few assumptions and use some math. The numbers will require careful reading, but they are essential to understanding the case for and against dividends. So bear with me.

We'll start by assuming that you and I are the equal owners of a business with $2 million of net worth. The business earns 12% on tangible net worth - $240,000 - and can reasonably expect to earn the same 12% on reinvested earnings. Furthermore, there are outsiders who always wish to buy into our business at 125% of net worth. Therefore, the value of what we each own is now $1.25 million.

You would like to have the two of us shareholders receive one-third of our company's annual earnings and have two-thirds be reinvested. That plan, you feel, will nicely balance your needs for both current income and capital growth. So you suggest that we pay out $80,000 of current earnings and retain $160,000 to increase the future earnings of the business. In the first year, your dividend would be $40,000, and as earnings grew and the one-third payout was maintained, so too would your dividend. In total, dividends and stock value would increase 8% each year (12% earned on net worth less 4% of net worth paid out).

After ten years our company would have a net worth of $4,317,850 (the original $2 million compounded at 8%) and your dividend in the upcoming year would be $86,357. Each of us would have shares worth $2,698,656 (125% of our half of the company's net worth). And we would live happily ever after - with dividends and the value of our stock continuing to grow at 8% annually.

There is an alternative approach, however, that would leave us even happier. Under this scenario, we would leave all earnings in the company and each sell 3.2% of our shares annually. Since the shares would be sold at 125% of book value, this approach would produce the same $40,000 of cash initially, a sum that would grow annually. Call this option the "sell-off" approach.

Under this "sell-off" scenario, the net worth of our company increases to $6,211,696 after ten years ($2 million compounded at 12%). Because we would be selling shares each year, our percentage ownership would have declined, and, after ten years, we would each own 36.12% of the business. Even so, your share of the net worth of the company at that time would be $2,243,540. And, remember, every dollar of net worth attributable to each of us can be sold for $1.25. Therefore, the market value of your remaining shares would be $2,804,425, about 4% greater than the value of your shares if we had followed the dividend approach.

Moreover, your annual cash receipts from the sell-off policy would now be running 4% more than you would have received under the dividend scenario. Voila! - you would have both more cash to spend annually and more capital value.

This calculation, of course, assumes that our hypothetical company can earn an average of 12% annually on net worth and that its shareholders can sell their shares for an average of 125% of book value. To that point, the S&P 500 earns considerably more than 12% on net worth and sells at a price far above 125% of that net worth. Both assumptions also seem reasonable for Berkshire, though certainly not assured.

Moreover, on the plus side, there also is a possibility that the assumptions will be exceeded. If they are, the argument for the sell-off policy becomes even stronger. Over Berkshire's history - admittedly one that won't come close to being repeated - the sell-off policy would have produced results for shareholders dramatically superior to the dividend policy.

Aside from the favorable math, there are two further - and important - arguments for a sell-off policy. First, dividends impose a specific cash-out policy upon all shareholders. If, say, 40% of earnings is the policy, those who wish 30% or 50% will be thwarted. Our 600,000 shareholders cover the waterfront in their desires for cash. It is safe to say, however, that a great many of them - perhaps even most of them - are in a net-savings mode and logically should prefer no payment at all.

The sell-off alternative, on the other hand, lets each shareholder make his own choice between cash receipts and capital build-up. One shareholder can elect to cash out, say, 60% of annual earnings while other shareholders elect 20% or nothing at all. Of course, a shareholder in our dividend-paying scenario could turn around and use his dividends to purchase more shares. But he would take a beating in doing so: He would both incur taxes and also pay a 25% premium to get his dividend reinvested. (Keep remembering, open-market purchases of the stock take place at 125% of book value.)

The second disadvantage of the dividend approach is of equal importance: The tax consequences for all taxpaying shareholders are inferior - usually far inferior - to those under the sell-off program. Under the dividend program, all of the cash received by shareholders each year is taxed whereas the sell-off program results in tax on only the gain portion of the cash receipts.