ラベル 心理学 の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示
ラベル 心理学 の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



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5) 経済学において、総合がほとんどなされていないこと







5) Too Little Synthesis in Economics

My fifth criticism is there is too little synthesis in economics, not only with matter outside traditional economics, but also within economics. I have posed before two different business school classes the following problem. I say, "You have studied supply and demand curves. You have learned that when you raise the price, ordinarily, the volume you can sell goes down, and when you reduce the price, the volume you can sell goes up. Is that right? That's what you've learned?" They all nod yes. And I say, "Now tell me several instances when, if you want the physical volume to go up, the correct answer is to increase the price." And there's this long and ghastly pause. And finally, in each of the two business schools in which I've tried this, maybe one person in fifty could name one instance. They come up with the idea that, under certain circumstances a higher price acts as a rough indicator of quality and thereby increases sales volumes.

This happened in the case of my friend, Bill Ballhaus. When he was head of Beckman Instruments, it produced some complicated product where, if it failed, it caused enormous damage to the purchaser. It wasn't a pump at the bottom of an oil well, but that's a good mental example. And he realized that the reason this thing was selling so poorly, even though it was better than anybody else's product, was because it was priced lower. It made people think it was a low-quality gizmo. So he raised the price by twenty percent or so, and the volume went way up.

But only one in fifty can come up with this sole instance in a modern business school - one of the business schools being Stanford, which is hard to get into. And nobody has yet come up with the main answer that I like. Suppose you raise that price and use the extra money to bribe the other guy's purchasing agent? (Laughter). Is that going to work? And are there functional equivalents in economics - microeconomics - of raising the price and using the extra sales proceeds to drive sales higher? And, of course, there are a zillion, once you've made that mental jump. It's so simple.

One of the most extreme examples is in the investment management field. Suppose you're the manager of a mutual fund, and you want to sell more. People commonly come to the following answer: You raise the commissions, which, of course, reduces the number of units of real investments delivered to the ultimate buyer, so you're increasing the price per unit of real investment that you're selling the ultimate customer. And you're using that extra commission to bribe the customer's purchasing agent. You're bribing the broker to betray his client and put the client's money into the high-commission product. This has worked to produce at least a trillion dollars of mutual fund sales.

This tactic is not an attractive part of human nature, and I want to tell you that I pretty completely avoided it in my life. I don't think it's necessary to spend your life selling what you would never buy. Even though it's legal, I don't think it's a good idea. But you shouldn't accept all my notions because you'll risk becoming unemployable. You shouldn't take my notions unless you're willing to risk being unemployable by all but a few.

I think my experience with my simple question is an example of how little synthesis people get, even in advanced academic settings, considering economic questions. Obvious questions, with such obvious answers. Yet, people take four courses in economics, go to business school, have all these I.Q. points, and write all these essays, but they can't synthesize worth a damn. This failure is not because the professors know all this stuff and they're deliberately withholding it from the students. This failure happens because the professors aren't all that good at this kind of synthesis. They were trained in a different way. I can't remember if it was Keynes or Galbraith who said that economics professors are most economical with ideas. They make a few they learned in graduate school last a lifetime. (Laughter).



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人間と大型の捕食動物の歴史の大半において、わたしたちは間違いなく獲物であり、そのことが数百万年前に進化した脳内の恐怖モジュールを持続させ、人類が進化するにつれてそれはより精巧なものになっていった。わたしたちの系統に捕食者を見つけようとするなら、4本の足とトカゲのような尻尾を持ち、体が鱗に覆われていた時代にさかのぼらなければならないだろう。当時でさえわたしたちは、捕食者であると同時に被食者であったはずだ。3億年にわたってわたしたちは「やめて! 食べないで!」と叫ぶ動物だったのだ。






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経路1と経路2に加えて、もう一つ、対象物に対する情報的反応に関与する、より反射的な別の経路もあるらしい。私はそれを経路3と呼んでいる。経路1と2が「いかに(How)」と「何(What)」の流れだとすれば、経路3は「それで(So What)」の流れと考えることができる。この経路では、目、食べ物、顔の表情、生命のある動き(たとえばだれかの歩きぶりや身ぶり)といった生物学的に突出性のある刺激が、紡錘状回から側頭葉の上側頭溝(STS)と呼ばれる領域に向かい、そこを通って扁桃体に直行する。言いかえれば経路3は、高次の対象認知(と経路2を通して呼び起こされる関連のさまざまなものごと)をバイパスして近道をとり、情動の中核をなす辺縁系への入り口である扁桃体に、すみやかに到達する。この近道はおそらく、生得的であるか後天的に学習されたものであるかにかかわらず、重要度の高い状況に対するすばやい反応を促進するために進化したものと思われる。

扁桃体は過去に貯蔵された記憶や辺縁系のほかの構造体と協同して、あなたが見ているものの情動的な意味や重要性を評価する。それは友だちか、敵か、配偶相手か? 食べ物か、水か、危険か? それともどうということのないものか? もしそれが重要ではないものだったら--ただの丸太や、糸くずや、風に鳴っている木だったら--あなたはそれに対して何も感じず、おそらくそれを無視するだろう。しかしそれが重要なものだったら、ただちに何かを感じる。そしてそれが強い感情だったら、扁桃体から出る信号が視床下部にも流れこむ。視床下部はホルモンの放出を調整しているほかに、自律神経系を活性化させて、摂食、闘争、逃走、求愛など、状況に応じた適切な行動をするための準備態勢をとらせる。そうした自立反応には、心拍数の増加、浅く速い呼吸、発汗など、強い情動をあらわすさまざまな生理的徴候がともなう。人間の場合は扁桃体が前頭葉とも結びついており、それが基本的な情動の混合に微妙な趣(おもむき)を加味するので、単なる怒りや欲望や恐怖だけではなく、傲慢、プライド、警戒、あこがれ、闊達さなども生じる。(p.100)





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<質問1> どうして政府は、ブルックスリー・ボーン[クリントン政権時代の商品先物取引委員会委員長]が発したデリバティブに対する警告に耳を貸さなかったのですか。またあまり改革が進まないのはなぜでしょうか。

<マンガー> ブルックスリー・ボーンにはお仲間がいます。オプション取引所が始まったころに、それはひどい着想だとする意見が出されていました。ウォーレン・バフェットからでした。しかしウォーレンのことなど気に留めませんでしたし、我々のようなその他大勢に対しても同じでした。そこに強力な影響力がある以上、人間の行動の上で完璧を期することはできません。10万ドルもの札ビラが紙吹雪のように宙に舞い、金儲けとギャンブルのうずまく瘴気の中で修道院にいるかのように振る舞えと言っても、それは無理な相談です。世界はそのようには動いていませんし、人の認知がそんなにうまく働くことは期待できません。ですから、人の世の定めを非難しているわけですね。もちろん私も同じように非難してきました。しかし、あなたの指摘は的確です。かくあるべきことがそれほど実現しないのではと感じておられますが、そのとおりだと思います。ものごとが変わるには、こういった悲惨なできごとをもう2回ほど繰り返す必要があるのかもしれません。心躍る考えではないですね。

Question #1: [Why didn't the government listen to the warnings about derivatives from Brooksley Born and why isn't there much reform?]

Munger: Brooksley Born has company. When they brought in the options exchanges there was one letter saying it was a dumb idea -- and it was from Warren Buffett. They didn't pay any attention to him, either. There was a lot of us they didn't pay any attention to. These are powerful forces and in human affairs you can't expect perfection. In a miasma of prosperity and gambling with $100,000 bills floating around like confetti, you can't expect people to behave as if they were in a monastery. That is not the way the world works and you can't expect human cognition to be all that good. So you are just decrying a fact of life. Of course, I have been decrying it in the same way. But you diagnosed it correctly. I think [you are] right when [you] suspect not much that [you] want to happen is going to happen. Maybe we have two more of these messes ahead of us before things change. Not a pleasant thought.

<質問2> 重役より下の職位の人が仕事をする際に、量をこなすのではなく質の高さをめざすよう動機づけるにはどうすればよいでしょうか。

<マンガー> まだ若い人は自分のいる場所に満ちているエートス(過去記事)がなんであれ、それに倣うものです。スタンレー・オニールがトップに座って是が非でも勝たねばとやっていれば(過去記事)、エートスだってひどいものでしょう。単純なことです、その場を占めるエートス全体が、指揮系統をつたってその場の行動を変えるべきです。その手のことをひき起こしたのは強欲ではと思うかもしれませんが、それは言葉が違います。妬みです。妬みが発揮する力は強力です。投資銀行だったら、同業他社が大きくなり、うまくやっているのが我慢ならないものです。500万ドルの年収を稼いでいる人であろうと、やはり我慢できないのです。それが妬みです。モーセの戒律にあるように、隣人のロバをむさぼってはなりません(過去記事)。いにしえのユダヤ人は、羊飼いの世界でさえも妬みがあれこれと問題を起こすことをちゃんとわかっていました。妬みを金融システム全体に放りこみ、祭り上げたり煽り立てれば、そこから瘴気が湧き出してくるでしょう。あとは大混乱が待っています。妬みをある程度避ける方法について、アリストテレスがこう書いています。「結果に差がついたとしても然るべきものであれば、きちんと納得できるであろう」。ですから社会を安定させたいと願う人ならだれでも、あらゆるものをきちんと取り計らう義務があります。ほかのものと釣り合いが取れているとみなされるように、自分が受けとる報酬も含めてですよ。アリストテレスがこの世に生きていたら、きっと不機嫌な年寄りに見えるのではないでしょうか。自分の言ったことが、いまだにちゃんと吸収されていないのですから。

Question #2: [Is there a better way to motivate people who are below the executive level to do a better job getting quality business as opposed to high volume?]

Munger: The younger people are going to adopt to whatever the ethos is that suffuses the place. If you've got a Stanley O'Neal at the top that has to win, the ethos is going to be terrible. It's just that simple. The whole ethos of the place has to change for the behavior of the place [to] change down through the chain of command. By the way, you said it was greed that has caused all this, I think you've used the wrong word. It's envy. Envy is the great driver. One investment bank can't stand some other investment bank being bigger and better. Even though the guy is making $5 million a year, he can't stand it. It's envy. And envy was in the laws of Moses, you couldn't even covet your neighbor's donkey. I mean, those old Jews really knew it would cause a lot of trouble even among sheep herders. So you put it in the whole financial system and make it sacred and feed it so you have an envy driven miasma -- well, of course it's going to be a hell of a mess. The way to avoid envy to some extent was described by Aristotle. He said, ‘People will adjust better if the perceived difference in outcomes in society are perceived as just.' Therefore, everybody that wants to help society be stable should have a duty to arrange everything, including his own compensation, [to] be perceived elsewhere as just. Well, all I can say is that if Aristotle were still alive, he'd be a grumpy old man because his message hasn't fully been assimilated yet.

<質問3> 実行すべきとお考えになっている改革案は何かありますか。

<マンガー> ええ、私が統治者であればですが。この合衆国でリー・クアン・ユー[シンガポールの元首相]の立場にいるのであれば、問題を正す腹案があります。しかし当然ながら、そのような権力を持つ人はだれもいませんし、リー・クアン・ユーがこの国に生まれていたとしても、シンガポールでやったようなことは実現できなかったでしょう。大量の合法的なギャンブルが津々浦々に必要だ、資本を配分する仕組みとしてもっとたくさんカネを呼び込めるように、最高に魅力があってすごい合法ギャンブル(全くもってアホらしい)が必要だとする考えは、すべてが節度を欠いています。私ならば法令を改正して、そういった仕事に就いている人たちは別の仕事をするように強制します。しかし現実はそうはならないでしょう。ですが、わずかな改正ではそれほど大きくは変わりません。これから起きることも、そのちょっとした改正が関の山です。いずれはとんでもない惨事になることは私の目には明らかでした。もちろん、いつそうなるかはわかりませんでしたが。やがてひどいインフレがやってくると思いますが、これもいつになるかはわかりません。先のことでしょうが、結局はそうなると思います。

Question #3: [Is there a specific reform you would urge to be adopted?]

Munger: Well, if I were running the world. If I were the Lee Kuan Yew of the United States, believe me I would know how to fix this. But, of course, nobody has that power, and if Lee Kuan Yew -- if he had been born here, [he] wouldn't have been able to do what he did in Singapore. I think the whole idea that we need massive legalized gambling in every hamlet of the world and that our system of capital allocation ought to have the most attractive and powerful legalized gambling of all sucking in more money -- the whole idea is obscene. I would change the laws so that all these people would have to do something else but that isn't going to happen. I don't think minor tinkering is going to change it all that much. And I think minor tinkering is all you are going to get. I knew we'd have a hell of a mess eventually. I just didn't know when it was coming. I think I know eventually we will have a hell of an inflation mess, but I can't tell you when it is coming. It could be way in the future. But I think eventually you'll have it.




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There are people who have behaved well through this and a lot of them I can see sitting in this room. But what would you suspect with a bunch of people that are supporting a really great school? I mean, these are not the scumbags of the world. And so, all I can say is that this is very serious stuff and what we have all done together at Harvard-Westlake School is to try to create the kind of education that reduces the future nonsense. It is not easy, because very powerful forces of self-interest and subconscious powers of delusion are working against us -- and, of course, we live in a nation with different ethnic groups, different religious groups and so forth. Our civilization is a lot harder [to] manage than say, Denmark or Norway or something -- and always will be. Therefore, we should be doing it better, not worse, and of course, it is just the opposite. We have a worse problem and therefore we are governing it worse. In California, we have carefully created two types of people in the legislature: right-wing nuts and left-wing nuts who hate each other. Every 10 years they get together and each side has two or three decent halfway moderate people and they join together in throwing them out. They identify those six or eight people - 'We don't want any normal people in our legislature' - and they gerrymander them out. This is the largest state in the most important country in the world, and that is the way our legislature works. How many of us are really doing anything about it? It is something.

Well, I have probably gone on long enough about some of the problems that you can see everywhere, and surely they are deep cognitive problems that affect the very smartest people in really major institutions. They are not easy to solve. I should close with are there any hopeful signs? Well, think about that for a minute. When the Chinese government had people starving by the millions, disaster, rebellion and so forth - their ideas weren't working, their troubles were way worse than ours. That is what caused the change in China. The failure prompted the reform. Now, fortunately, they had a system where if the guy at the top got a good idea, he could change things. In our system that is not so simple. But at any rate, failure sometimes does cause significant reform, and lord knows we've had a lot of failure. As nearly as I can tell, we aren't going to get much legislative change.




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Who in the hell would have this kind of accounting that had any sense of all in a [audio unintelligible] civilization? It’s our leading accountants, the people you’d be glad to have marry into your family. And not one of them has the least tinge of shame. They are like Upton Sinclair, they believe what they have to believe to make a living. What the accountants can’t stand is the idea that if you made them do what rationality requires, make this thing realistic - make it a reasonable judgment about what is going to be really collected in the future. What’s really sound here? They sense that plaintiffs’ lawyers will sue them and they really won’t be able to do it. That is unendurable to them. They would rather have the figures all wrong and the figures create the kind of a mess that we’ve had than face reality. On a subconscious level, they just choose the accounting that makes it easy for them to do. It’s like a surgeon once said [at] the Jules Stein Eye Institute [when] I asked him, ‘Why are you doing a totally obsolete cataracts operation?’ This guy was a genius who correctly diagnosed my left eye before it went out for good and he said, ‘Charlie, it’s such a wonderful operation to teach.’ I’m not inventing this story. I mean, if you are really training a bunch of interns, I mean, this was a hell of a wonderful experience and you know how he stopped doing an obsolete cataracts operation at the Jules Stein Eye Institute? When the patients all voted with their feet. That is one of the glories with capitalism. If people are asinine enough, the customers will frequently bring reality to bear by voting with their feet.




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ファンド・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』からの引用です。今回は第3章「成績競争にいそしむ機関投資家、負けるのは顧客」(The Institutional Performance Derby: The Client Is the Loser)からご紹介します。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)


Institutional investors are presumably motivated both by the ongoing challenge of achieving good investment results and by the personal financial success that accrues to participants in a profitable money management business. Unfortunately for investment clients these objectives frequently are at odds. Most money managers are compensated, not according to the results they achieve, but as a percentage of the total assets under management. The incentive is to expand managed assets in order to generate more fees. Yet while a money management business typically becomes more profitable as assets under management increase, good investment performance becomes increasingly difficult. This conflict between the best interests of the money manager and that of the clients is typically resolved in the manager's favor.


The pressure to retain clients exerts a stifling influence on institutional investors. Since clients frequently replace the worst-performing managers (and since money mangers live in fear of this), most managers try to avoid standing apart from the crowd. Those with only average results are considerably less likely to lose accounts than are the worst performers. The result is that most money managers considers mediocre performance acceptable. Although unconventional decisions that prove successful could generate superior investment performance and result in client additions, the risk of mistakes, which would diminish performance and possibly lead to client departures, is usually considered too high.


What is a relative-performance orientation? Relative performance involves measuring investment results, not against absolute standard, but against broad stock market indices, such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average or Standard & Poor's 500 Index, or against other investors' results. Most institutional investors measure their success or failure in terms of relative performance. Money managers motivated to outperform an index or a peer group of managers may lose sight of whether their investments are attractive or even sensible in an absolute sense.

レストランで夕食をとるときに、シェフがいつもよそで食事をとっているような店は選ばないものだ。それと同じで、自分の手料理を口にしないマネー・マネージャーには満足すべきではない。ここで述べておくに値すると思うが、自己資金を顧客の資金と共に投じている機関投資家のマネージャーは、ほとんどいない。そのあやまちのおかげでマネージャーたちは、顧客にとっての最上の利益ではなく 、会社のほうを専心して追求できるようになる。


(Wikipedia "Pont du Gard"より)

You probably would not choose to dine at a restaurant whose chef always ate elsewhere. You should be no more satisfied with a money manager who does not eat his or her own cooking. It is worth noting that few institutional money managers invest their own money along with their clients' funds. The failure to do so frees these managers to singlemindedly pursue their firms', rather than their clients', best interests.

Economist Paul Rosenstein-Rodan has pointed to the "tremble factor" in understanding human motivation. “In the building practices of ancient Rome, when scaffolding was removed from a completed Roman arch, the Roman engineer stood beneath. If the arch came crashing down, he was the first to know. Thus his concern for the quality of the arch was intensely personal, and it is not surprising that so many Roman arches have survived.”



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なお原稿に起こしたものは『Poor Charlie's Almanack』に収録されていますが、インターネット上でもみつかりますので、お急ぎの方はそちらをごらんください(たとえばティルソンのPDFファイル)。


Academic Economics: Strengths and Faults after Considering Interdisciplinary Needs
Herb Kay Undergraduate Lecture
University of California, Santa Barbara
Economics Department, October 3, 2003







I have outlined some remarks in a rough way, and after I'm finished talking from that outline, I'll take questions as long as anybody can endure listening, until they drag me away to wherever else I'm supposed to go. As you might guess, I agreed to do this because the subject of getting the soft sciences so they talk better to each other has been one that has interested me for decades. And, of course, economics is, in many respects, the queen of the soft sciences. It's expected to be better than the rest. It's my view that economics is better at the multidisciplinary stuff than the rest of the soft science. And it's also my view that it's still lousy, and I'd like to discuss this failure in this talk.

As I talk about strengths and weaknesses in academic economics, one interesting fact you are entitled to know is that I never took a course in economics. And with this striking lack of credentials, you may wonder why I have the chutzpah to be up here giving this talk. The answer is I have a black belt in chutzpah. I was born with it. Some people, like some of the women I know, have a black belt in spending. They were born with that. But what they gave me was a black belt in chutzpah.

But, I come from two peculiar strands of experience that may have given me some useful economic insights. One is Berkshire Hathaway, and the other is my personal educational history. Berkshire, of course, has finally gotten interesting. When Warren took over Berkshire, the market capitalization was about $10 million. And forty-something years later, there are not many more shares outstanding now than there were then, and the market capitalization is about a $100 billion, ten thousand for one. And since that has happened, year after year, in kind of a grind-ahead fashion with very few failures, it eventually drew some attention, indicating that maybe Warren and I knew something useful in microeconomics.

For a long time there was a Nobel Prize - winning economist who explained Berkshire Hathaway's success as follows:

First, he said Berkshire beat the market in common stock investing through one sigma of luck because nobody could beat the market except by luck. This hard-form version of efficient market theory was taught in most schools of economics at the time. People were taught that nobody could beat the market. Next, the professor went to two sigmas, and three sigmas, and four sigmas, and when he finally got to six sigmas of luck, people were laughing so hard he stopped doing it.

Then, he reversed the explanation 180 degrees. He said, “No, it was still six sigmas, but it was six sigmas of skill.” Well, this very sad history demonstrates the truth of Benjamin Franklin's observation in Poor Richard's Almanack, "If you would persuade, appeal to interest and not to reason." The man changed his silly view when his incentives made him change it and not before.



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This brings me, at last, to the main purpose of my talk. Large educational implications exist, if my answer to Glotz’s problem is roughly right and you make one more assumption I believe true - that most Ph.D. educators, even psychology professors and business school deans, would not have given the same simple answer I did. And, if I am right in these two ways, this would indicate that our civilization now keeps in place a great many educators who can’t satisfactorily explain Coca-Cola, even in retrospect, and even after watching it closely all their lives. This is not a satisfactory state of affairs.

Moreover - and this result is even more extreme - the brilliant and effect executives who, surrounded by business school and law school graduates, have run the Coca-Cola company with glorious success in recent years, also did not understand elementary psychology well enough to predict and avoid the “New Coke” fiasco, which dangerously threatened their company. That people so talented, surrounded by professional advisers from the best universities, should thus demonstrate a huge gap in their education is also not a satisfactory state of affairs.

Such extreme ignorance, in both the high reaches of academia and the high reaches of business, is a lollapalooza effect of a negative sort, demonstrating grave defects in academia. Because the bad effect is a lollapalooza, we should expect to find intertwined, multiple academic causes. I suspect at least two such causes.

First, academic psychology, while it is admirable and useful as a list of ingenious and important experiments, lacks intradisciplinary synthesis. In particular, not enough attention is given to lollapalooza effects coming from combinations of psychological tendencies. This creates a situation reminding one of a rustic teacher who tries to simplify school work by rounding pi to an even three. And it violates Einstein’s injunction that “everything should be made as simple as possible - but no more simple.” In general, psychology is laid out and misunderstood as electromagnetism would now be misunderstood if physics had produced many brilliant experimenters like Michael Faraday and no grand synthesizer like James Clerk Maxwell.

And, second, there is a truly horrible lack of synthesis blending psychology and other academic subjects. But only an interdisciplinary approach will correctly deal with reality - in academia as with the Coca-Cola company.

In short, academic psychology departments are immensely more important and useful than other academic departments think. And, at the same time, the psychology departments are immensely worse than more of their inhabitants think. It is, of course, normal for self-appraisal to be more positive than external appraisal. Indeed, a problem of this sort may have given you your speaker today. But the size of this psychology-department gap is preposterously large. In fact, the gap is so enormous that one very eminent university (Chicago) simply abolished its psychology department, perhaps with an undisclosed hope of later creating a better vision.

In such a state of affairs, many years ago and with much that was plainly wrong already present, the “New Coke” fiasco occurred, wherein Coke’s executives came to the brink of destroying the most valuable trademark in the world. The academically correct reaction to this immense and well-publicized fiasco would have been the sort of reaction Boeing would display if three of its new airplanes crashed in a single week. After all, product integrity is involved in each case, and the plain educational failure was immense.

But almost no such responsible, Boeing-like reaction has come from academia. Instead academia, by and large, continues in its balkanized way to tolerate psychology professors who mis-teach psychology, non-psychology professors who fail to consider psychological effects obviously crucial in their subject matter, and professional schools that carefully preserve psychological ignorance coming in with each entering class and are proud of their inadequacies.



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When you talk about liberal use of credit, the derivative game was just unbelievable. The things people would agree to, thinking they were making money. For sure, they had these corporate finance types who did this work showing from the risk management department, the exposure of the firm. You want to talk about childish, high IQ childish. This is right up there. It’s hard to think of anything much worse. I suppose the eighth husband of Zsa Zsa Gabor or something would be competing for similar honors of cognition.

What they did was, they said, ‘Well, financial outcomes in securities markets must be plottable on a normal curve,’ - [a] so-called Gaussian curve, named for probably the greatest mathematician that ever lived. Gauss must be turning over his grave now with what’s happening. Of course, the math was very helpful because you could come up with numbers and results that would make people feel confident with what they were doing. There was only one trouble with the math: The assumption was wrong. Financial outcomes in securities markets are not plottable. It is not a law of God that outcomes in securities prices will fall over time on a curve and [follow] reality according to Gauss’s curve. Quite the contrary, the tails are way fatter. Warren and I always knew this by doing what might be called Monte Carlo simulation in our heads, just roughly. We could just see it didn’t fit, too many extreme things happened that the math didn’t correctly predict, and so we just thought they were all damn fools. Of course, we never bothered to learn the math. We used to sit at Salomon when they made these presentations in the risk management crowd with all these figures, all the daily trading and the disaster, blah blah blah and so forth. We would just roll eyes at one another that grown men could be doing this. And yet we were only two when the whole culture was into this craziness. People were actually making decisions about how much risk to take, based on the application of correct math, based on an assumption that wasn’t true. And by the way, people gradually knew it wasn’t true. But by that time they had gotten so enculturated in the math and they were so good at it they couldn’t give it up. It’s like a friend of mine who said he couldn’t give up the Catholic Church, he’s too invested in it. You know he’s 75 years old. We all get that way with our best-loved ideas, and it happens to people who get ideas about risk management. So there was just a lot of serious irrationality.




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We must next consider the Pavlovian conditioning we must also use. In Pavlovian conditioning, powerful effects come from mere association. The neural system of Pavlov's dog causes it to salivate at the bell it can't eat. And the brain of man yearns for the type of beverage held by the pretty woman he can't have. And so, Glotz, we must use every sort of decent, honorable Pavlovian conditioning we can think of. For as long as we are in business, our beverage and its promotion must be associated in consumer minds with all other things consumers like or admire.

Such extensive Pavlovian conditioning will cost a lot of money, particularly for advertising. We will spend big money as far ahead as we can imagine. But the money will be effectively spent. As we expand fast in our new-beverage market, our competitors will face gross disadvantages of scale in buying advertising to create the Pavlovian conditioning they need. And this outcome, along with other volume-creates-power effects, should help us again and hold at least fifty percent of the new market everywhere. Indeed, provided buyers are scattered, our higher volumes will give us very extreme cost advantages in distribution.

Moreover, Pavlovian effects from mere association will help us choose the flavor, texture, and color of our new beverage. Considering Pavlovian effects, we will have wisely chosen the exotic and expensive-sounding name “Coca-Cola,” instead of a pedestrian name like “Glotz's Sugared, Caffeinated Water.” For similar Pavlovian reasons, it will be wise to have our beverage look pretty much like wine instead of sugared water. And so, we will artificially color our beverage if it comes out clear. And we will carbonate our water, making our product seem like champagne, or some other expensive beverage, while also making its flavor better and imitation harder to arrange for competing products. And, because we are going to attach so many expensive psychological effects to our flavor, that flavor should be different from any other standard flavor so that we maximize difficulties for competitors and give no accidental same-flavor benefit to any existing product.

What else, from the psychology textbook, can help our new business? Well, there is that powerful “monkey-see, monkey-do” aspect of human nature that psychologists often call “social proof.” Social proof, imitative consumption triggered by mere sight of consumption, will not only help induce trial of our beverage. It will also bolster perceived rewards from consumption. We will always take this powerful social-proof factor into accounts as we design advertising and sales promotion and as we forego present profit to enhance present and future consumption. More than with most other products, increased selling power will come from each increase in sales.

We can now see, Glotz, that by combining (1) much Pavlovian conditioning, (2) powerful social-proof effects, and (3) a wonderful-tasting, energy-giving, stimulating, and desirably cold beverage that causes much operant conditioning, we are going to get sales that speed up for a long time by reason of the huge mixture of factors we have chosen. Therefore, we are going to start something like an autocatalytic reaction in chemistry, precisely the sort of mutifactor-triggered lollapalooza effect we need.



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それにもかかわらず大規模な取引ができれば、1株あたりでみた本源的価値を大幅に上昇させる可能性をもたらしてくれます。BNSF[バーリントン・ノーザン・サンタフェ鉄道]がその例です。現在の同社の価値は、無形固定資産控除後簿価[原文はcarrying value]よりも大幅に増加しています。しかし、この買収にかかった資金を配当や自社株買いに使っていたとしたら、ずっと良くない状況だったでしょう。BNSFのような巨額の取引ができることはめったにありませんが、大海にはまだクジラが泳いでいます。




A number of Berkshire shareholders - including some of my good friends - would like Berkshire to pay a cash dividend. It puzzles them that we relish the dividends we receive from most of the stocks that Berkshire owns, but pay out nothing ourselves. So let's examine when dividends do and don't make sense for shareholders.

A profitable company can allocate its earnings in various ways (which are not mutually exclusive). A company's management should first examine reinvestment possibilities offered by its current business - projects to become more efficient, expand territorially, extend and improve product lines or to otherwise widen the economic moat separating the company from its competitors.

I ask the managers of our subsidiaries to unendingly focus on moat-widening opportunities, and they find many that make economic sense. But sometimes our managers misfire. The usual cause of failure is that they start with the answer they want and then work backwards to find a supporting rationale. Of course, the process is subconscious; that's what makes it so dangerous.

Your chairman has not been free of this sin. In Berkshire's 1986 annual report, I described how twenty years of management effort and capital improvements in our original textile business were an exercise in futility. I wanted the business to succeed and wished my way into a series of bad decisions. (I even bought another New England textile company.) But wishing makes dreams come true only in Disney movies; it's poison in business.

Despite such past miscues, our first priority with available funds will always be to examine whether they can be intelligently deployed in our various businesses. Our record $12.1 billion of fixed-asset investments and bolt-on acquisitions in 2012 demonstrate that this is a fertile field for capital allocation at Berkshire. And here we have an advantage: Because we operate in so many areas of the economy, we enjoy a range of choices far wider than that open to most corporations. In deciding what to do, we can water the flowers and skip over the weeds.

Even after we deploy hefty amounts of capital in our current operations, Berkshire will regularly generate a lot of additional cash. Our next step, therefore, is to search for acquisitions unrelated to our current businesses. Here our test is simple: Do Charlie and I think we can effect a transaction that is likely to leave our shareholders wealthier on a per-share basis than they were prior to the acquisition?

I have made plenty of mistakes in acquisitions and will make more. Overall, however, our record is satisfactory, which means that our shareholders are far wealthier today than they would be if the funds we used for acquisitions had instead been devoted to share repurchases or dividends.

But, to use the standard disclaimer, past performance is no guarantee of future results. That's particularly true at Berkshire: Because of our present size, making acquisitions that are both meaningful and sensible is now more difficult than it has been during most of our years.

Nevertheless, a large deal still offers us possibilities to add materially to per-share intrinsic value. BNSF is a case in point: It is now worth considerably more than our carrying value. Had we instead allocated the funds required for this purchase to dividends or repurchases, you and I would have been worse off. Though large transactions of the BNSF kind will be rare, there are still some whales in the ocean.

The third use of funds - repurchases - is sensible for a company when its shares sell at a meaningful discount to conservatively calculated intrinsic value. Indeed, disciplined repurchases are the surest way to use funds intelligently: It's hard to go wrong when you're buying dollar bills for 80¢ or less. We explained our criteria for repurchases in last year's report and, if the opportunity presents itself, we will buy large quantities of our stock. We originally said we would not pay more than 110% of book value, but that proved unrealistic. Therefore, we increased the limit to 120% in December when a large block became available at about 116% of book value.

But never forget: In repurchase decisions, price is all-important. Value is destroyed when purchases are made above intrinsic value. The directors and I believe that continuing shareholders are benefitted in a meaningful way by purchases up to our 120% limit.



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(1) カロリーに代表される、食物としての価値
(2) 感触、味わい、香り。これらは消費者に飲みたいと感じさせる働きをするもので、ダーウィン言うところの自然選択を通じて、人間の神経にあらかじめ組み込まれています。
(3) 砂糖やカフェインが刺激として働くこと
(4) 暑い時には体を冷やし、寒い時には体を温めてくれる効果



The operant conditioning part of our problem is easy to solve. We need only (1) maximize rewards of our beverage's ingestion and (2) minimize possibilities that desired reflexes, once created by us, will be extinguished through operant conditioning by proprietors of competing products.

For operant conditioning rewards, there are only a few categories we will find practical:

(1) Food value in calories or other inputs;
(2) Flavor, texture, and aroma acting as stimuli to consumption under neural preprogramming of man through Darwinian natural selection;
(3) Stimulus, as by sugar or caffeine;
(4) Cooling effect when man is too hot or warming effect when man is too cool.

Wanting a lollapalooza result, we will naturally include rewards in all the categories.

To start out, it is easy to decide to design our beverage for consumption cold. There is much less opportunity, without ingesting beverage, to counteract excessive heat, compared with excessive cold. Moreover, with excessive heat, much liquid must be consumed, and the reverse is not true. It is also easy to decide to include both sugar and caffeine. After all, tea, coffee, and lemonade are already widely consumed. And, it is also clear that we must be fanatic about determining, through trial and error, flavor and other characteristics that will maximize human pleasure while taking in the sugared water and caffeine we will provide. And, to counteract possibilities that desired operant-conditioned reflexes, once created by us, will be extinguished by operant-conditioning-employing competing products, there is also an obvious answer: We will make it a permanent obsession in our company that our beverage, as fast as practicable, will at all times be available everywhere throughout the world. After all, a competing products, if it is never tried, can't act as a reward creating a conflicting habit. Every spouse knows that.



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We have psychology departments with distinguished professors, surely they can teach our young to avoid - the psychology term for this is ‘self-serving bias.’ Surely the psychology department is teaching our children to avoid this. Well, it’s not so. The psychology department is full of people who collect psychology experiments the way a boy collects butterflies. They just like listing them and knowing the other people who collect the butterflies and so forth. Very little synthesis is done from one experiment to another, and if you ask them to synthesize - where you use the findings of psychology against the risks of reality, and through synthesis create a powerful machine that will get the right answer in a complex mess - the psychology professors are not going to help you. In fact, you’d be sort of dropped out of a psychology department if you purported to know a lot of non-psychology and integrate it beautifully with psychology. It goes back to what Whitehead said. He talked about the fatal unconnectedness of academic disciplines. Those bastards feel no duty to master the big ideas in all the disciplines and get synthesis and reality across the disciplines. They are rewarded in their own little shop for being silly and monomaniacal and with their high IQs. They do all this terrible mischief because they don’t know in a functional way what they teach in Psychology 101. The psychology professors who invented and discovered a lot that is very important, they are not really helping the wider civilization all that much. We’re better off having them than not having them [but] in terms of what is the best that can be in academia, it has failed us horribly. With hard science and engineering excepted - [and] I think the cognition of medicine tends to be quite good in the best places and biology also tends to be good - but boy, you get into the rest of the social sciences and you have to be very wary because there is an asininity trying to clobber you up behind every rock.



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Well, I've done enough for economics, let's go on. Corporate finance is beneath contempt. Believing just by buying volatile stocks you make an extra 7 percentage points per annum, I mean those people still believe in the tooth fairy and yet it is taught to the children. On the other hand, the children don't have to work very hard to get there so it's a Mad Hatter's tea party -- but this is the real world as [it] exists. You have these extremely dumb things being done by these smart people. But a lot of them are under big institutional pressure like the poor bastard in the law department who has to face the new Gresham's Law. Of course, that kind of pressure is on all these other people that are doing these dumb things, many in academia. I had a friend who had a child in the economics department at Chicago, very free market orthodox economics, and [the child] didn't believe the markets were quite as perfect as they thought at the University of Chicago and he had to hide his views. There wasn't the slightest chance he could do [audio unintelligible] at the economics department at a really great university unless he pretended to believe twaddle. Of course, employment is full of this sort of thing. Generally, the employment relationship - the need for money - causes more terrible cognition than any other single factor. Upton Sinclair said it best of all. He said, ‘It is very hard to get a man to believe non-X when his way of making a living requires him to believe X.' On a subconscious level, your brain plays tricks on you and you think [that] what is good for the true little me is what you should believe. Of course, it's very hard to deal with since it's not conscious malevolence that's causing the bad cognition -- it's the subconscious reality of the human mind.



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以前とり上げた『Seeking Wisdom』のフィルター6でも、同様のアイデアが使われています(過去記事)。



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Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with 130 IQ
