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ラベル ウォーレン・バフェット の投稿を表示しています。 すべての投稿を表示



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わたしたちも同じようにバークシャーでさらなる効率を求めつづけていますし、官僚主義を忌み嫌っています。しかしながら目標を達成するやりかたは、拡大忌避を謳う方法をとっています。つまり、昔から低コスト志向かつ効率的な経営者によって率いられてきたPCC[プレシジョン・キャストパーツ社]のような企業を買うやりかたです。同社を買収した後にわたしたちがやることと言えば、同社のCEOやその後継者諸氏が、彼らは概してわたしたちと気の合う人たちですが、最大限に効率的な経営をできるような、さらには仕事を通じて最高の喜びを得られるような、そのための環境を作り出すだけです。(このような非干渉的なやりかたをするのは、ある有名なマンガー式の考えを心に留めているからです。その考えとはこうです。「死ぬまでとことん惨めでいたければ、やがて振舞いを変えるつもりの相手と結婚すればまちがいない」) (PDFファイル5ページ目)

Jorge Paulo and his associates could not be better partners. We share with them a passion to buy, build and hold large businesses that satisfy basic needs and desires. We follow different paths, however, in pursuing this goal.

Their method, at which they have been extraordinarily successful, is to buy companies that offer an opportunity for eliminating many unnecessary costs and then - very promptly - to make the moves that will get the job done. Their actions significantly boost productivity, the all-important factor in America's economic growth over the past 240 years. Without more output of desired goods and services per working hour - that's the measure of productivity gains - an economy inevitably stagnates. At much of corporate America, truly major gains in productivity are possible, a fact offering opportunities to Jorge Paulo and his associates.

At Berkshire, we, too, crave efficiency and detest bureaucracy. To achieve our goals, however, we follow an approach emphasizing avoidance of bloat, buying businesses such as PCC that have long been run by cost-conscious and efficient managers. After the purchase, our role is simply to create an environment in which these CEOs - and their eventual successors, who typically are like-minded - can maximize both their managerial effectiveness and the pleasure they derive from their jobs. (With this hands-off style, I am heeding a well-known Mungerism: "If you want to guarantee yourself a lifetime of misery, be sure to marry someone with the intent of changing their behavior.")



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SHAREHOLDER LETTER 2015 [PDF] (Berkshire Hathaway)










It's an election year, and candidates can't stop speaking about our country's problems (which, of course, only they can solve). As a result of this negative drumbeat, many Americans now believe that their children will not live as well as they themselves do.

That view is dead wrong: The babies being born in America today are the luckiest crop in history.

American GDP per capita is now about $56,000. As I mentioned last year that - in real terms - is a staggering six times the amount in 1930, the year I was born, a leap far beyond the wildest dreams of my parents or their contemporaries. U.S. citizens are not intrinsically more intelligent today, nor do they work harder than did Americans in 1930. Rather, they work far more efficiently and thereby produce far more. This all-powerful trend is certain to continue: America's economic magic remains alive and well.

Some commentators bemoan our current 2% per year growth in real GDP - and, yes, we would all like to see a higher rate. But let's do some simple math using the much-lamented 2% figure. That rate, we will see, delivers astounding gains.

America's population is growing about .8% per year (.5% from births minus deaths and .3% from net migration). Thus 2% of overall growth produces about 1.2% of per capita growth. That may not sound impressive. But in a single generation of, say, 25 years, that rate of growth leads to a gain of 34.4% in real GDP per capita. (Compounding's effects produce the excess over the percentage that would result by simply multiplying 25 x 1.2%.) In turn, that 34.4% gain will produce a staggering $19,000 increase in real GDP per capita for the next generation. Were that to be distributed equally, the gain would be $76,000 annually for a family of four. Today's politicians need not shed tears for tomorrow's children.

Indeed, most of today's children are doing well. All families in my upper middle-class neighborhood regularly enjoy a living standard better than that achieved by John D. Rockefeller Sr. at the time of my birth. His unparalleled fortune couldn't buy what we now take for granted, whether the field is - to name just a few - transportation, entertainment, communication or medical services. Rockefeller certainly had power and fame; he could not, however, live as well as my neighbors now do.

Though the pie to be shared by the next generation will be far larger than today's, how it will be divided will remain fiercely contentious. Just as is now the case, there will be struggles for the increased output of goods and services between those people in their productive years and retirees, between the healthy and the infirm, between the inheritors and the Horatio Algers, between investors and workers and, in particular, between those with talents that are valued highly by the marketplace and the equally decent hard-working Americans who lack the skills the market prizes. Clashes of that sort have forever been with us - and will forever continue. Congress will be the battlefield; money and votes will be the weapons. Lobbying will remain a growth industry.

The good news, however, is that even members of the "losing" sides will almost certainly enjoy - as they should - far more goods and services in the future than they have in the past. The quality of their increased bounty will also dramatically improve. Nothing rivals the market system in producing what people want - nor, even more so, in delivering what people don't yet know they want. My parents, when young, could not envision a television set, nor did I, in my 50s, think I needed a personal computer. Both products, once people saw what they could do, quickly revolutionized their lives. I now spend ten hours a week playing bridge online. And, as I write this letter, "search" is invaluable to me. (I'm not ready for Tinder, however.)

For 240 years it's been a terrible mistake to bet against America, and now is no time to start. America's golden goose of commerce and innovation will continue to lay more and larger eggs. America's social security promises will be honored and perhaps made more generous. And, yes, America's kids will live far better than their parents did.



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<質問18> 慈善活動へ関わると発言された後に、ゲイツ財団やお子さんを通じて実現されました。バフェットさんにとって重要な理由が何かあったのでしょうか。

<バフェット> [少し前の質疑で触れた]CNBCは人類が存続する上で最大の脅威だと思いますので、それらを解決することに寄与したいのが一番の想いです。しかしそれを実行するのにふさわしい器を見つけられませんでした。若かった頃には、妻の財団を支援するために基金を設定したことがあります。わたしたちの持っている現金の余剰分を寄付したい、と彼女は望んでいました。しかし、わたしとしては複利の力を失いたくありませんでした。そのとき1ドルを寄付してしまえば、将来寄付できたかもしれない1000ドルをあきらめることになるからです。自分の資金に複利を効かせ続けることが、わたしにとっては本当に重要でした。



それと同じように他の人に対しても、Giving Pledge[ギビング・プレッジ; バフェット等による啓蒙活動]へ参加しませんかと説得してきました。死んだ後に財産の50%超を寄付すると誓いを立てるものです。これまでに127名が誓約してくれましたが、これはすごいことです。そしてマーク・ザッカーバーグが誓約してくれたのは大成功でした。彼であれば、たくさんの若いビリオネアに対して財産を寄付したらどうかと刺激を与えてくれるでしょう。そしてザッカーバーグを敬う彼らも、同じようにしてくれると思います。(おわり)

Question #18: You have expressed a commitment to philanthropy and have done this through the Gates Foundation and your children. Is there a particular cause that is important to you?

Answer #18: I would ideally like to contribute to solving CNBC (Cyber Nuclear Biological Chemical) as I see it as the biggest existential threat to humans, but I have not found an appropriate vehicle to do so. In my early days, I had set up a fund to support my wife's foundation. Although she wanted to donate the excess cash that we had, I didn't want to lose the power of compounding. If I had donated $1 then, I could be giving up a $1000 in potential future donations, so it was really important to me to keep compounding my money.

I would not be efficient at all in doing philanthropy. That's why I outsource it to five foundations including the Gates Foundation and to my kids, who are a lot more passionate about solving world problems. I'd actually prefer to tackle a global issue and fail, than tackle a local one.

Money has no utility to me anymore as I am very happy with what I have but it has enormous utility to others in the world. More possessions to me would actually be a liability than an asset.

I am also trying to persuade more people to join the Giving Pledge, where individuals sign an agreement to donate more than 50% of their wealth after they die. So far, 127 people have signed up which is a great thing. The other day we got Mark Zuckerberg to sign up, which is a huge win for us because he'll go on to inspire many other young billionaires to donate their wealth, as they'll look up to him and do the same thing.



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<質問17> 事業を評価できるには何が必要ですか。

<バフェット> 企業のことをもっともうまく理解するには、まず業界について理解する必要があります。そして、自分が理解している企業や業界にだけ集中することです。自分の土俵の外に出てはいけません。競合に対してその企業はどんな強みを持っているのか、経営陣は優秀か、そしていちばん大切なのはmoat[モート;経済的な掘]が何か、これらを知っておく必要があります。競争相手が何社なのかわからないようでしたら、その会社に投資すべきではありません。コカ・コーラ社のmoatは後味が残らないことですし、鉄道会社のmoatは新設しようがないほど飽和している点です。それが、現在わたしが両業界に投資している理由です。

Question #17: What are the things that you need to be able to value a business?

Answer #17: In order to best understand a company, you first have to understand the industry. Only focus on companies and industries you understand. Don't go outside your circle of competence. You need to know what the strengths of the company are in relation to the competition, if they have a good management team, and most importantly, what the moat is. If you don't know how many competitors the company has, do not invest in the company. Coke's moat is that it has no taste accumulation, and the moat of railroad companies are that no one can build anymore because of saturation. That is why I am currently invested in both industries.



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<質問16> 米国会計基準(GAAP)に準拠しない会計報告を公表する企業が増えています。ソフトウェアのような無形資産は「消耗しない」資産だと正当化することで、無形資産の償却分を純利益へ足し戻しています。以前開催されたバークシャーの年次総会の場で、「EBITDAを利用して会計報告を誇張しようとする企業がある」と指摘されましたが、GAAP非準拠の説明をおこなう風潮についてご意見をうかがえればと存じます。

<バフェット> この風潮はますます産業界特有のものになっています。経営陣は「ある費用は、実際のところ費用ではない」と説きがちですが、この始まりはEBITDA[利払い税引き償却前利益]からでした。減価償却費とは実際に発生する費用にとどまらず、もっとも悪い種類の費用でもあります。前払いする必要があるからですね。つまり工場や設備にかかる金額を前払いして、期間をかけて非現金支出費用として計上するわけです。しかし無形資産の償却費が、必ずしも実態に即した費用[原文はeconomic expense]だとは限りません。その強力な例が、顧客との取引関係[原文はcustomer relations]に関する無形資産です。これは消失するにしても、償却費のように速くはありません。一方、ソフトウェア開発にかかる費用やストック・オプションは実態に即した費用の一種です。企業からの説明で「GAAP非準拠」の話が出てきたら、彼らのしていることを疑ってかかるようにしています。「台所でゴキブリを見かけたら、1匹では済まない」ですから。[関連記事]

Question #16: Increasingly companies are reporting non-GAAP earnings that add amortization of intangible assets back to net earnings using the justification that intangibles such as software are 'non wasting' assets. Given that you have indicated in previous Berkshire annual meetings that companies try to dress up financial statements with EBITDA, could you provide your thoughts on this non-GAAP trend?

Answer #16: This trend is seen to be more industry specific and management usually tries to convince you that some expenses aren't really expenses. It started with EBITDA. Depreciation is not only a real expense but the worst kind of expense because you pay it up front. Your plant and equipment is paid for upfront and companies record this cost over time as a non-cash expense. Amortization however may not always be a real economic expense, a strong example of this is customer relations as it doesn't diminish as fast as amortization if it does at all. Software development costs & stock options however, are a form of economic expense. When I hear companies talking about "Non-GAAP" I am very suspicious of what they do because "there really isn't only one cockroach in the kitchen."



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<質問14> 目の当たりにされた海外の慣行のなかで、米国企業が取り入れたほうがよいと思われるものは何がありますか。

<バフェット> 自分よりも優れた人と取り組むことが大切ですが、企業を経営する上で米国は最高の場所ですので、米国を飛ばす必要はありません。しかし成功した例を知るのは簡単ですが、その成功を繰り返すのは大変です。そして、成功について学ぶのと同じように、失敗について学ぶことも重要です。市場を日々観察していると、総じて非常に興味深く感じます。たとえば2008年の金融危機はまるで驚異的な映画のようでした。どんな結末になるのか、だれにもわからなかったのですね。ところで中国は自国の仕組みを「米国式」に近づけたと感じています。

<質問15> 今後20年間で米国の競争力を高めていくものは何でしょうか。また、そういった強みに対する最大の脅威は何でしょうか。

<バフェット> 今日では利用可能な情報があふれています。これは驚くべきことです。また、この部屋にいるだれもがジョン・D・ロックフェラー[石油王]よりも良い生活を送っていますが、これも大切な事実です。これからの20年間では、今とはくらべられないほど生活水準が向上すると思います。20年前にわたしが歯科医から受けた処置などは思い出したくないほどです。それと同じで、20年後にはだれもが同じように感じるはずです。

しかし、成長には付きまとう問題があります。悪しき者たちが発展による成果を利用すれば、著しく多数の人たちを害することができます。米国の優位性に対する最大の脅威を表現するのに、わたしは頭文字を並べてCNBCと呼んでいます。サイバー、核、生物、化学の4つです[Cyber, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical]。人類に対する最大の脅威は、なんといっても核戦争によるものです。わたしの持つ全資源を投入することでその脅威と効果的に闘えるのであれば、ぜひそうしたいと思います。しかし残念ながら、変化を起こすのに有効的な経路は非常に限られています。

Question #14 What customs have you witnessed overseas that American businesses should adopt?

Answer#14: It is important to play with better players than you. The US is the best place to operate and you don't need to go beyond the US. It is easy to see success but it is more difficult to repeat the success. It is also important to study failure as much as you study success. In general, I find it very interesting to observe the market every day. For instance the 2008 crisis was a great movie and nobody knew how it would end. In my opinion China has changed their system to be more “US like”.

Question#15 What will advance American competitiveness in the next 20 years? What are the biggest threats to that competitiveness?

Answer#15: There is an abundance of information available these days, which is amazing. It's important to realize that everyone in this room is living a better life than John D. Rockefeller. In the next 20 years, we will be living incomparably better lives than we do now. I hesitate to think about the service my dentist provided me 20 years ago. At the same time, I'm sure that in 20 years people will feel the same way.

The drawback of growth, however, is that evil can leverage this progress to harm a significantly greater proportion of the population. I see the biggest threat to American competitiveness as represented by the acronym CNBC, namely Cyber, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical. By far the greatest threat to humanity is that of a Nuclear war. If I could allocate all my resources to effectively combat this threat, I would. Unfortunately there are very few effective channels that could effect this change.



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<質問13> 優れた投資家に共通する気質には、どんなものがありますか。

<バフェット> 抱いている思想にしっかり従うことや、感情に左右されない点です。有能な投資家はデータをもとに行動しますし、投資というゲーム自体を楽しんでいます。自分の好きなことをしている人たちなのです。まさにゲームです。彼らはこのゲームに夢中なのですね。彼らを強く突き動かしているのは、金を稼ぐことよりも自分の考えが正しいかどうかという点です。そして正しかったことによる結果としてお金がついてくるわけです。また精神的な強さも大切です。降参したり、あるいは他人に従いたくなる誘惑は数多くあります。しかし重要なのは自分自身の信念にこだわり続けることです。他人がみんなやっているからといって頭のいい人たちがバカなことに手を出すのを、たくさん見てきました。最後にもうひとつ、才能ある投資家は前向きな考え方をします。過去の成功や失敗にとらわれず、あくまでも将来に目を向けています。歴史を振り返ってみれば、過去には実にひどいことが起こりました。第2次世界大戦もそうですし、南北戦争もありました。それでも、この国はこうして成功しているのですから。

Question #13: What are some common traits of good investors?

Answer#13: A firmly held philosophy and not subject to emotional flow. Good investors are data driven and enjoy the game. These are people doing what they love doing. It really is a game, a game they love. They are driven more by being right than making money, the money is a consequence of being right. Toughness is important. There is a lot of temptation to cave in or follow others but it is important to stick to your own convictions. I have seen so many smart people do dumb things because of what everyone else is doing. Finally good investors are forward looking and don't dwell on either past successes or failures but rather look toward the future. Just look at history to see how bad things have been. We had World War 2 and a Civil War. This Country works!



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<質問12> 2013年にお書きになったエッセイで、米国経済の将来を楽観視しているとされていました。その中でも経済において女性が演じる役割に触れておられましたが、その考えをもう少し説明していただけますか。

<バフェット> 女性や少数民族の人たちが経済に加わる前の頃に(たとえば1920年以前)、アメリカは働ける人の半数だけで大きな成果をあげていました(数十年の間に、一人当たりGDPは6倍になりました)。それでは、働ける人たち全体が労働に参加すれば、どのような類いの成果につながるか想像してみてください。この国は、ここ15-20年の間に正しい方向へと進んできたと思います。わたしの姉妹はわたしと同じだけの知的能力があり、優れた資質をいくつも備えていました。それにも関わらず、彼女たちにはわたしと同じ機会が登場することはなく、わたしと同じ水準の成功を収めることはできませんでした。彼女たちに望まれていたのは良い結婚生活だったのですね。今日であっても改善の余地は残されています。バークシャーの取締役12名のうちで、女性は3名にすぎません。2015年3月5日付けで通算6回目のツイートを送信する予定です。その中で、女性経営者に関する発表をします。

Question #12: In your 2013 essay, you stated that you were optimistic about the future of the US economy, in particular with regard to the role that women play in the economy. Could you expand on your thoughts from that essay?

Answer#12: Before women and minorities were involved in the economy (i.e., pre 1920), America achieved a lot (GDP per capita increased, over a few decades, six times) with only half of its workforce. Imagine the types of gains that could be made using the full workforce. We have moved in the right direction over the past 15-20 years. My sisters have the same intellectual capacity, and have excellent personal attributes, but they never had the same opportunities being born at the same time as me, to reach the same level of success. Instead, they were expected to marry well. Even today there remains room for improvement. Only three of twelve directors at Berkshire are women. On March 5, 2015 I will release my sixth tweet ever which will have to do with an announcement related to female management.



0 件のコメント:

<質問11> ミセスBについてお話しされましたが、昨年度のレターでも私たちのような学生はミセスBから多くを学べると書かれていました。それでは、ミセスBから学べる教訓でなにが上位にくるとお考えですか。

<バフェット> 次のことがどれだけ難しいか、考えてみてください。ひとりの女性が中国北部を歩いて通過し、英語は一言も話せず、16年間かけて古着を売って貯めた2,500ドルから始めて、10億ドルもの価値がある店を築き上げたのですから。そこから学べることがあるのはまちがいないと思います。というのも彼女は何ひとつ発明していませんし、お金もなかったですし、店舗もなければ訓練も受けていなかったのです。それでも彼女は勝利しました。別の例としては、サム・ウォルトン[ウォルマート創業者]もそうです。1960年代末のシアーズ[・ローバック]はシカゴに100店舗をかまえ、クレジットカードを発行した顧客はおそらく2千万人ほど、不動産案件はどれも最初に打診され、利用できる資金は無制限にありました。しかしアーカンソー州でピックアップ・トラック1台から挑戦した人間が、そのシアーズを打ち破ったのです。

チャーリーもそうですが、わたしも好んで伝記を読みます。その際にぜひ知りたいのが「彼らはなぜ成功できたのか、あるいはなぜ失敗したのか」です。失敗につながるABCとして、わたしはシアーズの例をよく挙げます。傲慢、官僚主義、自己満足の3つです[Arrogance, Bureaucracy and Complacency]。シアーズにはそのすべてが揃っていました。築いた組織がすばらしい成功をおさめるようになると、その3つを撃退するために猛烈な努力が必要になります。[参考記事]


Question #11: You mentioned Mrs. B earlier, and in your annual letter last year, you mentioned students like us could learn a lot from Mrs. B - what do you think are the top lessons we can learn from Mrs. B?

Answer #11: Think about how improbable it is that a women walks out of Northern China, can't speak a word of English, and just out of proceeds of that $2,500 that she saved from selling used clothing for 16 years, she built a store worth close to $1B. There must be something to learn from that, because she didn't invent anything. She didn't have any money, store or training. Yet she won. Sam Walton is another example, compared to Sears in the late 1960s - 100 stores in Chicago, probably 20 million credit card customers, first call on every piece of real estate, unlimited financial resources, yet someone with a pick-up truck in Arkansas beat them.

Charlie and I love to read biographies, and what we like to ask is "what makes these people succeed and what makes the ones that fail?" I use Sears as an example to show the ABCs of failure - Arrogance, Bureaucracy and Complacency. And Sears had them all. When you build an organization that has been incredibly successful, you have to work extremely hard to fight off arrogance, bureaucracy and complacency.

One thing that Sam Walton and Mrs. B had in common is they had passion for the business. It isn't about the money, at all. It was about winning. Passion counts enormously; you have to really be doing it because you love the results, rather than the money. When we buy businesses, we are looking for people that will not lose an ounce of passion for the business even after their business is sold. And getting in bed with people like that is what it's all about.



0 件のコメント:

<質問10> 先だってバーガーキングがティムホートンズ社を買収しました。そこでバフェットさんにお聞きしたいのは、米国企業の本社がカナダへと逆移転する事態が今後も継続するのでしょうか。

<バフェット> バークシャーが3Gキャピタルの案件に参画するいちばんの理由は、彼らが好ましくて信頼できる人たちだからです。税金面を考慮しているからではありません。バーガーキングが納めてきた連邦所得税は、多くの場合3千万ドル程度でした。ですが彼らの売上がほぼ120億ドルであることを考えると、タックス・シェルター[租税回避手段]としての便益は無視できる程度です。さらにティムホートンズの売上はバーガーキングの2倍ありますし、その買収がカナダにとって正味で利益があるとカナダ政府に承認してもらう必要がありました。ですから今回の案件は、よくある節税目的の本社移転とは違っていたのです。よく言われますが、今後発生しうる租税回避目的の買収を防ぐために、米国の法人所得税法が改正されて将来の本社移転を防止するようになっても驚きはしません。しかし裕福で影響力のある多くの個人や組織が優遇されたいがためにロビー活動を行うでしょうから、その種の法改正を阻む障害は大きいと思います。

Question #10: Mr. Buffett, given Burger King's recent acquisition of Tim Hortons, can you comment on the potential for US companies to continue inverting into Canada?

Answer #10: The primary reason for Berkshire being involved with 3G Capital was because they are good and trustworthy individuals, not for the tax benefit. The most federal income tax that Burger King has ever paid was approximately $30 million but their earnings are in the neighbourhood of $12 billion so the tax shelter benefits are negligible. Further, given that Tim Hortons earns 2x as much as Burger King and that the Canadian Government had to approve that the acquisition was a net benefit to Canada, this acquisition was not a typical tax inversion. That being said, to prevent further inversions in the future, I would not be surprised if corporate tax law in the United States were changed to prevent these inversions in the foreseeable future. However, as a result of numerous wealthy and influential individuals and organizations lobbying for preferential treatments the obstacles preventing such tax changes are large.



0 件のコメント:

<質問9> 投資家が企業を評価する際に、本来問うべきなのにあまり実行されていない質問とは何でしょうか。

<バフェット> まずは業界中の7,8社を調べて、よくあるデュー・ディリジェンス上の質問を経営陣に投げかけます。また各企業の経営陣には、どの競合企業であれば今後10年間をとおして自分の純資産を喜んで投じたいかを質問します。同じように、競争相手のうちショートしたいのはどの会社かも訊きます。そうすることで、その業界一筋で働いてきた人でも認識できないような業界に関する重要な気づきが得られます。



Question #9: What are questions investors should ask but usually don't when evaluating companies?

Answer #9: Start by looking at 7-8 companies in the industry and ask the management typical due diligence questions. Also, ask the management of each company which competitor they would be willing to put their net worth in for the next 10 years. Then ask which of their competitors they would short. This will provide important insights into the industry that even those who work their whole life in the industry would not realize.

On a personal level, I recommend that people do this with the network of people they know.

Among your friends, who is one person you most want to emulate and who would you want to be least like. You can approach this by thinking about which of your peers you would want to own 10% of for the rest of their lives and which ones you would like to short. Then identify the qualities that make you want to emulate them and try to internalize those qualities. Do the opposite for the friends you would want to short. You are currently still young and can get rid of your bad habits, "The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken".



0 件のコメント:
ウォーレン・バフェットがYahoo Financeのインタビューに応じていました。トランスクリプトも掲載されています。今回引用するのは、米国と中国の将来をくらべた話題です。(日本語は拙訳)

Yahoo Finance Exclusive: What Warren Buffett is most optimistic about



Buffett on U.S. vs China

I think both will be good places. I can’t pick one over the other. I don’t know but the Chinese economy is going to be far ahead of where it is now 20 years from now and the United States economy is going to be far ahead of where it is now 20 years from now. Our children are going to live better than we live. During, in a political season to hear people say your children aren’t going to live as well as you do – that is total 100% nonsense. I mean, even at 2% GDP that’s over 1% per capita and in one generation that means the next generation is going to live 25% better than we live per capita in the United States so both countries have a very, very good future.



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<質問8> ソーシャル・メディアが発展したり、情報が常に入ってくるようになったせいで、学生は腰を落ち着けて考えたり、あなたが過去にやっていたような考えをまとめる力を失いつつあると思います。小説よりもちょっとした情報を好むのが現代です。こういった件を問題だとお考えですか。またこれまで経歴を積まれてきた中で、深い独自の考えをめぐらすことで生まれる影響とはどんなものだったのでしょうか。

<バフェット> 考えることに多くの時間を割けるようになったのも、わたしたちが成功できた上で良かった点です。バークシャーでは会議はないですし、委員会もありません。腰を落ち着けて読み物をする以上に知的な方法はないと考えています。実のところ、わたしとチャーリーはそればかりしているのです。



Question #8: With the rise of social media and constant information it seems students are losing the ability to sit down, think, and formulate their own thoughts like you have in the past. We prefer short bits of information to novels. Can you talk about whether you view this as a problem and the impact that deep and independent thought has had on your career?

Answer #8: A good part of our success is that we spend a lot of time thinking. At Berkshire, we don't have any meetings or committees, and I can think of no better way to become more intelligent than sit down and read. In fact, that's what Charlie and I mostly do.

The teaching of efficient markets produces a disadvantage for students and a big advantage for those who read and try to find value. It personally give me an edge when other people are not paying attention to reading and thinking, and are instead on their phones. It means that I gain knowledge from reading a few 10-K's while others are tweeting what they had for breakfast.

I've seen a lot of change in my lifetime, especially among how people spend their time.



0 件のコメント:

<質問7> 現在の企業統治の状況をどのようにみなしていますか。アクティビスト[物言う投資家]の存在は株主に価値をもたらすのでしょうか。

<バフェット> もしわたしが資産運用者になりたてで、資金を募ることだけを考えていたら、自分はアクティビストだと公言すると思います。すごく流行っていますからね。ですがアクティビスト投資家の数が増えるにつれて、行動を起こす先の企業をみつけるのがむずかしくなります。その一方で、企業における経営陣の自浄作用は失敗しつづけてきました。



Question #7: How would you characterize the state of corporate governance today? Do activist investors bring value to shareholders?

Answer #7: If I were solely interested in attracting money as a new money manager, I would call myself activist investor as they are very popular now. As the numbers of activist investors grow, these managers are having more and more trouble finding companies to be active in. On the other hand, the self-cleansing method of management in companies has continuously failed.

One problem with activist investors is that they are sometimes only looking for a "pop" in the stock, so I personally do not like the short term horizon of some activists and would only back a small handful of activist investors.

The activist phase has not reached its peak yet and will be with us until activist funds stop making money. Wall Street pushes great ideas until they are silly. It is important to remember the limitations of ideas and once there are too many activist investors there will be problems.



3 件のコメント:

<質問5> あなたとマンガーさんは今後50年間の展望を書かれたとのことですが、実のところどうなっていくのでしょうか。

<バフェット> これまでの50年間を通じて、容易に拡張していける事業を買うことに専念してきました。そのように企業を買収したことで、容易に拡張できるものを築けたと信じています。またわたしたちが保有しているのは、妥当な水準で成長することができ、正しい形態や文化を持った事業でもあります。

<質問6> 所得格差[原文はincome inequality]についてどのようにお考えですか。

<バフェット> 所得の平等性[原文はincome equality]はますます悪化すると思います。ですが、「所得格差」という言葉には誤りがあります。平等になることを目指すべきとしているからです。目指すところは機会の平等です。しかし資本主義が発展するほど、下位10%や20%の人はいっそう取り残されていくと感じるでしょう。これは、社会がより専門化してきたからそうなったと言えます。農業の時代だったころには、IQが150の人と80の人で所得の差をみても、ひどくはありませんでした。農作業をする人がほとんどだったからですね。その後、製造業の時代に移って専門化が若干進んだものの、まだ大丈夫でした。そして現在の市場構造は、特定の技能を持った人が有利になっています。たとえばボクシングの場合、TVが登場する前には1回の拳闘試合で最強のボクサーが得ていた金額は6千ドルほどだったでしょう。しかし今やマニー・パッキャオ対フロイド・メイウェザー・ジュニアの試合では、数億ドルになると思います。つまり、まずはTVを発明した人がいましたし、その後にボクシングの試合興行で金を儲ける人がでてきたわけです。



Question 5: Both you and Mr. Munger are writing down your 50-year visions. What are these visions going to be?

Over the past 50 years, we've always focused on buying companies that are scalable. With the companies that we've acquired, we believe we have created something very scalable. We also have the right form, culture and business to grow at a reasonable rate over time.

Question #6: How do you feel about income inequality?

Answer #6: Income equality will get worse but the term income inequality is in itself flawed because implies that equality is something we should aspire to. We should aspire towards equal opportunity. But as capitalism moves forward, the bottom 10% or 20% will find themselves further and further behind. This is because society has become much more specialized. Back in the farming days, the income difference between someone with an IQ of 150 vs. someone with an IQ of 80 would not have been disastrous, since most people could do farm work. Then we moved into manufacturing, a bit more specialized, but still okay. Now the market structure is giving more advantage to people with particular skills. Take the example of boxing. Before the advent of TV, the best boxers may be getting six thousand dollars per fight. Now we have Manny and Mayweather, who will be fighting for hundreds of millions. Someone came along and invented TV, and then someone figured out how to promote the fight and make money.

Another big factor that affects income inequality is the tax code, which is largely skewed to favour the super rich. The top 400 gross income earners based on their tax returns pay less than 20% tax.

So the market system doesn't really address inequality. However, it is the best system that we have.




0 件のコメント:

<質問4> 他人のアイデアを参考にして利益をあげたことはありますか。

<バフェット> 自分のアイデアでやるのが好みです。まずまずの金額で売買されている優れた企業がいいですね。シケモク銘柄に投資して利益をあげることはできます。投資金額が小さければうまくいきますし、以前はもっと効果的でした。けれども、シケモクから事業を築くことはできません(参考記事)。アナリストの分析は読みません。いろんなアイデアが差し出されますが、外部からのアイデアを求めてはいません。自分の得意な領域にとどまっていますから。つまり、魅力的な優れたアイデアにあまり注目が集まっていない様子がたびたび見られても、バークシャーの運用資産[原文はAUM; Assets Under Management]にとって潜在的な投資先とは、かなり狭い世界にとどまることを意味しています。たとえば韓国市場について最近調べたところ、おもしろい機会をいくつか見つけました。



Question#4: Have you ever made money on someone else's ideas?

My preference is for my own ideas. I prefer to find good companies trading at fair prices. You can make money on cigarette butt investing but this works better with small amounts of money and was more effective years ago. You can't build businesses out of cigar butts. I don't read analyst reports and, although I get served up many ideas I don't seek outside ideas. I stay within my circle of competence. Berkshire's AUM means the universe of potential investments is smaller even though good, attractively priced ideas are often poorly covered. For instance, recently I did screening of the Korean market and found a few interesting opportunities.

I used a 1950s (1951) Moody's manual by sector. There was some good stuff in the back on page 1433.Western Insurance was a company that I looked at. It had an EPS of $29 and the high price was $13. Nobody showed me this. So I checked it out with insurance brokers and it checked out OK so I bought into the company.

All in all, I prefer to read "raw" financial reports and talk to industry representatives.



0 件のコメント:

<質問3> 逆張り的なアイデアに対する確信をどのように深めておられますか。リスクをどのようにとらえていますか。

<バフェット> バークシャーではいくつかのフィルターを発展させてきました。提案やアイデアについてプレゼンテーションや評価をしている途中で、その一部がフィルターのどれかにひっかかった場合には、投資に踏み切ることはありません(過去記事)。チャーリーも似たようなフィルターを使っています。案じていることがたくさんあるわけではありません。自分たちが得意とする領域内で、いくつかの点が正しければよいだけです。みなさんが午前中に訪問したネブラスカ・ファニチャー・マートがその好例です。[バークシャーによって買収される際に]ミセスBは現金を受け取ることにしました。株式のことは理解していなかったからですね。大切なのは、自分が何をできるのかを知ることです。今後5年間のうちに自動車業界で支配的な地位を占めるのはどの会社でしょうか。わたしにはわからないので、株を買いません。それよりも、自分の得意領域における単純な物事のほうがいいです。良い意思決定をすれば、自分に怒鳴りかけてくれます。たとえば2008年には、単に資産価格が安かったという理由を恐れるべきではありませんでした。みなさんがおくる投資人生の間に同じようなことが起こって、「金銀小判の雨あられ」となる機会が6回あるかもしれません。


Question#3 How do you develop conviction for contrarian ideas? How do you perceive risk?

Answer#3: At Berkshire we have certain filters that have been developed. If in the course of a presentation or evaluation part of a proposal or of an idea hits a filter then there is no way I will invest. Charlie has similar filters. We don't worry about a lot of things as we only have to be right about a certain number of things - things that are within our circle of competence. A great example is the Nebraska Furniture Mart that you visited this morning. Mrs. B took cash because she didn't understand stocks. It is important to know what I can do. I have no idea which company will dominate in the auto industry in the next 5 years so I don't pick. I prefer simple things in my circle of competence. Good decisions scream at you. For example in 2008 you shouldn't have been afraid just because assets were cheap. In your entire investment lifetime you may have 6 times when this happens and it is 'raining gold'.

With regards to risk, the Berkshire portfolio suffered a 2% loss once and had 1% losses twice in our history. This was all in 1974 and 1975 when we sold assets cheap to buy other assets cheaper. Stocks are riskless if held over a long time frame as you are simply giving up purchasing power now for later. Cash is the risky asset. Risk in stocks is not what the companies will do. Traditional finance teaches that Beta is a measure of risk but volatility isn't risk. Risk is loss of purchasing power. Volatility declines over a long enough timeframe. It is individuals that make investments risky. In our report that is due out tomorrow I talk about how risk needs to be rethought. People think stocks are riskier than bonds, which is not true for a long time horizon.



0 件のコメント:

<質問2> ご自身としての「成功」とは、何を意味するものですか。それによって、ご経歴の歩みはどう変わりましたか。

<バフェット> 「成功とは、自分が望むものを得ること。幸せとは、自分が得られるものを望むこと」という言葉があります。わたしにとっては幸せのほうが大切です。わたしは、金銭面で他人に頼らず独立できることをずっと目標にしていました。つまり自分のために働くことであり、共に働く称賛すべき人たちの仕事を見つけることです。意思決定の流れを指揮する立場につきたいと考えていました。やっていくのに十分な資金ができたのが、25歳のときです。子供が2人いましたが、今日の価値でおよそ2億円強に相当する金額でした。それ以上は、わたしにとって余剰なものです。


Question 2# What is your personal definition of 'success'? How has it changed over the course of your career?

Answer#2: The saying goes that success is about getting what you want, while happiness is about wanting what you get. For myself happiness is more important. My goal was always financial independence; working for myself and finding a job where I admire the people I work with. I was interested in being in a position to control the decision making process. At age 25, I had enough money to live off of. I had two children and the equivalent of roughly $2M in today's money. Everything since then has been surplus.

As you move along in your career, you always want to consider your inner scorecard - how you feel about your own performance and success. You should worry more about how well you perform rather than how well the rest of the world perceives your performance. The success of Berkshire has always been more important than my own personal success in terms of financial returns. The most important takeaway is that you should always try to be a good person.



0 件のコメント:

なお原文は、同校に開設されているThe Ben Graham Centre for Value Investingのサイトに掲載されています。以下のリンク先です。

Notes from the Meeting Dr. George Athanassakos and Ivey MBA and HBA students had with Mr. Warren Buffett [PDF]

(場所: ネブラスカ州オマハ 、日時: 2015年2月27日 午前10時から12時)

<質問1> どのようにして成功者(ふさわしい人)を選ぶのですか。どうすれば、あなたの会社にとってぴったりな人だとわかるのでしょうか。

<バフェット> 称賛に値する人は常にいるはずだと思いますが、その中から当社にふさわしい人を選ぶのは難仕事です。S&P500指数をまちがいなく上回っていくと思われる人を知っていますが、わたしの娘には絶対結婚してほしくない人物です。ですからいちばん肝心なこととして、その人といると友達や家族と同じように気持ちが安らぐことが必要です。彼らが経営する会社を楽しむことも同じです。彼らに対して安らぎを感じるのは、みなさん自身が称賛する性質をその人が持っているからですし、共に歩みたいと考える方向へと進んでいるからです。その人たちは、みなさんがどのような人間になりたいかを表しています。自分自身よりも優れた人だとさえ感じるかもしれません。彼らの友人でありたいと望むときには、彼らの行動や頭の良さを称賛することもあるとは思いますが、人間としてどうかという点で常に判断するものです。そのような人は、一つのことを依頼すると十のことをしてくれます。期待をはるかに超えるのですね。そういった第一級の人物とやっていきたいはずですよ(たとえばウィリアム・ルーアン[投資家]も、そのような最上の人物でした)。

Notes from the Meeting Dr. George Athanassakos and Ivey MBA and HBA students had with Mr. Warren Buffett
Omaha, NB, February 27, 2015, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Question #1: How do you pick winners (the right people)? How do you know they are the right fit for your company?

Answer #1: I believe there are always winners but picking the right winner for my company is a challenge. I know an individual who is definitely going to outperform the S&P but he's the last guy on earth I'd want my daughter to marry. So first and foremost, you have to feel good around them, you must enjoy their company, like a friend or a family member. If you feel good around them, it means they have characteristics you admire and are moving in the direction you want to associate with. These people represent who you'd like to be and you may perceive them even as better than yourself. You can admire their behaviour or intellect but always judge them as a human being if you want to be their friend. These people do 10 things for every 1 thing you ask for; they go above and beyond what you expect of them. You want to associate with first-class people (like William Ruane, one of the classiest individuals).



0 件のコメント:

バフェットが割安に購入した証券から利益が早々に生じることはなかった。彼は市場外で購入しなかったし、それなりの利益が手早く得られる少数売却や相対による売却もしなかった。市場で大量に買い付けたのだ。彼は、市場がまちがっていると単純明快に決めていた。売り手は明瞭に考えていないか、おそらくは明瞭に考えるだけの地位にいない者と見ていた。売り手が売却していた理由は、ワシントン・ポスト社の事業価値とくらべて株価が満額あるいは割高だったからではないのは、ほぼ確かだ。意外に思うだろうが、 この件で彼らとバフェットは同じ意見だったようだ。見解の相違は仮にひとつだけだとすれば、株価が事業価値からどれだけ割り引かれていたか、その差が適切な水準かどうかだった。バフェットはそれを広いものと見ていた。


バフェットはリスクを気にしていなかったのだろうか。もちろん気にかけていたが、短期志向かつ硬直さを強いられた投資家にぴったりのリスクとは違っていた。そのような投資家は株式をバフェットに売るたびに、意図せずして彼をますます裕福にしていたのだ。彼らは短期的な成績を過度に心配し、 顧客も同じように受けとめていると考えていた。今日の大規模な投資信託業者は、まさにそのような投資家と言えるだろう。彼らの世界では相対的に劣った成果をあげることが破滅を意味しており、「長期」という言葉は投資の成果が評価される頻度によって定められている。彼らにとっては「愚か者にみえること」がリスクであって、「実際に愚か者であること」ではない。「だれもが保有している銘柄には大枚払ってもいいところを、保有し損ねること」がリスクであって、「払い過ぎること」ではない。多数の企業を保有する以上、大打撃を受けることよりも、 群衆から離れていくことのほうがますますリスクとなるのだ。

And profiting from his bargain purchases was not an immediate occurrence. Buffett was making no off-market purchase, odd lot or private sale he could immediately flip for sizable gain. He in fact bought very much on the market; he had simply decided that the market was wrong. His view was that the sellers were not thinking clearly, perhaps were not in a position to think clearly. In all probability, they were selling not because they believed the shares were fully priced or overpriced compared with the value of Washington Post as a business. On this they and Buffett may, perhaps surprisingly, have agreed. Their disagreement, if there was one, concerned the level of appropriate discount between share price and business value, a gap that Buffett saw as widening.

It is helpful to note that Buffett did not consider whether Washington Post was a component of a stock-market index, or about to be added to one (ironically, in a sense, since the possible inclusion of Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway in the S&P 500 Index is one of the speculative forces lifting that stock today). He did not weigh the market capitalization of the company or its daily trading volume in his purchase decision. He didn't worry about whether the stock was about to split or pay or omit a dividend. He most certainly did not evaluate the stock's beta or use the capital-asset pricing model or consider whether its purchase would move his portfolio to the efficient frontier. He simply valued the business and bought a piece of it at a sizable discount.

Was Buffett not concerned about risk? Of course he was, but not those risks that were most pertinent to the shorter-term-oriented, more rigidly constrained investors who were unwittingly making him wealthier every time they sold him another share. Those investors, quite like today's big mutual-fund complexes, were disproportionately worried about their short-term investment results and their clients' perception of same. In such a world, relative underperformance is a disaster and the longer term is measured by the frequency with which investment results are evaluated. Risk for them is not being stupid but looking stupid. Risk is not overpaying, but failing to overpay for something everyone else holds. Risk is more about standing apart from the crowd than about getting clobbered, as long as you have a lot of company.