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Another idea that I discovered was encapsulated by that story Dean McCaffery recounted earlier about the rustic who “wanted to know where he was going to die, so he wouldn't go there.” The rustic who had that ridiculous sounding idea had a profound truth in his possession. The way complex adaptive systems work, and the way mental constructs work, problems frequently become easier to solve through “inversion.” If you turn problems around into reverse, you often think better. For instance, if you want to help India, the question you should consider asking is not: "How can I help India?" Instead, you should ask: "How can I hurt India?” You find what will do the worst damage, and then try to avoid it. Perhaps the two approaches seem logically the same thing. But those who have mastered algebra know that inversion will often and easily solve problems that otherwise resist solution. And in life, just as in algebra, inversion will help you solve problems that you can't otherwise handle.

Let me use a little inversion now. What will really fail in life? What do you want to avoid? Some answers are easy. For example, sloth and unreliability will fail. If you're unreliable it doesn't matter what your virtues are, you're going to crater immediately. So, faithfully doing what you've engaged to do should be an automatic part of your conduct. Of course you want to avoid sloth and unreliability.




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機関投資家の手中に資金が流入する限り、四半期ごとの報告利益が安定的に成長しており、ほぼ一貫して株価が上昇している数十の銘柄ばかりを注視した投資が行われるのはまちがいないだろう。しかし実際には、すべりやすくて非常に危険な坂道であるのもたしかだと思われる。以前の株価上昇時に優る理由がないのに株価が上昇するときには、いずれ高く売れるからと考えて買う連中がいる。インターネット株にみられる熱狂を考えてみてほしい。株式分割の単なるうわさがあがると、まったくもって価値とは無関係なのに株価が飛翔しただけでなく、そのグループ全体の株が同調して上昇した。 このような投資のやりかたは、投資候補のファンダメンタルズをみるのではなく、市場が将来どうとらえるかに基づいた購入そのものと言える。価値に基づいてはじめから購入する投資家は、すでに割安な株価がさらに下落すれば購入するし、株価が価値の満額に達すれば売却する。しかしインターネット株を買ったり、非常に優れた会社ながらも非常に割高な株価で買った投資家は、価格が上昇あるいは下落した時にどうすればいいのか判断できない。これは大多数の投資家にはジレンマとなる。しかし、わずかな人にとっては真の機会となるのだ。

History Doesn't Quite Repeat

History never repeats itself exactly. So in 1998 investors urgently seeking liquidity are selling not Washington Post but small-cap and emerging-market equities. Investors tired of underperforming don't sell Dell Computer (no one, it seems, sells Dell), which they love for what it has done for them no matter how expensive it has become. It is so much easier for them to sell whatever has recently disappointed investor expectations, no matter how inexpensive it has become. Mutual-fund managers, desperate to put cash to work, don't buy what is cheap but what is working, since what is cheap by definition hasn't been working.

It seems obvious that so long as there are inflows into the hands of institutional investors, there will be a telescoping of investment into the several dozen names that have reliably reported quarter-by-quarter earnings growth and almost constant share-price appreciation. It seems obvious, but is actually a slippery and very dangerous slope. When stocks are rising for no better reason than that they have risen, the greater fool is at work. Consider the Internet-stock mania, where the mere rumor of a stock split, as irrelevant to value as a rumor could be, sends not only that stock flying but a whole group of stocks rising in sympathy. This is no different from the purchase of any investment based on how the market might possibly regard it in the future rather than on investment fundamentals. An investor who initially purchases based on value knows to buy more when an already undervalued stock falls and to sell when it becomes fully valued. An investor in an Internet stock or in the extraordinarily expensive shares of a very good company has no idea what to do when the price moves up or down. This creates a serious dilemma for the great majority of investors and a real opportunity for a few.



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Even though I was a great poker player when I was young, I wasn't good enough at pretending when I thought I knew more than my supervisors did. And I didn't try as hard at pretending as would have been prudent. So I gave a lot of offense. Now, I'm generally tolerated as a harmless eccentric who will soon be gone. But, coming up, I had a difficult period to go through. My advice to you is to be better than I was at keeping insights hidden. One of my colleagues, who graduated as number one in his class in law school and clerked at the U.S. Supreme Court, tended as a young lawyer to show that he knew a lot. One day the senior partner he was working under called him in and said, "Listen, Chuck, I want to explain something to you. Your duty is to behave in such a way that the client thinks he's the smartest person in the room. If you have any energy or insight available after that, use it to make your senior partner look like the second smartest person in the room. And only after you've satisfied those two obligations, do you want your light to shine at all". Well, that was a good system for rising in many a large law firm. But it wasn't what I did. I usually moved with the drift of my nature, and if some other people didn't like it, well, I didn't need to be adored by everybody.

Let me further develop the idea that a multi-disciplinary attitude is required if maturity is to be effective. Here I'm following a key idea of the greatest lawyer of antiquity, Marcus Tullius Cicero. Cicero is famous for saying that a man who doesn't know what happened before he's born goes through life like a child. That is a very correct idea. Cicero is right to ridicule somebody so foolish as not to know history. But if you generalize Cicero, as I think one should, there are a lot of other things that one should know in addition to history. And those other things are the big ideas in all the other disciplines. And it doesn't help you much just to know something well enough so that on one occasion you can prattle your way to an A in an exam. You have to learn many things in such a way that they're in a mental latticework in your head and you automatically use them the rest of your life. If many of you try that, I solemnly promise that one day most will correctly come to think, “Somehow I've become one of the most effective people in my whole age cohort.” And, in contrast, if no effort is made toward such multidisciplinarity, many of the brightest of you who choose this course will live in the middle ranks, or in the shallows.



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バフェットが割安に購入した証券から利益が早々に生じることはなかった。彼は市場外で購入しなかったし、それなりの利益が手早く得られる少数売却や相対による売却もしなかった。市場で大量に買い付けたのだ。彼は、市場がまちがっていると単純明快に決めていた。売り手は明瞭に考えていないか、おそらくは明瞭に考えるだけの地位にいない者と見ていた。売り手が売却していた理由は、ワシントン・ポスト社の事業価値とくらべて株価が満額あるいは割高だったからではないのは、ほぼ確かだ。意外に思うだろうが、 この件で彼らとバフェットは同じ意見だったようだ。見解の相違は仮にひとつだけだとすれば、株価が事業価値からどれだけ割り引かれていたか、その差が適切な水準かどうかだった。バフェットはそれを広いものと見ていた。


バフェットはリスクを気にしていなかったのだろうか。もちろん気にかけていたが、短期志向かつ硬直さを強いられた投資家にぴったりのリスクとは違っていた。そのような投資家は株式をバフェットに売るたびに、意図せずして彼をますます裕福にしていたのだ。彼らは短期的な成績を過度に心配し、 顧客も同じように受けとめていると考えていた。今日の大規模な投資信託業者は、まさにそのような投資家と言えるだろう。彼らの世界では相対的に劣った成果をあげることが破滅を意味しており、「長期」という言葉は投資の成果が評価される頻度によって定められている。彼らにとっては「愚か者にみえること」がリスクであって、「実際に愚か者であること」ではない。「だれもが保有している銘柄には大枚払ってもいいところを、保有し損ねること」がリスクであって、「払い過ぎること」ではない。多数の企業を保有する以上、大打撃を受けることよりも、 群衆から離れていくことのほうがますますリスクとなるのだ。

And profiting from his bargain purchases was not an immediate occurrence. Buffett was making no off-market purchase, odd lot or private sale he could immediately flip for sizable gain. He in fact bought very much on the market; he had simply decided that the market was wrong. His view was that the sellers were not thinking clearly, perhaps were not in a position to think clearly. In all probability, they were selling not because they believed the shares were fully priced or overpriced compared with the value of Washington Post as a business. On this they and Buffett may, perhaps surprisingly, have agreed. Their disagreement, if there was one, concerned the level of appropriate discount between share price and business value, a gap that Buffett saw as widening.

It is helpful to note that Buffett did not consider whether Washington Post was a component of a stock-market index, or about to be added to one (ironically, in a sense, since the possible inclusion of Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway in the S&P 500 Index is one of the speculative forces lifting that stock today). He did not weigh the market capitalization of the company or its daily trading volume in his purchase decision. He didn't worry about whether the stock was about to split or pay or omit a dividend. He most certainly did not evaluate the stock's beta or use the capital-asset pricing model or consider whether its purchase would move his portfolio to the efficient frontier. He simply valued the business and bought a piece of it at a sizable discount.

Was Buffett not concerned about risk? Of course he was, but not those risks that were most pertinent to the shorter-term-oriented, more rigidly constrained investors who were unwittingly making him wealthier every time they sold him another share. Those investors, quite like today's big mutual-fund complexes, were disproportionately worried about their short-term investment results and their clients' perception of same. In such a world, relative underperformance is a disaster and the longer term is measured by the frequency with which investment results are evaluated. Risk for them is not being stupid but looking stupid. Risk is not overpaying, but failing to overpay for something everyone else holds. Risk is more about standing apart from the crowd than about getting clobbered, as long as you have a lot of company.



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Another idea that was hugely useful to me was one I obtained when I listened in law school when some waggish professor said, "A legal mind is a mind that considers it feasible and useful, when two things are all twisted up together and interacting, to try to think about one thing without considering the other." Well, I could see from that indirectly pejorative sentence that any such “legal” approach was ridiculous. And this pushed me further along in my natural drift, which was toward learning all the big ideas in all the big disciplines, so I wouldn't be a perfect damn fool the professor described. And because the really big ideas carry 95% of the freight, it wasn't at all hard for me to pick up about 95% of what I needed from all the disciplines and to include use of this knowledge as a standard part of my mental routines. Once you have the ideas, of course, you must continuously practice their use. Like a concert pianist, if you don't practice you can't perform well. So I went through life constantly practicing a multi-disciplinary approach.

Well, this habit has done a lot for me. It's made life more fun. It's made me more constructive. It's made me more helpful to others. It's made me richer than can be explained by any genetic gifts. My mental routine, properly practiced, really helps. Now, there are dangers in it, because it works so well. If you use it you will frequently find when you're with some expert from another discipline - maybe even an expert who is your employer with a vast ability to harm you - that you know more than he does about fitting his specialty to the problem at hand. You'll sometimes see the correct answer when he's missed it. That is a very dangerous position to be in. You can cause enormous offense by being right in a way that causes somebody else to lose face in his own discipline or hierarchy. I never found the perfect way to avoid harm from this serious problem.




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この逸話を振り返るのは重要だ。というのは弱気相場で起こったこと、つまり「けっこう割安なものでさえも、それよりずっと割安になった」事態を強力に思い起こさせるからだ。 またそれは、その知恵を悟った証しでもあり、力を残しておく必要性を示すものでもある。バフェットがワシントン・ポスト社の株式を早い時期にずっと高い値段で買ったせいで、1974年や75年に一時的な損失が出たことを気に病んでいたら、どうなっていただろうか。同社の株を買い増しできなかっただけでなく、ことによればパニックに陥るか、あるいは株価が順調に転落する間に持ち分を処分してしまったかもしれないのだ。しかし彼がそうしなかったことには、ひとりのバリュー投資家が持ち得る正当な信念が反映されている。それは、安値で買うことによって手にできる安全余裕に対する自信である。


Bear Market Memory

Recalling this episode is important because it powerfully evokes the memory of what happens in bear markets: Good bargains become even better bargains. It is also inspirational testimony to the wisdom and necessity of staying power: Had Buffett worried about the interim losses in 1974 or 1975 from his earlier and more expensive purchases of Washington Post shares, he might have not only failed to add to his holdings but, conceivably, might also have panicked or been forced out of his steadily dropping position. That he didn't reflects the well-founded conviction a value investor is able to have, confident in the margin of safety that a bargain purchase is able to confer.

Back in 1974 and 1975, when the shares of Washington Post were declining so sweetly for Buffett, what might his daily experience have been like? As confident as Buffett was back then, projecting out his future wealth from currently depressed point A to future point B, there were almost certainly times that a bit of fear rose in his throat, too. He wouldn't be human or risk-averse if the near-daily markdowns of his bargain purchase didn't create room for reflection.



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Academia has many wonderful values in it. I came across an example not too long ago. In my capacity as a hospital board chairman, I was dealing with a medical school academic named Joseph M. Mirra, M.D. This man, over years of disciplined work, made himself know more about bone tumor pathology than almost anybody else in the world. He wanted to pass this knowledge on to help treat bone cancer. How was he going to do it? Well, he decided to write a textbook, and even though I don't think a textbook like this sells more than a few thousand copies, they do end up in cancer treatment centers all over the world. He took a sabbatical year and sat down in his computer with all his slides, carefully saved and organized. He worked seventeen hours a day, seven days a week, for a year. Some sabbatical. At the end of the year he had created one of the two great bone tumor pathology textbooks in the world. When you're around values like Mirra's, you want to pick up as much as you can.



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Why Value Investors Are Different - Barron's



The most dramatic and valuable lesson from the fabulous (and still counting) 50-plus-year investment career of Warren Buffett is the legendary account of his steadfast conviction amidst the 1973-75 bear market. He had correctly identified by 1973 that the shares of companies such as the Washington Post were selling for but a fraction of the underlying business value represented by those shares. He observed that numerous buyers would readily pay several times the prevailing market price of Washington Post stock to acquire the entire company, but it was controlled by the founding family and not for sale. Buffett could acquire a minority interest in the business at a bargain price, but he could not force the valuation gap to close. For that, he was dependent on the passage of time to result in improved market conditions and/or on the behavior of management to successfully run the business and to act in the best interest of shareholders.

Fortunately for Buffett, the shares of Washington Post and other attractively priced companies failed to rise from 1973 bargain levels and in fact proceeded to relentlessly decline over the next two years, enhancing the opportunity by orders of magnitude. Roger Lowenstein, in his biography Buffett, describes the "impression of Buffett sweeping down the aisles of a giant store [buying stock]... . As the market fell, he raced down the aisles all the faster."



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Alfred North Whitehead correctly said at one time that the rapid advance of civilization came only when man “invented the method of invention." He was referring to the huge growth in GDP per capita and many other good things we now take for granted. Big-time progress started a few hundred years ago. Before that progress per century was almost nil. Just as civilization can progress only when it invents the method of invention, you can progress only when you learn the method of learning.

I was very lucky. I came to law school having learned the method of learning, and nothing has served me better in my long life than continuous learning. Consider Warren Buffett again. If you watched him with a time clock, you'd find that about half of his waking time is spent reading. Then a big chunk of the rest of the time is spent talking one-on-one, either on the telephone or personally, with highly gifted people whom he trusts and who trust him. Viewed up close, Warren looks quite academic as he achieves worldly success.



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When everyone believes something is risky, their unwillingness to buy usually reduces its price to the point where it’s not risky at all. Broadly negative opinion can make it the least risky thing, since all optimism has been driven out of its price.



In good times - perhaps emulating Warren Buffett – investors talk about how much they’d like to see the stocks they own decline in price, since it would allow them to add to positions at lower levels. But when prices collapse, the chance to average down is usually a lot less welcome ... and a lot harder to act on.

Investors can be tempted to sell during corrections like this one. Oftentimes emotional behavior is cloaked in intelligent-sounding rationalizations like “it’s important to sell down to your comfort level.” But the valid reasons to sell are principally because you feel fundamentals have deteriorated or because the price has risen enough. Selling to get more comfortable as prices fall (just like buying for that purpose in a rising market) has nothing to do with the relationship between price and value.


It’s desirable that everything in a well-diversified portfolio performs well - The truth is, if all the holdings were to perform well in one scenario, they could all perform poorly in another. That means the benefits of diversification wouldn’t be enjoyed. It shouldn’t be surprising - or totally disappointing - to have some laggards in a portfolio that’s truly well-diversified.



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The second idea that I developed very early is that there's no love that's so right as admiration based love, and such love should include the instructive dead. Somehow I pick up that idea, and I've lived with it all my life. It's been very useful to me. A love like that described by Somerset Maugham in his book, Of Human Bondage, is a sick kind of love. It's a disease, and if you find yourself with a disease like that, you should eliminate it.

Another idea, and this may remind you of Confucius, too, is that the acquisition of wisdom is a moral duty. It's not something you do just to advance in life. And there's a corollary to that idea that is very important. It requires that you're hooked on lifetime learning. Without lifetime learning, you people are not going to do very well. You are not going to get very far in life based on what you already know. You're going to advance in life by what you learn after you leave here.

Consider Berkshire Hathaway, one of the best-regarded corporations in the world. It may have the best long-term, big-assets-involving investment record in the history of civilization. The skill that got Berkshire through one decade would not have sufficed to get it through the next decade, with comparable levels of achievement. Warren Buffett had to be a continuous-learning machine. The same requirement exists in lower walks of life. I constantly see people rise in life who are not the smartest, sometimes not even the most diligent. But they are learning machines. They go to bed every night a little wiser than they were that morning. And boy, does that habit help, particularly when you have a long run ahead of you.



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It's Not Easy [PDF] (Oaktree Capital Management)










The most outstanding characteristic of first-level thinkers - and of the investing herd - is that they like things with obvious appeal. These are the things that are easy to understand and easy to buy. But that's unlikely to be the path to investment success. Here's how I put it in "Everyone Knows" (April 2007):

What's clear to the broad consensus of investors is almost always wrong.

First, most people don't understand the process through which something comes to have outstanding moneymaking potential. And second, the very coalescing of popular opinion behind an investment tends to eliminate its profit potential.

Take, for example, the investment that "everyone" believes to be a great idea. In my view by definition it simply cannot be so.

* If everyone likes it, it's probably because it has been doing well. Most people seem to think outstanding performance to date presages outstanding future performance. Actually, it's more likely that outstanding performance to date has borrowed from the future and thus presages sub-par performance from here on out.

* If everyone likes it, it's likely the price has risen to reflect a level of adulation from which relatively little further appreciation is likely. (Sure it's possible for something to move from "overvalued" to "more overvalued," but I wouldn't want to count on it happening.)

* If everyone likes it, it's likely the area has been mined too thoroughly - and has seen too much capital flow in - for many bargains to remain.

* If everyone likes it, there's significant risk that prices will fall if the crowd changes its collective mind and moves for the exit.

Superior investors know - and buy - when the price of something is lower than it should be. And the price of an investment can be lower than it should be only when most people don't see its merit. Yogi Berra is famous for having said, "Nobody goes to that restaurant anymore; it's too crowded." It's just as nonsensical to say, "Everyone realizes that investment's a bargain." If everyone realizes it, they'll have bought, in which case the price will no longer be low.



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What are the core ideas that have helped me? Well, luckily I had the idea at a very early age that the safest way to try to get what you want is to try to deserve what you want. It's such a simple idea. It's the golden rule. You want to deliver to the world what you would buy if you were on the other end. There is no ethos in my opinion that is better for any lawyer or any other person to have. By and large, the people who've had this ethos win in life, and they don't win just money and honors. They win the respect, the deserved trust of the people they deal with. And there is huge pleasure in life to be obtained from getting deserved trust.

Now, occasionally, you will find a perfect rogue of a person who dies rich and widely known. But mostly these people are fully understood as despicable by the surrounding civilization. If the Cathedral is full of people at the funeral ceremony, most of them are there to celebrate the fact that the person is dead. That reminds me of the story of the time when one of these people died, and the Minister said, "It's now time to say something nice about the deceased". And nobody came forward, and nobody came forward, and nobody came forward. And finally one man came up and said, "Well, his brother was worse". (Audience laughs.) That is not where you want to go. A life ending in such a funeral is not the life you want to have.



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マイケル・モーブッシンは以前に何度かとりあげました。クレディ・スイスにもどってさらに昇進したようですが、おもしろそうな文章をひきつづき発表しているようです。今回はそのひとつ、"IQ versus RQ"というレポートの一部を引用します。(日本語は拙訳)

IQ versus RQ - Differentiating Smarts from Decision-Making Skills [PDF] (Credit Suisse)









スタノヴィッチ教授による心理学の研究は、バフェットの見解を支持している。RQを測定する包括的なテストはまだ存在しない。教授は目下開発中だが、我々は較正(キャリブレーション)を使っていこうと考えている。これは合理性における重要な側面のひとつである。本研究の一部でもあるように、我々は何千名もの較正を計測した。おもしろいことに、あなたもこの演習に参加することができる。そして、他人とどう違うのかくらべることができるのだ。 (p.2)


Keith Stanovich, a professor of applied psychology at the University of Toronto, distinguishes between intelligence quotient (IQ) and rationality quotient (RQ). Psychologists measure IQ through specific tests, including the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, and it correlates highly with standardized tests such as the SAT.

IQ measures something real, and it is associated with certain outcomes. For example, thirteen-year-old children who scored in the top decile of the top percent (99.9th percentile) on the math section of the SAT were eighteen times more likely to earn a doctorate degree in math or science than children who scored in the bottom decile of the top percent (99.1st percentile).

RQ is the ability to think rationally and, as a consequence, to make good decisions. Whereas we generally think of intelligence and rationality as going together, Stanovich's work shows that the correlation coefficient between IQ and RQ is relatively low at .20 to .35. IQ tests are not designed to capture the thinking that leads to judicious decisions.

Stanovich laments that almost all societies are focused on intelligence when the costs of irrational behavior are so high. But you can pick out the signatures of rational thinking if you are alert to them. According to Stanovich, they include adaptive behavioral acts, efficient behavioral regulation, sensible goal prioritization, reflectivity, and the proper treatment of evidence.

Your SAT scores shed little light on any of these qualities. So the first lesson in assessing your own decisions or those of others is to consider IQ and RQ separately. Warren Buffett, chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) of Berkshire Hathaway, equates IQ to the horsepower of an engine and RQ to the output. We all know people who are high on IQ but average or low on RQ. Their efficiency is poor. There are others without dazzling IQs but who consistently make sound decisions. They are highly efficient.

Warren Buffett has plenty of horsepower and output. But when asked about his success, Buffett emphasized that it was RQ that made the big difference, not IQ:

How I got here is pretty simple in my case. It's not IQ, I'm sure you'll be glad to hear. The big thing is rationality. I always look at IQ and talent as representing the horsepower of the motor, but that the output - the efficiency with which that motor works - depends on rationality. A lot of people start out with 400-horsepower motors but only get a hundred horsepower of output. It's way better to have a 200-horsepower motor and get it all into output.

Stanovich's psychological research supports Buffett's observation. While there is not yet a comprehensive test to measure RQ - Stanovich is working on it - we will look at calibration, one of the important facets of rationality. As part of this research, we measured the calibration of thousands of people. And part of the fun is that you, too, can participate in the exercise and see how you stack up versus others.



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今回から始まるこのシリーズでは、チャーリー・マンガーの講演などを収録した『Poor Charlie's Almanack』から講演その10(Talk Ten)を全訳でご紹介します。南カリフォルニア大学のロースクールを卒業する学生に向けた祝辞ですので、ハーバード・ロースクールを卒業して弁護士として活躍していたチャーリーにはもってこいの聴衆です。


Charlie Munger – USC Law Commencement Speech (genius.com)





USC Gould School of Law Commencement Address
The University of Southern California
May 13, 2007

Well, no doubt many of you are wondering why the speaker is so old. (Audience laughs.) Well, the answer is obvious: He hasn't died yet. (Audience laughs.) And why was this speaker chosen? Well I don't know that. I'd like to think that the development department had nothing to do with it.

Whatever the reason, I think it's fitting that I'm speaking here because I see a crowd of older people in the rear, not wearing robes. And I know, from having educated an army of descendants, who it is that really deserves a lot of the honors that are being given today to the robe-wearing students in front. The sacrifice, and the wisdom, and the value transfer, that come from one generation to the next should always be appreciated. I also take pleasure from this sea of Asian faces to my left. All my life I have admired Confucius. I like the idea of "filial piety", of ideas that are taught and duties that come naturally, that should be passed onto the next generation. You people who don't think there's anything in this idea, please note how fast these Asian people are rising in American life. I think they have something.

All right, I've scratched out a few notes, and I'm going to try and just give an account of certain ideas and attitudes that have worked well for me. I don't claim that they're perfect for everybody. But I think many of them contain universal values and many of them are "can't fail" ideas.



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SHAREHOLDER LETTER 2001 [PDF] (Berkshire Hathaway)




We made few changes in our portfolio during 2001. As a group, our larger holdings have performed poorly in the last few years, some because of disappointing operating results. Charlie and I still like the basic businesses of all the companies we own. But we do not believe Berkshire's equity holdings as a group are undervalued.

Our restrained enthusiasm for these securities is matched by decidedly lukewarm feelings about the prospects for stocks in general over the next decade or so. I expressed my views about equity returns in a speech I gave at an Allen and Company meeting in July (which was a follow-up to a similar presentation I had made two years earlier) and an edited version of my comments appeared in a December 10th Fortune article. I'm enclosing a copy of that article. You can also view the Fortune version of my 1999 talk at our website www.berkshirehathaway.com.

Charlie and I believe that American business will do fine over time but think that today's equity prices presage only moderate returns for investors. The market outperformed business for a very long period, and that phenomenon had to end. A market that no more than parallels business progress, however, is likely to leave many investors disappointed, particularly those relatively new to the game.

さて、ウォーレンが予想した当時(2002年初)から現在(2015年初)までのS&P500指数の上昇率をくらべてみます。Google Financeのデータによれば、2002年初の指数は1148、2015年初は2059でした。この間の上昇率は約80%、年率にすると約4.63%です。

S&P500のチャート; 2002年初から2014年末まで

一方、13年間でのインフレ率は年率2.2%程度と算出できます(参考サイト)。またS&P500指数に連動するファンドに投資すると、配当利回りは基本的にインフレ率と相殺される程度におさまるようです(参考サイト)。つまりS&P500に投資した場合の実質リターンは、さきに示したように年率5%を超えない水準だったと言えます。10年先を予想したウォーレンは「平凡なリターン(moderate returns)」と書きましたが、現時点から振りかえれば絶妙な見通しだったように感じます。




0 件のコメント:

新たな高い水準に達したまま進んでいるかにみえる米国企業の利益率ですが、ここでも数字が落ちずにとどまり続ける状況について触れておきます。これまでに、新たなストック・オプション文化によって生じた相互作用のことを論じてきました。自社株買いが高い水準で実施され、そのことが資本投資の水準や経済の成長をどれだけ減じているかについてです。そう、ここでも別の裁定が長々と働く姿がみてとれます。まるで心臓周辺の主要な動脈が閉塞することで、いくつもの微小な動脈を次第に拡張させていくかのようです。つまりはこうです。より長期的な視野に立ち、積極的に拡大をはかる非公開企業は、市場シェアを拡大させていくでしょう。おなじように、プライベート・エクイティーも長期的な優位性を拡大していくと思います。彼らは公開企業よりも多額の資本をすでに投資しているからです。同様にベンチャー・キャピタルも、公開企業に多くをさらわれていたとき以上の機会を手にするでしょう。しかし、そのように資本家の位置関係がゆっくり遷移するよりも若干速いペースで生じると思われる事態があります。それは、事業家や政治家やおそらくは現実的な経済学者さえも、ストック・オプション文化が現在招いているもの、特に低成長と低生産性に対してますます不満を抱くようになることです。(後略) (PDFファイル23ページ目)

Now, let's go back to the similar stickiness in U.S. profit margins, also bouncing along on a seeming new high plateau. I have discussed the interplay of the new stock option culture with its high level of buybacks and how this has reduced the level of capital spending and growth in the economy. Well, here also there are long-winded alternative arbitrage mechanisms, like a heart with clogged major arteries slowly developing a host of widened minor arteries. Private companies with more focus on the long term and more aggressive expansion will have a growing market share. Private equity will also have an incremental long-term advantage: they are already doing more capital spending than traded companies. Venture capital will also have more opportunities than they had previously, when public companies scooped up more of the opportunities. But perhaps slightly faster than this slow capitalist adjustment, businessmen, politicians, and perhaps even some of the more real-world economists will increasingly complain of the current consequences of the stock option culture, especially low growth and low productivity.



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<質問> おふたりが成功できた理由でいちばん重要だったことはなんですか。

<バフェット> すばらしい先生がいたこと、そして尋常でないほどに集中したことです。このゲームを楽しんできました。すごく楽しかったですから。実のところ、投資はかなり簡単なゲームです。ただし、ある種の感情面で落ち着いていることが必要です。若いころには投資先をさがすために、[四季報のような]銘柄情報誌を通読しました。7歳から19歳のころには、投資に入れ込んでいたものの導きとなる原理原則がありませんでした。そのあとに読んだ本がベン・グレアムの『賢明なる投資家』です。その本には投資における思想が書かれていました。まったくそのとおりでした。それよりも複雑なことはなにもありません。

<マンガー> そのとおり。投資に向いた性格の持ち主には、たやすいゲームですよ。しかし他人より賢くやれることで財産を築く人生だとしたら、それだけではないですね。もっと他にもやるべきです。

<バフェット> そうです。バークシャーを経営するのは、投資をするだけよりもずっと楽しいものです。バークシャーをやってきて、すごくよかったです。

<マンガー> 自分の資金をうまく投資できるのなら、他のこともどんどんやったほうがいいですよ。




When asked what the most important reason for their success was, Buffett attributed it to a great teacher and exceptional focus. He also enjoyed the game which was enormously fun. Investing is actually a pretty easy game, but it does require a certain emotional stability. Buffett went through stock manuals when he was young searching for investments. Between ages 7 and 19, he had enthusiasm for investing but not guiding principles. Then he read The Intelligent investor by Ben Graham, which described an investment philosophy that made total sense. It wasn't more complicated than that.

Charlie agreed that investing is an easy game if someone has the temperament for it. If you amass a fortune in life by being shrewder than others, it's not enough in life.

Buffett agreed and said running Berkshire has been far more fun than just an investment. Managing Berkshire is incredibly more satisfying.

Charlie said, "If you're good at investing your own money, I hope you move on and do more."

Charlie said he had an unfortunate channeling device into the investment world when he realized he was never going to succeed as a movie star or actor. His grandfather provided him with the idea that your main duty is to become as rational as you can be. Since he was good at that and no good at anything else, he was steered into something that worked well for him. Confucius said we owe a moral duty to rationality, which is why Charlie likes Confucius. He had the same idea years ago. Berkshire is a temple of rationality.

Charlie said, "If you have ignorance and keep it, it's dishonorable to stay stupider than you have to be. You have to be generous where it's crazy not to be."



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Ten Quick Topics to Ruin Your Summer [PDF] (GMO Quarterly Letter 2Q 2015)

7. 民主主義と資本主義における欠陥について考えてみる





7. Trying to understand deficiencies in democracy and capitalism


"The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence." [Emphasis added.] This is the killer conclusion of a paper last fall by Gilens and Page. Based on the study of almost 1,800 policy issues for which income breakdowns were available, and defining the "Elite" generously as those above the 90th percentile, it finds that "majoritarian electoral democracy" is largely a thing of the past.

To keep the review of this study short, it is probably only necessary to point out that the average bill in the U.S. Congress has a 31% chance of passing; this chance falls to 30% when the proposed legislation is hated by average citizens and rises to 32% when they love it! In contrast, love from the economic elite, although not absolutely guaranteeing success, raises the chances of its passing to 60%. But when the elite truly detest an issue, it is like passing a death sentence: About 1% of these bills pass!

It would be helpful to know one day whether it is the 1%, the .01%, or only the top 2,000 or so who really drive this data, for it is surely not the top 10%. Other than that, the data speaks for itself: It would seem that "government of the people, by the people, for the people" has indeed, for practical purposes, "perish(ed) from the Earth." Lincoln would no doubt urge us to try to resuscitate it.



0 件のコメント:

<質問> ヨーロッパにとって、ユーロという存在は建設的なものだったのでしょうか、それとも否定的なものでしょうか。またフランスはユーロから脱退すべきでしょうか。

<マンガー> 「通貨ユーロを確立する」という崇高なる目標をヨーロッパは抱いていました。しかしこれほど異なる国家をひとつにするには欠陥のある仕組みでしたね。加わるべきでない国が数ヶ国入っています。フランスが問題なのではありません。大きな試練はギリシャやポルトガルにあるのです。義理の兄弟が軽薄で酔いどれだとしたら、事業のパートナーにできるわけないでしょうが。

<バフェット> まだ数多くの仕事が必要ですが、ヨーロッパがとっていた金融政策は良い考えだったと思います。しかし欠陥があるのでしたら、それに立ち向かう必要があります。合衆国の憲法も、修正された箇所がいくつかあります。ユーロが完璧に設計されていないからと言って、破棄すべきだと責めるのはよくないと思います。この国もカナダと共通の通貨を持つことになるかもしれませんが、そうなればうまくやっていくでしょう。ですが、「地球のこちら側半分における共通通貨」ということにはならないでしょう。実のところ、一貫して規則が適用されるユーロ通貨は望ましいものだと思っています。当初あったユーロの規則を、早い頃に破ったのはドイツとフランスでした。ギリシャではありません。

<マンガー> ユーロに加入する許可を得るために、いくつかの国家に対してバランスシートに虚偽を加える手伝いをしたのは投資銀行でしたね。

<バフェット> もっと団結した金融政策を実施できる道をみつけられれば、ユーロは存続できると思います。しかし現在の形態では続かないでしょう。

<マンガー> 実際私は、けっこうな数になる人たちの感情を逆なでしたことになりますね。

When asked if the Euro has been positive or negative for Europe and whether France should quit the Euro, Charlie said Europe had a noble goal in establishing the Euro, but it's a flawed system to put countries so different together. They have countries in there that shouldn't be there. France is not the problem. The big strains are in Greece and Portugal. He wryly said, "You can't form a business partnership with your frivolous, drunken brother-in-law."

Buffett said European monetary policy was a good idea that still needs a lot of work. If there are flaws, they need to face them. We wrote a Constitution that took a few Amendments. Buffett said he doesn't think the fact that the Euro wasn't perfectly designed should condemn it to being abandoned. We could have had a common currency with Canada. We would have worked it out. However, we couldn't have had a hemisphere-wide currency. Buffett actually thinks it is desirable to have a Euro currency with rules applied consistently. There were rules on the Euro originally that were broken early on by the Germans and French, not the Greeks.

Charlie noted that it was investment banker aided fraud that permitted some countries to come up with the balance sheets to join the Euro.

Buffett said he thinks the Euro can survive, if they can figure out a way to conduct monetary policy with more cohesion. In its present form, it will not work.

Charlie concluded the topic with "I think I've offended enough people."



0 件のコメント:
セス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』から、第8章の価値評価に関するエスコ社の話題がつづきます。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)





Investors in Esco would certainly want to consider alternative scenarios for future operating results. Obviously there was some chance that the company would lose one or more of its contract disputes with the U.S. government. There was some possibility that a widely anticipated reduction in national defense spending would cause the company to lose profitable contracts or fail to receive new ones. There was a chance that the newly independent company, smaller than most of its competitors, would face difficulties in trying to operate apart from Emerson.

Alternatively, there was some prospect that Esco would either win both of its contract disputes outright or settle with the government on acceptable terms. Indeed, the new top management would likely wish to start afresh, putting past difficulties behind them. (The disputes were, in fact, tentatively settled within months of the spinoff on terms favorable to Esco.) Further, new management expressed its intention to maximize cash flow rather than sales; new contracts would be accepted on the basis of low-risk profitability rather than prestige or the desire to achieve revenue growth. Thus it was not unreasonable to think that earnings would grow over time as unprofitable contracts were concluded and profitable contracts added.

Investors would want to consider other valuation methods in addition to NPV. The private-market value method, however, was not applicable in the case of Esco because there had been few recent business transactions involving sizable defense companies. Even if there had been, Esco's pending contract disputes would put a damper on anyone's enthusiasm to buy all of Esco except at an extreme bargain price. Indeed Esco had been put up for sale prior to spinoff, and no buyers emerged at prices acceptable to Emerson.

Conversely Emerson had only four years earlier paid $190 million for Hazeltine, which comprised only a fraction of Esco's business at the time of spinoff. At a takeover multiple even close to that of the Hazeltine transaction, all of Esco would be worth many times its prevailing stock market price, with Hazeltine alone worth $15 per Esco share.



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Charlie Munger's 2015 Daily Journal Annual Meeting - Part 3 (Forbes)

<質問> オーストラリアのシドニーから参りました。チャーリー、リー・クアンユーの話に戻りたいのですが、彼がシンガポール政府で築いた文化が、現在あるいは将来において維持される可能性はどれぐらいでしょうか。

<マンガー> あの国はうまくやっていますよ。リー・クアンユーは昔のやりかたを変えました。腐敗を排除するとともに、それが生じにくいように変えたのです。かなりの額の報酬を与えることになりました。ですから、シンガポールでは盗みをして得をする理由がありません。議会や上級の政府役人は、たとえば相当な報酬を得ていますし、尊敬も集めています。


<質問> 彼のご子息や前任者が起こした変化はどうですか。たとえばシンガポールにもカジノが許可されましたが。

<マンガー> それはおぞましいですね。ほかの通常のビジネスとくらべて、カジノの経営は大いに儲かります。在庫はいらないうえに、紙幣を印刷する認可を得ているようなものですから、その誘惑に逆らえないのです。だから彼としては、カジノでは外国人だけがプレーできるようにしたわけですよ。自国民を堕落させたくなかったのですね。私は悪魔と褥を共にしたいとは思いません。しかし、カジノを許可するとなった時には、すでにクアンユーは実権を握っていませんでした。彼がもっと若ければそうしなかった、と思いたいですね。



Q: Charlie, I'm here from Sydney, Australia. I'd like to just come back to Lee Kuan Yew. What are the chances of that culture continuing with the current government and future governments of Singapore?

Mr. Munger: They're pretty good. Lee Kuan Yew left a base, eliminated the corruption, made it hard to get in, and paid the people a lot. There's no real incentive to steal in Singapore. Either in Parliament or as an advanced government administrator, you get paid very well, and you're admired, and so forth.

I think what he's left in Singapore will continue to do very well. But of course, he rose when he was doing it and China wasn't. Now Singapore has to compete with China. China makes it harder.

Q: What about the changes since his son or predecessor came in, for example, allowing casinos to come into Singapore…

Mr. Munger: I would have hated that. You make so much money running a casino, compared to any normal human business. There are no inventories, it's like having license to print money, and people just can't stand the temptation. So, he organized a casino business. Only foreigners can play; he didn't want to ruin the locals. I would not have slept with the devil that much. But Yew was no longer really in power when that happened. If he'd still been young, I'd like to think he would not have done that.

I do not consider it desirable in the United States that we've created casinos and lotteries everywhere. That was not a desirable development in an advanced civilization, and the damn politicians that solve their short-term problems by bringing in this poison deserve to be in the lowest circle of hell. That means that I'm consigning practically all of them, since practically all of them have done it. I can hardly find a place where they aren't putting in new casinos. And the advertising on TV is happy people winning at the table.


Talk about false advertising! You should look at the desperate faces of people trying to get even at the table. Imagine making your living putting those kinds of images on television.



0 件のコメント:

Warren Buffett revealed this 'great philosophy of life' in a letter to a hedge fund manager (Business Insider)











November 23, 2007

Dear Lee,

I don't think you could have picked two better subjects. Henry is a manager that all investors, CEOs, would-be CEOs, and MBA students should study. In the end, it was 100% rational and there are very few CEOs about whom I can make that statement.

The stock-repurchase situation is fascinating to me. That's because the answer is so simple. You do it when you are buying dollar bills at clear cut and significant discount and only then.

As a general observation I would say that most companies that repurchased shares 30 years ago were doing it for the right reasons, and most companies doing it now are wrong when doing so. Time after time, I see managers who are attempting to be fashionable or subconsciously hoping to support their stock. Loews is a great example of a company that's always repurchased shares for the right reasons. I could give examples of the reverse, but I follow the dictum praise by name, criticize by category.

Best regards


"And I showed that letter to my two sons," Cooperman told Ritholtz. "And it's a great philosophy of life. You never see Warren criticize any one individual in public. But he might criticize investment bankers. He might criticize hedge funds. But he doesn't go after anyone. And that's a good philosophy of life, in my opinion."





0 件のコメント:

<質問> 『国富論』を読んだことで何を学びましたか。

<バフェット> 経済学について学びました。ビル・ゲイツが初版本をくれたのです。アダム・スミスやケインズやリカードの本、それから『投資家のヨットはどこにある?』からはたくさんの知恵が得られます。

<マンガー> アダム・スミス[の思想]は実に持ちこたえてきましたね。彼は史上もっとも賢明だった人間の一人ですよ。資本システムが持つ生産的な威力を見せてくれました。共産主義があれほど見事に失敗したことで、彼の教えが十分に納得できたと思います。

<バフェット> 資本主義の持つ力によって生産性は向上してきました。つまり他人には彼らのいちばん得意なことをやってもらい、自分は自分のいちばん得意なことに集中するという考えです。自分にとって最も成果を発揮できる領域で働いたほうが良いわけです。

<マンガー> そうですよ。ウォーレンも自分の内臓の手術を、自分ではやらなかったのですから。

When asked what he learned from reading Wealth of Nations, Buffett said he learned economics from it. Bill Gates gave Buffett an original copy of the book. Buffett said if you read Adam Smith, Keynes, Ricardo, and “Where Are the Customers' Yachts,” you will have a lot of wisdom.

Charlie added that Adam Smith has really worn well. He is one of the wisest people that ever came along. He demonstrated the productive power of the capital system. The lesson was really learned when communism failed so spectacularly.

Buffett agreed saying the power of capitalism has improved productivity. The idea is that you let other people do what they do best at and stick to what you're best at. You should work in the field that is most productive for you.

Charlie agreed by noting that Buffett did not do his own bowel surgery.



2 件のコメント:

<質問> 近年になって金融経済学者が、高収益で質の高い企業はそうでない企業よりも良い投資先であることを再発見しています。彼らはそのアイデアがどこからきたのか見いだそうとしたところ、バフェットにたどりつきました。そしてバフェットの示した人があなたです。しかしあなたは弁護士だった1950年代や1960年代初期に見抜いておられましたが、そのアイデアにはどうやって到達したのですか。当時のあなたは、まだチャーリー・マンガーではなかったのですから(笑)。

<マンガー> 少しでも常識があれば、他社よりもうまくやっている企業があることはだれにだってわかりますよ。ところがそういった企業には資産や利益などと比較して高い値段が付けられているときます。それでむずかしくなるわけです。だから、このゲームが楽しくなっているわけですね。「他社よりも良い会社はどこなのか」、それをみつけるだけならば、おバカさんでも大儲けできるはずです。しかし価格が上昇し続けることで勝率も変化します。




Q (Phil DeMuth): Financial economists in recent years have rediscovered that highly profitable, high quality companies are better investments than other companies. They try to figure out where this idea came from, it takes them back to Buffett, and then Buffett points to Munger. But this is an insight you had in the 1950s, or maybe the early 1960s, when you were an attorney. How did you come upon this idea? You weren't even Charlie Munger then.


Mr. Munger: Everybody with any sense at all knows that some companies are better than others. What makes it difficult is they sell at higher prices in relation to assets, and earnings and so forth, and that takes the fun out of the game. If all you had to do was figure out which companies were better than others, an idiot could make a lot of money. But they keep raising the prices to where the odds change.

I always knew that. They were teaching my colleagues that the stock market was so efficient that nobody could beat it. But I knew people who beat the pari mutuel system in Omaha by knowing more about horses than other people. I knew it was bull. When I was young I never went near a business school so I didn't get polluted by the craziness.


I never believed it. I never believed there was a talking snake in the Garden of Eden. I had a gift for recognizing twaddle, and there's nothing remarkable about it. I don't have any wonderful insights that other people don't have. I just avoided idiocy slightly more consistently than others.

Other people are trying to be smart; all I'm trying to be is non-idiotic. I've found that's all you have to do to get ahead in life, be non-idiotic and live a long time. It's harder to be non-idiotic than most people think.



0 件のコメント:
毎度ながら少し間隔があきましたが、マネー・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』、第8章の価値評価に関する話題のつづきです。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)








The first step in valuing Esco in October 1990 was to try to understand its business results: earnings and cash flow. Esco's future earnings were particularly difficult to forecast, especially because in each of the preceding two years the company had taken significant nonrecurring charges. An analyst at Bear Steams estimated break-even earnings for fiscal year 1991. This estimate was after the deduction of a newly instituted charge of $7.4 million, payable by Esco to Emerson each year from 1991 to 1995, for guaranteeing outstanding defense contracts. Although this charge would have the effect of reducing reported earnings for five years, it was not a true business expense but rather more of an extraordinary item.

Another ongoing depressant to earnings was Esco's approximately $5 million per year charge for nondeductible goodwill amortization resulting from the Hazeltine acquisition. Since goodwill is a noncash expense, free cash flow from this source alone was $5 million, or forty-five cents per share.

In order to value Esco using NPV analysis, investors would need to forecast Esco's likely future cash flows. Goodwill amortization of forty-five cents a year, as stated, was free cash. Beginning in 1996 there would be an additional forty-five cents of after-tax earnings per year as the $7.4 million guaranty fee ended. Investors would have to make some assumptions regarding future earnings.

One reasonable assumption, perhaps the most likely case, was that earnings, currently zero, would gradually increase over time. Unprofitable contracts would eventually be completed, and interest would be earned on accumulated cash flow. An alternative possibility was that results would remain at current depressed levels indefinitely.

In addition to predicting future earnings, investors would also need to estimate Esco's future cash investment or disinvestment in its business in order to assess its cash flow. Depreciation in recent years had approximated capital spending, for example, and assuming it would do so in the future seemed a conservative assumption. Also, working capital tied up in currently unprofitable contracts would eventually be freed for other corporate uses, but the timing of this was uncertain. Were Esco's working capital-to-sales ratio, currently bloated, to move into line with that of comparable defense electronics firms, roughly $80 million in additional cash would become available. To ensure conservatism, however, I chose to project no free cash flow from this source.

What was Esco worth if it never did better than its current depressed level of results? Cash flow would equal forty-five cents per share for five years and ninety cents thereafter when the guaranty payments to Emerson had ceased. The present value of these cash flows is $5.87 and $4.70 per share, calculated at 12 percent and 15 percent discount rates, respectively, which themselves reflect considerable uncertainty. If cash flow proved to be higher, the value would, of course, be greater.

What if Esco managed to increase its free cash flow by just $2.2 million a year, or twenty cents per share, for the next ten years, after which it leveled off? The present value of these flows at 12 percent and 15 percent discount rates is $14.76 and $10.83, respectively. Depending on the assumptions, then, the net present value per share of Esco is conservatively calculated at $4.70 and less pessimistically at $14.76 per share, clearly a wide range but in either case well above the $3 stock price and in no case making highly optimistic assumptions.



0 件のコメント:

<質問> この国の税法はもっと簡素にしたほうがよいのでしょうか。

<バフェット> そうですね。法改正には下院で218票、上院で51票の賛成が必要ですし、さらには大統領が法案に署名する必要があります。企業の長はだれもが現行の税率に不平を言っていますが、GDPに占める企業利益の割合は過去最高に達しています。40年前の法人税はGDPの4%に相当していましたが、現在はおよそ2%です。もっと合理的な税制を実現する能力が議会にはあります。支出額がGDPの21-22%に相当するのであれば、GDPの19%は税収でまかなうべきです。2-3%の赤字であればやっていけます。ところが17兆5千億ドルになる経済から19%分となると、実際のお金の話をしているわけですから、どこからどれだけとるのかで角を突き合わせることになります。


<マンガー> 私の住んでいるカリフォルニア州では譲渡所得税率が13.5%ですよ。とんでもないですね、金持ちはカリフォルニアから逃げ出せと言わんばかりです[それに加えて連邦税率がたとえば20%かかる]。ハワイやフロリダ州はちゃんとわかってますよ。金持ちがあれこれと犯罪をおかすことはないですし、医療費には多額の金を出しますし、公立学校制度には負担をかけません。「金持ちに住み着いてもらって、金を落としてほしい」と考えない州などあるのでしょうかね。カリフォルニア州の税政はひどいものです。しかし連邦税が悪いとはちっとも思いませんね。

<バフェット> 今後1年間のうちに法人税が改正される可能性はかなりあると思います。

When asked if the U.S. needs a simpler tax code, Buffett said it takes 218 members of the House and 51 US Senators to make the change and the President to sign the legislation. Despite current tax rates that all the corporate chieftains complain about, the share of corporate profits to GDP is at a record. Corporate taxes 40 years ago were 4% of GDP and today they are now running about 2%. Buffett thinks Congress is capable of working out something to make the tax code more rational. If spending is 21%-22% of GDP, we should raise 19% of GDP in taxes. We can run a 2%-3% deficit. However, if you take 19% of a $17.5 trillion economy, you're talking real money. How much you get from where is a fight up the line.

In terms of cash parked abroad, companies can bring it back to the U.S., but they will have to pay the corporate tax rate on it. Buffett thinks there can be a much more equitable tax code in terms of corporate tax. However, he would not shed tears on the current corporate tax rate as American businesses are still prospering. Paying 2% of GDP is not an onerous number, when corporations are earning 15% on tangible equity. Equity holders are being treated well, especially in comparison to savers who are only getting 0.25% or 0.5% on CDs.

Charlie added that he lives in California, where there's a 13.5% tax on capital gains. He thinks that's ridiculous as it is driving rich people out of California. Hawaii and Florida have enough sense to know that rich people don't commit a lot of crimes, they make a lot of medical expenditures and they don't burden the public school systems. He asked, "Who the hell doesn't want rich people coming into their state and spending money?" He concluded that California has a stupid tax policy, but he doesn't think the federal tax policy is bad at all.

Buffett said he thinks there is a good chance for corporate tax reform within a year.



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<質問> 最近のことですが、イーロン・マスク氏のインタビュー映像をYouTubeで観ました。「あなたと昼食を共にした」と彼は言っていました。そのときにあなたは、テスラが失敗するありとあらゆる種類の理由を彼に言ったそうですね(笑)。


<マンガー> 自動車業界は非常に厳しいところですよ。競合が激しく、最高のクルマを作ろうとどの会社も考えています。すでにどの企業も巨大で裕福となっています。だからテスラの商売はし烈だと考えるわけです。イーロン・マスクは天才です。あの仕事をやる人物がだれかと問われれば、たぶん彼こそがその人なのでしょう。



Q: I recently watched an Elon Musk interview on YouTube, in which he said he had lunch with you and you had given him all sorts of reasons why Tesla would fail.


Would you be kind enough to educate us why you thought Tesla would fail, and what BYD [ticker: BYDDF] can learn from this?

Mr. Munger: I think the auto business is very difficult, very competitive, and everybody is going to make wonderful cars. Everybody already has enormous size and wealth. So, I regarded it as a tough business. Elon Musk is a genius, and so if anybody has a chance to do it, he probably is the man.

But we have a saying at Berkshire that when a man with a reputation for genius takes on a business with a reputation for tough operating conditions, it's the reputation of the business that's likely to prevail. Without government help, getting electric cars off the ground is really hard. In China, it works a lot better than it does here, because their air is worse.

What Elon Musk really needs is for the whole country to have a disastrous smog attack that kills a lot of people. Short of something terrible like that, I think it's going to be difficult. He's a genius, but is going to have to be.




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Don't Be Surprised - Steven Romick's speech to CFA Society of Chicago [PDF] (FPA)



Since 2008, total U.S. household and financial sector debt declined $3.3 trillion but government debt has increased $6.7 trillion and now represents 22% of total public and private debt, up ten percentage points from 6 years ago.

Since governments own printing presses, they are not bound by the same debt repayment principles as individuals and corporations. I hadn't heard of quantitative easing a decade ago and now central bankers are using that hammer as if everything is a nail. So, the game can be afoot for longer than I care to imagine, with a potential long-term impact of undermining currencies.






We will therefore continue to focus our energies on the search for great businesses at good prices or decent businesses at great prices. We try and keep it simple. I confess that I didn't always operate this way. In my early years, I ended up too much in the weeds. I had to know everything about a company and its industry. I've since learned that knowing less is okay as long as you have identified the one to three things that will drive the company. We believe exactness offers little so we prefer to establish a potential range of outcomes instead. We'd rather be directionally right rather than precisely wrong.

We spend a lot of time asking such questions as: "How does the business work?" "Why does this opportunity exist?" And then, "What if?" Knowing that successful investing is as much about finding winners as it is about avoiding losers, we invert a favorable thesis so as to see it through less rose-colored lenses, all of which hopefully limits negative surprises.

Stocks ask you different questions at different prices. One needs fewer answers at a low price versus a high price. For example, a container ship company priced as if its vessels are worth just scrap value requires only a couple of questions like, "How much cash might be burned before the market rebounds?" and "Can its balance sheet support that?" Whereas if you bought that same container ship company with good current cash flow but day rates are at highs and its stock is trading at two times book value, you'd be far more dependent on the sustainability of the day rate. You'd then have to ask whether or not the management team would spend their free cash flow wisely. In the first case, you'd worry less about their capital allocation decisions because they'd be lacking free cash flow and financial flexibility.

Today, every valuation measure we see points to companies trading on the more expensive side. That means a lot more difficult questions and more of a struggle to find the answers.



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<質問> アメリカン・エキスプレスは、モバイル端末決済による影響や顧客のコストコを失ったなかで、競争上の優位性をどのようにして守っていくのでしょうか。

<バフェット> アメリカン・エキスプレスは多くのイノベーションやさまざまな形の攻撃にさらされていくと思います。同社は非常に特別な企業です。たとえばCEOのケン・シュノールトは変化が起こることを予期して、異なる市場へと会社を導いてきました。またアメックスのカードを持つ人たちからは、大きな支持を集めています。同社へ投資していることにすごく満足しています。株価が下がるのはうれしいですよ。同社が自社株を安く買えますから。

<マンガー> 競争が厳しくなければ、アメックスのことをもう少しうまく好きになれるのですがね。しかしこれが人生というものです。

<バフェット> アメックスが変化に適合してきた歴史は見事なものです。カードの保有者に対して同社は良い印象を確立してきました。数々の挑戦に立ち向かうという点で、非常に迅速ですし、賢明にやっています。同社の15%をわたしたちが保有していて、大いに満足しています。

When asked how American Express will protect its competitive moat given the impact of mobile payments and the loss of Costco as a customer, Buffett said American Express will be subject to lots of innovation and various modes of attack. It's a very special company. Ken Chenault, the CEO, has anticipated changes and guided the company into different markets. There's a lot of loyalty with American Express cardholders. Buffett is very happy with American Express. He is happy when the stock price goes down, so American Express can buy back shares more cheaply.

Charlie added, "I liked American Express a little better when they had less competition, but that is life."

Buffett described Berkshire's history in owning American Express, noting they did wonders for Berkshire back in the 1960s. American Express has an incredible history of adapting to change. They established a better image for cardholders. They are very nimble and very smart in terms of meeting challenges. Buffett concluded, "I'm delighted we own 15% of the company."



2 件のコメント:

<質問> アメリカン・エキスプレスについておうかがいしたいのですが、近年になって同社のmoat[経済的な優位性]が狭まったとお考えですか。

<マンガー> コストコの契約を失ったのはよくなかったと思いますね。資本主義というものがいかに厳しいか、この件ももうひとつの事例です。他のどこかが喜んで安値を提示したにちがいありません。現代の資本主義社会では鉄壁の守りとみられる位置を占めるのがどれだけ厳しいか、まさに示しています。あらゆるものがむずかしくなっていくわけです。


<CEOのジェラルド・ソルツマン氏> はい、そう努めてきました。大変でした。

<マンガー> そうでしょう。それでどうなったかと言えば、縮小しっぱなしです。世の中というのは甘くないですよ。

Q: I'd like to get your thoughts on American Express [AMEX]. Do you think its moat has narrowed recently?

Mr. Munger: I don't think it was desirable that it lost its contract with Costco [COST]. Again, that's an example of what tough capitalism is. Obviously, other people are willing to do it cheaper. It just shows how tough a position that looks impregnable can be in modern capitalism. It's what makes everything difficult.

To those who already have some money, I think that's just the way it is, and American Express has had a long period of very extreme achievement and prosperity. I think they'll have a lot of prosperity in the future, but it doesn't look quite as easy as it once did. Now, the head guy would say it's always been hard, he's been battling hard, but we paddled hard here too, and what good did it do us in Daily Journal's print business? We paddled like crazy, didn't we Gerry?

Mr. Salzman: We tried. It was hard.

Mr. Munger: Yeah, what happened is you just keep receding and receding. Welcome to adult life.


Costco is replacing American Express with Visa and Citi (Business Insider)



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<質問> エネルギー関連の投資、つまりコノコフィリップスやエクソンモービルへの投資で、バークシャーは損失を出しましたか。循環的な事業ですから、エネルギー関連へ今後投資する際にはバークシャー・ハサウェイ・エナジー社(BHE)でCEOをしているグレッグ・アベルが担当したほうがよいのでしょうか。

<バフェット> BHEは社名にエネジーと付いていますが、実際はコノコフィリップスやエクソンとは別の業種です。BHEでは多額の資金を投じる機会を求めていますが、いずれは実現するでしょう。1995年にミッドアメリカン社(BHEの旧社名)に買収をもちかけたときは、1株当たり35ドルを提示しました。「提示金額は変えませんよ」と言ったのですが、その後厳しい交渉が続いて、もう少し出すように要求されました。合意した金額は1株あたり35.05ドルでした。「わたしから最後の1円まで搾り取ったと公言できますね」と言っておきましたよ。現在のBHE社は1株当たり30ドルの利益をあげています。それが35.05ドルになるにはそれほど時間がかからないでしょう。


<マンガー> これほどの低金利ですから、現金で持っておく代わりとしてエクソンモービル株は悪くない投資でしたよ。(p.18)

A shareholder noted that Berkshire has lost money on several energy investments such as ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil. These are cyclical businesses. The shareholder asked whether future energy investments should be done by Greg Abel, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Energy (BHE).

Buffett said BHE has energy in their name, but they are really in a different business than ConocoPhillips or Exxon. BHE is looking for an opportunity to spend big money on energy and will do so in the future. When Buffett offered to buy MidAmerican in 1995 for $35 per share, he told them he didn't change his offer prices. They continued to negotiate hard and said you have to give us something. Buffett agreed to pay $35.05 per share and told them they could say they got the last nickel out of him. Today, BHE earns $30 per share, and it will earn $35.05 per share before too long.

BHE is not at all analogous to the other two energy investments. Berkshire wrote the ConocoPhillips investment down, because auditing rules required them to do so. Berkshire actually made a little money on the investment as well as on ExxonMobil. Berkshire will not very often buy oil and gas stocks and has not distinguished themselves on oil and gas stock investments. Buffett will look at available opportunities and make decisions on buying something and sometimes he will change his mind. Berkshire has made a little money on oil and gas stocks and has passed up one or two other opportunities where they could have made a lot of money.

Charlie added that the ExxonMobil investment was not a bad cash substitute with interest rates so low.


Secret Millionaires Club with Warren Buffett