先日ご紹介したバークシャー・ハサウェイの「株主のみなさんへ」では、ウォーレン・バフェットは彼らしい表現でゴールドに対する懐疑的な評価を展開していました。今回ご紹介するのは、マーク・ファーバーによる逆の見解です。引用元の記事はBuy Gold “Right Away” Says Marc Faberです。(日本語は拙訳)
Without saying so, directly, Faber disagrees strongly with Warren Buffett’s recent and controversial negative assessment of gold as an asset. Faber has stated on numerous occasions that investors who own no gold take on enormous risk, including debt defaults and/or currency devaluations, as central banks of the G-7 seek to simultaneously devalue its respective currencies. He believes those risks remain alive and well.
“If you don’t own any gold, I would start buying some right away, keeping in mind that it could go down,” states Faber.
As far as the debate whether gold is in a bubble, Faber doesn’t hold to that thesis. He, on several occasions, has said the signs of a bubble in the gold market aren’t there. So few investors hold any gold, never mind raving about it as a road to riches, as was the case of the Nasdaq and real estate.
"No, gold is not in a bubble. It wasn’t in a bubble in 1973, either, but it still corrected by 40% then," says Faber, referring to the negative sentiment at that time in the gold market after the price sank to nearly $100, from a record high of $200.
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