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I have more than skepticism regarding the orthodox view that huge diversification is a must for those wise enough so that indexation is not the logical mode for equity investment. I think the orthodox view is grossly mistaken.

In the United States, a person or institution with almost all wealth invested long-term, in just three fine domestic corporations, is securely rich. And why should such an owner care if, at any time, most other investors are faring somewhat better or worse? And particularly so when he rationally believes, like Berkshire, that his long-term results will be superior by reason of his lower costs, required emphasis on long-term effects, and concentration in his most preferred choices.

I go even further. I think it can be a rational choice, in some situations, for a family or a foundation to remain ninety percent concentrated in one equity. Indeed, I hope the Mungers follow roughly this course. And I note that the Woodruff foundations have, so far, proven extremely wise to retain an approximately ninety percent concentration in the founder's Coca-Cola stock. It would be interesting to calculate just how all American foundations would have fared if they had never sold a share of founder's stock. Very many, I think, would now be much better off. But, you may say, the diversifiers simply took out insurance against a catastrophe that didn't occur. And I reply: There are worse things than some foundation's losing relative clout in the world, and rich institutions, like rich individuals, should do a lot of self-insurance if they want to maximize long-term results.

Furthermore, all the good in the world is not done by foundation donations. Much more good is done through the ordinary business operations of the corporations in which the foundations invest. And some corporations do much more good than others in a way that gives investors therein better-than-average long-term prospects. And I don't consider it foolish, stupid, evil, or illegal for a foundation to greatly concentrate investment in what it admires or even loves. Indeed, Ben Franklin required just such an investment practice for the charitable endowment created by his will.

One other aspect of Berkshire's equity investment practice deserves comparative mention. So far, there has been almost no direct foreign investment at Berkshire and much foreign investment at foundations.

Regarding this divergent history, I wish to say that I agree with Peter Drucker that the culture and legal systems of the United States are especially favorable to shareholder interests compared to other interests and compared to most other countries. Indeed, there are many other countries where any good going to public shareholders has a very low priority and almost every other constituency stands higher in line. This factor, I think, is underweighed at many investment institutions, probably because it does not easily lead to quantitative thinking using modern financial technique. But some important factor doesn't lose share of force just because some "expert" can better measure other types of force. Generally, I tend to prefer over direct foreign investment Berkshire's practice of participating in foreign economies through the likes of Coca-Cola and Gillette.


2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - (付録)企業年金制度について(5)

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連邦政府とは異なって、事業を営む企業では「定期預金口座」を設ける必要があります。それは年金制度へ適切に資金を用意するために、投資から得られる利益を蓄積したり、ある種の資産運用を行うためのものです。そのため、年金資産に対して資産運用上の決定を下す必要があるわけです。 (p.122)

The Investment Management Problem Inherent in All Pension Plans

Once having committed to provide pensions, how do we pay? The law and prudent business practice mandate that we start putting aside funds on a fairly orderly and consistent basis from which we can fulfill our promises. In this manner we pay the employee currently while he is being productive for the company, and we simultaneously set up a savings account (collectively, not individually) which will accumulate at interest so as to purchase an annuity (not actually "purchased" in most plans, of course, just assured by the pension fund) for him at retirement which will discharge our promise to pay him throughout his non-productive years. Thus, our current cost and current cash requirements (if our estimates are accurate as to what we will earn on the savings account as well as other estimates regarding turnover, salary escalation, longevity, etc.) will reflect his total lifetime employment costs to us spread rather evenly over his productive years.

(This advance funding treatment, matching full current costs against current production, contrasts with the Social Security Plan's program which essentially taxes current producers to pay current non-producers. This simply means moving a portion of current national output of goods and services over from those who produced it to those who are non-producing, and to whom promises have been made. If such a system had been in effect for a very long time, the demographic profile remained fairly constant, the promises remained fairly constant, and there was no inflation, the net effect from such a pay-as-you-go approach would not substantially differ from an advance funding basis. However, these conditions do not exist which may make for various problems - including some that exacerbate inflation and thus have negative fall-out for the economics of private plans.)

Because a business corporation, unlike the Federal government, has to create a "savings account" - an investment accumulating and investment management operation of some sort - to properly fund its pension plan, it must make investment management decisions with respect to pension plan assets.



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<質問> 会計について

<マンガー> 今や会計事務所では(2002年のサーベンズ・オクスリー法や2010年のドッド・フランク法が成立し、当局による規制が実施されたことで)、非常に多くの人間を雇わざるを得なくなりました。ですから必要な新人をまるごと採用するには、基準を下げないといけない状況になったのです。政府は会計士に対して警吏たれと要求しますが、警察官ができるほどに聡明な人はわずかです。会計士に警察をやらせようなどと期待してはいけません。会計事務所は会計士を統率する倫理的な心構えを持つべきです。あらゆる企業は、たとえ完璧に合法だとしても自社にとって相応しくないことは、長々と書き連ねておくべきです。監査役を警吏にしてしまうと、監査上の対立が増すごとに会計士と顧客の間で緊張が高まります。すると多くのことが隠匿され、コストは増加し、結局だれにとっても悪い事態へと進むことになります。

On accounting:

Accounting firms now [in the wake of regulatory requirements under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010] have had to hire so many people that they have had to go way down in the bucket to get all these new employees. The government is asking accountants to be policemen, but the number of people smart enough to be qualified for policing is too low. We shouldn't be expecting accountants to do the policing. Firms should have the ethical gumption to police themselves: Every company ought to have a long list of things that are beneath it even though they are perfectly legal. Every time you increase the antagonism of the audit by making the auditors the policemen, you increase the tension between the accountants and the clients. More things end up getting hidden, costs go up, everyone ends up worse off.

<質問> 新聞業界の凋落について

<マンガー> この国で新聞業界が果たしてきた役割は、まぎれもなく卓越したものでした。言論界は何十年にもわたって、もう一つの政府、それもおよそ優れた規範として機能してきたのです。新聞社を経営していた人たちの多くは、最高の倫理基準を抱き、社会の利益に関する純粋な良識を備えていました。新聞が死にゆく様を目のあたりにして、この社会が迎える将来を案じています。いったい何が新聞の代わりを果たすことになるのか、まだわかりません。しかし、悪くなるのは目に見えています。

On the decline of newspapers:

The role that newspapers played in this country has been absolutely remarkable. The Fourth Estate functioned for decades like another, almost better form of government in which many newspapers were run by people of the highest ethical standards and a genuine sense of the public interest. With newspapers dying, I worry about the future of the republic. We don't know yet what's going to replace them, but we do already know it's going to be bad.

<質問> 資産運用業界で多く見られるばかばかしさについて

<マンガー> 2000年当時の話ですが、ベンチャーキャピタル・ファンドは総額にして10兆円もの資金を集め、インターネット関連の新興企業に注ぎこみました。10兆円ですよ。そうするぐらいなら、最低でも5兆円は桶にでも放り込んで、溶接バーナーで燃やしたほうがマシでしたよ。あれは、手数料で商売している資産運用会社によくある狂ったやり方です。だれもが資産運用のマネージャーをやりたがります。できるだけたくさん資金を集めて、狂ったようにトレードしあって、結局は上前をはねたいのですね。知り合いのある男で非常に頭が良くて有能な投資家がいますが、彼にこう質問したことがあります。「顧客の機関投資家には、どれだけリターンをあげるつもりだと説明しているのかね」。彼が答えました。「20%ですよ」。なんとも呆れました。それが不可能なことを彼は承知しているはずです。しかし彼はこう続けました。「チャーリー、いいですか。もし低い数字を示せば、一銭も投資してくれないのですよ」。資産運用業界というのはイカれてますね。

On the absurdity of much of the money-management industry:

Back in 2000, venture-capital funds raised $100 billion and put it into Internet startups - $100 billion! They would have been better off taking at least $50 billion of it, putting it into bushel baskets and lighting it on fire with an acetylene torch. That's the kind of madness you get with fee-driven investment management. Everyone wants to be an investment manager, raise the maximum amount of money, trade like mad with one another, and then just scrape the fees off the top. I know one guy, he's extremely smart and a very capable investor. I asked him, ‘What returns do you tell your institutional clients you will earn for them?' He said, ‘20%.' I couldn't believe it, because he knows that's impossible. But he said, ‘Charlie, if I gave them a lower number, they wouldn't give me any money to invest!' The investment-management business is insane.

<質問> 機関投資家や個人投資家が行うデリバティブや株式の高速トレードについて

<マンガー> あれでは幼児殺しですね。ラスベガスで店をやっている人が善人に見えますよ。

On rapid trading of derivatives and stocks by institutions and individuals:

It's like the slaughter of the innocents. It makes the people who run Las Vegas seem like good people.



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前々回に取り上げた『好奇心の赴くままに ドーキンス自伝I』から、さらに引用します。最初は、遺伝子同士がどのように相互関連するのか比喩を使って表現した文章です。本ブログでよく取り上げる話題「モデル同士の相互作用」に通じるものがあり、ひとつの見方として参考になると思います(過去記事1, 過去記事2, 過去記事3)。

私の遺伝学のチューターだったロバート・クリードは、変わり者で女性嫌いの唯美主義者、E・B・フォードの生徒であり、フォード自身は偉大なR・A・フィッシャーから大きな影響を受けていて、私たちはみなフォードから、フィッシャーに戻れと教えられた。私はこうしたチューターから、そしてフォード博士自身の講義から、遺伝子は体に及ぼす影響に関しては、原子のように孤立しているのではないことを学んだ。むしろ、一つの遺伝子の効果は、ゲノム内の他の遺伝子から成る「背景」によって条件づけられているのである。つまり、遺伝子は互いの効果を修正しあっているのである。のちに私自身がチューターになったとき、私はこのことを生徒たちに説明するために一つのアナロジーを考えついた。体は、天井に並んだフックに取り付けた無数の紐によってほぼ水平に吊るされた1枚のベッド・シーツの形によって表される。それぞれ1本の紐は1つの遺伝子を表す。遺伝子の突然変異は、天井に取り付けられた紐の張り具合で表される。しかし -- ここがこのアナロジーの重要な部分だが -- 、それぞれの紐は、下に吊るされたシーツに孤立して取り付けられているわけではない。むしろ、それは複雑なあやとりのように、多数の他の紐と絡まり合っている。このことは、どれか1つの紐に絡んでいる他のすべての紐の張り具合にも、あやとり全体に及ぶ一連の連鎖反応によって、同時に変化が起こる。そして結果としてシーツ(体)の形は、各遺伝子がシーツの「自分の」小さな単一の部分に個別に作用することによってではなく、すべての遺伝子の相互作用によって影響を受ける。体は肉屋の各部名称の図のように、対応する特定の遺伝子に「切り分け」できるようなものではない。むしろ、1つの遺伝子が、他の遺伝子との相互作用によって体全体に影響を与えうるのである。この喩え話を精巧にしたいなら、あやとりを横から引っ張ることによる環境的 -- 非遺伝的な -- 影響を取り込めばいい。 (p.246)


アーサーはまた、ガリレオについてけっして忘れられない話をしてくれたが、それはルネサンス科学のどこが新しいかを要約するものだった。ガリレオは一人の学識者に、自分の望遠鏡を通して天文学的現象を見せていた。その紳士は概略、次のようなことを言ったとされる。「先生、あなたの望遠鏡による実演は非常に説得力がありますから、もしアリストテレスが積極的に逆のことを言っているのでなければ、私はあなたを信じます」。現在なら、誰か権威と考えられている人間がただ断言しただけのことのほうが好ましいからと言って、実際の観察によるあるいは実験による証拠を、きっぱりと退けることのできる人間が誰かいれば、きっと驚くだろう -- あるいは驚くべきだ。しかし、これが要点なのだ。変わったのはそこだった。 (p.248)



ときどき思うのだが、学生時代は、十代で無駄に浪費されるにはあまりにももったいない。ひょっとすれば、熱心な教師たちは、ブタの前に真珠を投げる代わりに、生徒たちが真珠の美しさを評価できるだけの大人になるよう教える機会を与えられるべきなのかもしれない。 (p.204)



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第三は、財団が借入れを使わずに証券へ投資することに加えて、以下のいくつかを行う有限責任組合へ投資して補完するやりかたです。初期段階のハイテク企業へ借入れなしで投資すること、借入れを使って企業買収を行うこと、借入れを使って株式の相対価値アービトラージを行うこと、そしてあらゆる証券・デリバティブで借入れを使ったアービトラージ[原文はconvergence trades]やエキゾチックなトレードを行うこと、が考えられます。







There are at least three modern choices:

1. The foundation can both dispense with its consultants and reduce its investment turnover as it changes to indexed investment in equities.

2. The foundation can follow the example of Berkshire Hathaway, and thus get total annual croupier costs below one-tenth of one percent of principal per annum, by investing with virtually total passivity in a very few much-admired domestic corporations. And there is no reason why some outside advice can't be used in this process. All the fee payer has to do is suitably control the high talent in investment counseling organizations so that the servant becomes the useful tool of its master, instead of serving itself under the perverse incentives of a sort of Mad Hatter's Tea Party.

3. The foundation can supplement unleveraged investment in marketable equities with investment in limited partnerships that do some combination of the following: unleveraged investment in high-tech corporations in their infancy; leveraged investments in corporate buy-outs; leveraged relative value trades in equities; and leveraged convergence trades and other exotic trades in all kinds of securities and derivatives.

For the obvious reasons given by purveyors of indexed equities, I think choice (1), indexing, is a wiser choice for the average foundation than what it is now doing in unleveraged equity investment. And particularly so, as its present total croupier costs exceed one percent of principal per annum. Indexing can't work well forever if almost everybody turns to it. But it will work all right for a long time.

Choice (3), investment in fancy limited partnerships, is largely beyond the scope of this talk. I will only say that the Munger Foundation does not so invest and briefly mention two considerations bearing on LBO funds.

The first consideration bearing on LBO funds is that buying one hundred percent of corporations with much financial leverage and two layers of promotional carry (one for the management and one for the general partners in the LBO fund) is no sure thing to outperform equity indexes in the future if equity indexes perform poorly in the future. In substance, a LBO fund is a better way of buying equivalents of marketable equities on margin, and the debt could prove disastrous if future marketable equity performance is bad. And particularly so, if the bad performance comes from generally bad business conditions.

The second consideration is increasing competition for LBO candidates. For instance, if the LBO candidates are good service corporations, General Electric can now buy more than $10 billion worth per year in GE's credit corporation, with one hundred percent debt financing at an interest rate only slightly higher than the U.S. Government is paying. This sort of thing is not ordinary competition, but supercompetition. And there are now very many LBO funds, both large and small, mostly awash in money and with general partners highly incentivized to buy something. In addition, there is increased buying competition from corporations other than GE using some combination of debt and equity.

In short, in the LBO field, there is a buried covariance with marketable equities - toward disaster in generally bad business conditions - and competition is now extreme.

Given time limitation, I can say no more about limited partnerships, one of which I once ran. This leaves for extensive discussion only foundation choice (2), more imitation of the investment practices of Berkshire Hathaway in maintaining marketable equity portfolios with virtually zero turnover and with only a very few stocks chosen. This brings us to the question of how much investment diversification is desirable at foundations.



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進化生物学者リチャード・ドーキンスの自伝『好奇心の赴くままに ドーキンス自伝I』を読みました。出世作『利己的な遺伝子』を読んで以来、彼の著作は少しずつ手にするようにしています。彼の主張や熱情と同じように、情緒ゆたかな文体は濃厚なところがあり、読み手を選ぶかもしれません(わたしは好きです)。今回引用する話題は「学ぶことについて」です。




ノートを取るなという私の忠告は、少しばかり誇張しすぎだ。もし、講師が独創的な考え、あなたに考えさせるような衝撃的なことを言ったのなら、そのときはぜひとも、後でそれについて考える、あるいは何かを探すために、メモを書いておくべきだ。 (p.239)

私はヒトデの配管についての最低限の事実は覚えているが、問題なのは事実ではない。問題は、それを発見するよう私たちに仕向ける方法なのだ。私たちがしたのは、教科書をくわしく勉強するだけではなかった。図書館に行って新旧の書物を調べ、その話題について自分が世界の権威に可能な限り近づくまで、もとの研究論文の軌跡を1週間でたどっていった(現在なら、この作業の多くをインターネットでするだろう)。毎週の個別指導で刺激を与えられる以上、ヒトデの水力学について、あるいはどんな話題についてであれ、単に本を読むだけですむことはないのである。その1週間、私は寝て、食べて、ヒトデの水力学の夢を見ていたことを思いだす。管足が私の瞼の下を行進し、水圧で動く叉棘(さきょく)が探り、海水が朦朧とした私の脳の中を脈動していった。小論文を書くのは心の浄化(カタルシス)であり、このまるまる1週間を正当化するのが、この個別指導なのだ。そしてまた次の週には新しい話題が出され、新しいイメージの祭りが図書館で呼び起こされるだろう。私たちは教育されつつあった……。そして私は、今日自分にいささかでも文才が備わっているとみなされるならば、その大半がこの週ごとに課された訓練の賜(たまもの)であると信じている。 (p.245)


ときどき私は[ドーキンスの母親]、隣のレノックス・ブラウンの農場に伝言を届けに、ボニーと呼ばれていたルビーの持ち馬で送り出された。はじめてその家に行ったとき、ボーイが、メンサヒブと呼んでいた大きな応接間を私に見せてくれた。その部屋は、私が待っているあいだ、輝く日の光を遮るために降ろされた安っぽいカーテンのために暗かったが、突然、私は自分一人ではないことに気づいた。ソファーに体をすっかり伸ばして横たわる一頭の巨大な雌のライオンがいて、私に向かって大きなあくびをしたのだ! 私はほとんど身がすくんでしまった。そのとき、レノックス・ブラウン夫人が入ってきて、ライオンをピシャリと打って、ソファーから押しのけた。私は伝言を渡して家を辞した。 (p.80)



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<質問> 2009年3月に何十億円もの資金を、どのように銀行株へ投入したのか。(参考記事)

<マンガー> ただ資金を注ぎこんだだけですよ。目新しいものは何もありません。あれは40年に一度の好機でした。強みや知識を持つと共に度胸も備わるように、それらをうまく両立させる必要があります。能力に長けていても踏み出す勇気がなければダメですし、度胸は満点でも自分の土俵がわかっていなければ身を亡ぼします。しかし、自分が何を知らないのかよく知るようになるにつれて、度胸があることの価値は増していきます。プロのマネー・マネージャーに大学へ行かせる子供が4人いて、4千万円や1億円などの年収をとっていれば、「度胸があればなあ」とは到底考えない人ばかりでしょう。彼らの気がかりは、自分が生き残ることです。そして生き残るためには、目立つことはしないものです。

On how he sank tens of millions of dollars into bank stocks in March 2009:

We just put the money in. It didn't take any novel thought. It was a once-in-40-year opportunity. You have to strike the right balance between competency or knowledge on the one hand and gumption on the other. Too much competency and no gumption is no good. And if you don't know your circle of competence, then too much gumption will get you killed. But the more you know the limits to your knowledge, the more valuable gumption is. For most professional money managers, if you've got four children to put through college and you're earning $400,000 or $1 million or whatever, the last thing in the world you would want to be worried about is having gumption. You care about survival, and the way you survive is just not doing anything that might make you stand out.


2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - (付録)企業年金制度について(4)

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「地震的なリスク」 [想像を超えたリスクの意]





それではここからは、経済の世界というものが不確かなことは承知の上で、その世界において実施されている資金の拠出や投資行動で、少なくとも過去と同程度には適切だと思われる例を取りあげてみましょう。 (p.121)

The "Earthquake Risk"

In Germany, in the great inflation of the early 1920s, the entire Daimler Benz (Mercedes) Automobile Company was selling in the market for the price of 300 motor cars. Almost all past investments were nearly worthless, and current salary levels were astronomical in relation to past history. Under such conditions, or conditions far short of such an extreme, the burden of any pension benefits owed by a business, which are based on current salary levels though related to much earlier service in employment, must be backed almost exclusively by the current value (earning power) of the business. Advance funding simply evaporates.

For example, assume that salaries (and the cost of living) are moving upward at 25% per year and the pension fund is earning 10% per year - a set of assumptions not ridiculously different from what exists in England at the moment. Under such conditions, funds put aside for retirement immediately begin to shrink in relation to promised benefits. Every month fewer hamburgers can be purchased from the funds contributed to the pension plan - even after accumulating dividends and interest on the funds.

Almost no one chooses to think about this sort of "earthquake risk" in dealing with pension plans, any more than people choose to spend much time thinking about nuclear war. It may be my earlier-mentioned bias, or my mathematical bent, but I believe some "unthinkable" inflation-related calculations should be made - and even considered - before any company assumes open-ended pension obligations guaranteeing a large number of persons absolute protection against inflation by gearing benefits without limit to final pay or escalating benefits to persons already retired, based on changes in the cost of living.

Thus, the really devastating possibility regarding private pension plans is sustained double-digit inflation. When salaries move ahead at a substantially higher rate than investment returns and benefits are tied to final salaries (or, even more expensively, cost-of-living increases after retirement as in recent rubber and aluminum contracts), it is virtually impossible to pre-fund obligations. Like it or not, you become much like the Social Security Fund, absent the power to tax. Should that occur, future purchasers of the products of the company must be willing to do so at prices that reflect not only the wages of current workers, but the promises to past workers. Some businesses will have economic characteristics allowing them to pass along these costs, but others will have major troubles. On balance, I believe we are in relatively favorable businesses under such circumstances. I do not believe this problem can be solved by the investment process. I mention it for completeness, not because I have answers - and to urge caution in making pension benefit promises subject to dramatic escalation through substantial attrition in the purchasing power of money.

Now let's look at funding and investment behavior appropriate to an economic world at least reasonably similar to the past, recognizing that such a world is far from a certainty.



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The Feynman Lectures on Physics (California Institute of Technology)


事情がちがうとき、何が起こるかを知るまでには少し時間がかかる。そのためには方程式を解かねばならない。方程式を解くたびに、解の性質について少し覚えることになる。解を覚えておくためには、場の線とかその他の概念を使って勉強するのは役に立つ。このようにして実際に方程式を"理解"できるようになる。数学と物理学のちがいはここにある。数学者や非常に数学的な心を持つ人は物理を"勉強"するとき迷ってしまうが、それは物理学を見失うからである。彼等はいう。"いいですか、これらの微分方程式 -- マクスウェル方程式 -- は電磁気学のすべてです。方程式に含まれていないものは何もないと物理学者は言います。なるほど方程式は複雑ですが、要するに数学的な等式にすぎません。従って方程式を数学的に理解し尽くせば、物理学を理解することになる筈です"。 残念なことにそうはいかない。物理をこういう考えで勉強する数学者 -- こういう人が沢山いた -- は物理学に貢献することがなく、実は数学にも貢献することがないのが普通である。彼等が失敗するのは、現実の世界の物理的状態は非常に複雑であるので、方程式のもっと広い理解が必要となるからである。

方程式を理解するとはどういうことか -- つまり、厳密に数学的な意味以上に -- これについてはディラックが次のように言っている。"実際には解かないで解の性質を知る方法があるとき私は方程式の意味を理解する"。従って、方程式を解かないで与えられた情況の下で何が起こるべきかを知る方法をもつときに、この情況に応用された方程式を"理解"しているのだ。物理的な理解は全く非数学的、不確実で不精確なものであるが、物理学者にとっては絶対に必要である。 (p.14)



人類の歴史という長い眼から、たとえば今から1万年後の世界から眺めたら、19世紀の一番顕著な事件がマクスウェルによる電磁気法則の発見であったと判断されることはほとんど間違いない。アメリカの南北戦争も同じ頃のこの科学上の事件に比べたら色あせて一地方の取るに足らぬ事件になってしまうであろう。 (p.13)




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Charles Munger, Buffett's Right Hand, Donates $65 million to Theoretical Physics Institute (Forbes)

(KITP ResidenceのWebサイトより)





「私の人生において、物理学は非常に有益なものでした。その論理や、それ自身が持つ能力ゆえにです」。つづけてマンガーはこう語った。「微積分とニュートンの法則が組み合わさることで何ができるのか、それによって自分に解決できるものは何か。それらをひとたび理解すれば、物事を正しく成就させる科学の持つ力に対して深く畏れ入ることでしょう。物理学は付随的な便益も生み出すのです。 物理の世界で『科学の威力』を実感できるほどには、他の領域で感じることはできないと思います」。(関連記事)

Berkshire Hathaway vice-chairman and billionaire Charles Munger is giving $65 million to support the growth of the theoretical physics department of University of California Santa Barbara. The donation, announced Friday, will help construct a visitor-housing building at the university's Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, where a professor won the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics earlier this month.

Munger's gift is the largest individual donation in the university's history.

"This residence is going to be hugely helpful to UCSB. This building will be about as good as it can get and offer as good an experience as a physicist can have - and I don't think you could have a better place on earth to do it," Munger said in the announcement. "Physicists gain enormously from knowing one another and talking to one another and trusting one another. That's been recognized for a great many decades, but for a long time it just wasn't feasible. Now we can get people together from all over the world and these people can cross-fertilize each other."

"Physics has enormously helped me in life - the logic and power of it," Munger said in the announcement. "Once you see what a combination of calculus and Newton's laws will do and the things you can work out, you get an awesome appreciation for the power of getting things in science right. It has collateral benefits for people. And I don't think you get a feeling for the power of science - not with the same strength - anywhere else than you do in physics."




2014年バークシャー株主総会; ウェルズ・ファーゴを選んだ理由

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<質問33> 投資先の候補をどのように比較しているのか、もう少しご説明頂けますか。2008年や2009年には、お気に入り銘柄を買い増しすることもできました。当時とった行動と比較して、コカ・コーラ社やムーディーズ社のような企業を買い増していればどうだったでしょうか。もっと集中したポートフォリオのほうが、バークシャーはより大きな成果をあげられたのではないでしょうか。

<バフェット> それは、わたしたちが気にいっている銘柄が2008や2009年にどれだけ打ちのめされていたかによります。しかし2008年に相当な金額を費やしたのは早すぎでした。160億ドルを使ったのが2008年の9月や10月でしたが、市場の底はそれよりもかなり下まで行きました。またMars社の案件[リグリー社買収]で60億ドルを出しましたが、その件も動くのが早かったと思います。「じっと待ち構えて、底に達した時点で一度に資金を投入する」、そうしていれば全然違う結果だったと思います。目をみはるタイミングになっていた可能性もありますが、どうすればそうできるのかは、わたしたちには到底わかりえないことです。しかし2009年10月に買ったBNSFは、やがて当社の大きな部分を占めることになると思います。ハーレーダヴィッドソン社の債券を利率15%で買ったのは、株式を買っておくべきでした。しかし、いつであってもそれが現実というものでしょう。現在のわたしたちの規模や範囲からすれば、すばらしい経営陣が率いる良い事業を妥当な金額で買い、長期にわたってその会社を発展させることができれば、と考えています。ただし事業を加える際には、株式を追加発行せずに済ませたいですね。過去を顧みれば、以前よりはうまくできるだろうと思います。このゲームでは引き続きうまくやれると思っていますが、永々と続けられるわけではありません。しかし興味をひくものはまだ残されています。

<マンガー> [バークシャーでは]非公開の子会社が大きな割合を占めるようになってきました。昔は株式の額のほうが大きくて子会社はそうではなかったのですが、今では子会社のほうが大きいですね。

<バフェット> 株の成否は[バークシャーの成績として]純資産に現れますし、事業の成否は将来得られる利益に現われます。ですから、あちこちへと渡り歩く必要はありません。わたしたちが次の段階へと進んだからですね。

<マンガー> 我々がささやかな資金で投資していた頃は、どん底のときにいくらかは買うことができました。しかし今となっては、意味があるほどの株数をその値段で買うことはできません。一方、事業を買うときには大きなポジションをとれます。こうせざるを得なくなったのも、我々が過去に成功したせいです。アルバータ州[カナダ]の送電線を買う案件、あれはいいですね。ひどいことは何も起きないですよ。

<バフェット> そうなったとしても、わたしたちにはわからないでしょうね。

<マンガー> 我々は適応してきましたし、変化が生じたことで我々にとってずいぶんと有利に働きました。今後も望ましい変化が起こるかもしれません。物事が移り変わることは不可避なのですから、どうやってそれに適応するかがカギとなるわけです。

<バフェット> わたしたちはこの数年間にウェルズ・ファーゴの株をかなり買いました。ですが増えた資産のほとんどは、それより質の低い諸銀行を買ったおかげでした。彼らが回復するには、経済が好転する必要があったのですね。しかしウェルズ・ファーゴを買うとなれば100%安心できますが、他を買う場合の安心感は50%です。それで、いちばん安心できるほうを選んだわけです。

Q33: Station 11. Philadelphia. Fund manager. Can you expand on how you compare investment opportunity? When you can buy more of a favorite in 2008/2009, how did case of more of company like Coke or Moody's, compare with other things which you did. Could Berkshire have achieved more with more concentrated portfolio?

WB: Depends on which favorite name we had was hit harder in 2008/2009. I spent a considerable amount too early in 2008, and bottom was quite a bit lower than Sept and Oct of 2008 when we spent $16bil. We were also committed to $6bil of Mars funding, which we had committed earlier. We didn't do as remotely as well if we had kept powder dry and spent it all at once at bottom. Timing could have been improved dramatically, but we will never be able to figure out how to do it. But we bought BNSF in Oct 2009 which will be enormous part of our future. When we bought HD bonds at 15 we should have bought the stock, but that will always be the case. What we want to do at our present size and scope, we want to buy good businesses with great management at a reasonable price and try to build them over time. We want to be able to add them without issuing shares. Looking back we can do it better than we've done it. I feel the game is still a viable one, but it can't be forever. But still has juice left in it.

CM: Private businesses have gotten to be a bigger portion. We used to be worth more in stock, not privates, but now bigger in privates.

WB: When right on stocks, shows up in net worth, and when right on businesses it shows up in future earnings. It doesn't require us going from flower to flower. We've moved into phase 2.

CM: When we were just investing modest amount of capital we could get a little bit at the bottom, but there is no significant volume of shares at that price. When we buy businesses we get large positions. We are forced into this by past success. I love buying transmission lines in Alberta. Nothing horrible will happen.

WB: If it does we won't know it.

CM: We have adapted and the changes have been very much in our interest. There may be future changes just as desirable. Since change is inevitable, how you adapt to it is the key.

WB: We've bought a fair amount of Wells Fargo over last few years. But the most money was made by buying banks of lesser quality. They needed better economy to recover. But we felt 100% comfortable buying Wells Fargo, and 50% comfortable somewhere else, so we went where we were most comfortable.



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But, you may think, my foundation, at least, will be above average. It is well endowed, hires the best, and considers all investment issues at length and with objective professionalism. And to this I respond that an excess of what seems like professionalism will often hurt you horribly - precisely because the careful procedures themselves often lead to overconfidence in their outcome.

General Motors recently made just such a mistake, and it was a lollapalooza. Using fancy consumer surveys, its excess of professionalism, it concluded not to put a fourth door in a truck designed to serve also as the equivalent of a comfortable five-passenger car. Its competitors, more basic, had actually seen five people enter and exit cars. Moreover they had noticed that people were used to four doors in a comfortable five-passenger car and that biological creatures ordinarily prefer effort minimization in routine activies and don't like removals of long-enjoyed benefits. There are only two words that come instantly to mind in reviewing General Motors' horrible decision, which has blown many hundreds of millions of dollars. And one of those words is: "oops."

Similarly, the hedge fund known as "Long-Term Capital Management" recently collapsed through overconfidence in its highly leveraged methods, despite I.Q.'s of its principals that must have averaged 160. Smart, hardworking people aren't exempted from professional disasters from overconfidence. Often, they just go around in the more difficult voyages they choose, relying on their self-appraisals that they have superior talents and methods.

It is, of course, irritating that extra care in thinking is not all good but also introduces extra error. But most good things have undesired "side effects," and thinking is no exception. The best defense is that of the best physicists, who systematically criticize themselves to an extreme degree, using a mindset described by Nobel laureate Richard Feynman as follows: "The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you're the easiest person to fool."

But suppose that an abnormally realistic foundation, thinking like Feynman, fears a poor future investment outcome because it is unwilling to assume that its unleveraged equities will outperform equity indexes, minus all investment costs, merely because the foundation has adopted the approach of becoming a "fund of funds," with much investment turnover and layers of consultants that consider themselves above average. What are this fearful foundation's options as it seeks improved prospects?




2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - (付録)企業年金制度について(3)

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当然ながら、労働集約的な事業における年金費用は巨額になり、費用の全体像をみる際に重要な変数となる可能性があります。高インフレ率の特徴がある社会においては、なおさらです。冗長になりますが、後者によって生じる影響を強調しておきます。というのもわたしの知っているほとんどの経営者や、政府の年金制度では選出された役人の事実上全員が、相対的に痛みが少ないので今の時点で約束をするものの、それによって社会が負うことになる債務の全体像はきちんと把握しないからです。公的な領域では多くの場合、大部分のツケは次の世代へと先送りされ、増税あるいは輪転機の回転を増やして支払うことになります。しかし企業の場合、これから将来の売上によって債務を賄う必要があります。その際には利子の支払いがあったり、実際には生活費の上昇に伴って費用増になることがよくあります。 (p.119)

Illustrated Elemental Actuarial Principles

To illustrate a few actuarial principles worth understanding, but without employing the technical jargon and the asterisks, let's use the example of your household. Assume that you, personally, make irrevocable promises to pay pensions of $300 per month for life after they reach 65 to, say, four household employees. To make it easy, let's say that they each are 55 years of age at present. If you make that promise today, you have reduced your net worth today by about $70,000. (For simplicity's sake, I am ignoring some variables such as sex of employees - women live longer and therefore cost more - death before 65, etc. In calculating such factors the actuaries shine. )

Why are you immediately $70,000 poorer? Well, if you set aside a $70,000 fund now and invest it at 7% interest - and let all such interest remain in the fund to be compounded - the principal value of the fund will grow to about $140,000 in ten years when your employees reach 65. And to buy them a lifetime annuity of $3,600 per year will then cost about $35,000 each, utilizing the entire accumulated capital of the fund. So if you make the promise and it is binding - legally or morally - figure you have spent today $70,000, even though you don't have to pay out a dime of cash for ten years.

Now take it one step further and assume that your employees each are earning $600 per month but, instead of promising them $300 per month upon retirement, you promise them 50% of their salary at the time they retire. If their increases run 7.2% per year - and they probably will in the world I foresee - they will be earning $1,200 per month by the time they reach 65. And it will now cost you $70,000 each to purchase annuities for them to fulfill your promise. The actual cost, today, of modifying your promise from 50% of present pay to 50% of terminal pay was to exactly double the fund that needed to be set aside now from $70,000 to $140,000.

Many pension plans use final average pay (usually the average of the last five years, or the highest consecutive five years in the last ten years employed) and some use career average pay. I am not arguing here which should be used, but am illustrating the dramatic difference in costs that can occur because of rather minor-appearing changes in wording.

Pension costs in a labor intensive business clearly can be of major size and an important variable in the cost picture, particularly in a world characterized by high rates of inflation. I emphasize the latter factor to the point of redundancy because most managements I know - and virtually all elected officials in the case of governmental plans - simply never fully grasp the magnitude of liabilities they are incurring by relatively painless current promises. In many cases in the public area the bill in large part will be handed to the next generation, to be paid by increased taxes or by accelerated use of the printing press. But in a corporation the bill will have to be paid out of current and future revenues - with interest - and frequently with what is, in effect, a cost-of-living escalator.



2 件のコメント:
チャーリー・マンガーが会長を務めるウェスコ社(Wesco Financial)の株主総会は、チャーリーの発言がたっぷり聴けることでカルト的な人気を集めていました。しかしウェスコは親会社のバークシャーに完全買収され、チャーリーの独り舞台も終わりました。そして今や注目を集めているのが、同じくチャーリーが会長を務めるデイリー・ジャーナル社の株主総会です。


Charlie Munger And The 2014 Daily Journal Annual Meeting: A Fan's Notes (Forbes)





If you take the whole history of businesses that make a fair amount of money and have a little surplus but their basic business goes to hell based on technological developments, the results are lousy. The normal result is Kodak (ticker: KODK). Imagine having a business like Kodak and having it go all the way to bankruptcy. That's the normal occurrence: technological obsolescence.

There are few exceptions in the history of the world. One of them is Thompson Reuters (ticker: TRI). They were a newspaper company with a few television stations added and they basically milked them as long as they could, sold them for high prices, and went into a different business - online information - and they successfully made the transition. That is really rare.

The other rare example, of course, is Berkshire Hathaway. Berkshire started with three failing companies: a textile business in New England that was totally doomed because textiles are congealed electricity and the power rates were way higher in New England than they were down in TVA country in Georgia. A totally doomed, certain-to-fail business. We had one of four department stores in Baltimore [Hochschild Kohn], absolutely certain to go broke, and of course it did in due course, and a trading stamp company [Blue Chip Stamps] absolutely certain to do nothing which it eventually did. Out of those three failing businesses came Berkshire Hathaway. That's the most successful failing business transaction in the history of the world. We didn't have one failing business - we had three. Out of that little nothing, the excess capital that we took out and put somewhere else did better than anybody's ever done. As a matter of fact, we recently passed General Electric [ticker: GE] in terms of market capitalization, and GE was founded by Thomas Edison himself in 1892, and one of the most powerful companies in the world.

It was a considerable stunt. But the normal result is more like Kodak. Xerox [ticker: XRX] is an interesting case. They went to the brink of extinction and then came back, but they are a pale shadow of their former greatness. They actually invented most of the stuff other people made so much money out of, and they still failed. Bill Gates is a big student of this subject, and he says that the standard result is failure. Imagine General Motors [ticker: GM] who went bankrupt. Can you imagine how they towered over the economy when I was young? It was the biggest, more valuable, most admired company, and it took the shareholders to zero.


1999年度バフェットからの手紙 - バフェットが初めてつまずいた年

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わたしどもの考えでは、これからの10年あるいは20年間のS&P500は、1982年以来の成績水準には到底及ばないと予想しています。これは実質的に確実だと思いますが、わたしどもがバークシャーの成績を極端に楽観しているわけではない理由のひとつです。フォーチュン誌に最近掲載された記事で、なぜそれが不可避なのかを示すわたしの見解が取りあげられていました。その写しを本報告書に同封してあります。 (p.3)

Our gain in net worth during 1999 was $358 million, which increased the per-share book value of both our Class A and Class B stock by 0.5%. Over the last 35 years (that is, since present management took over) per-share book value has grown from $19 to $37,987, a rate of 24.0% compounded annually.*

The numbers on the facing page show just how poor our 1999 record was. We had the worst absolute performance of my tenure and, compared to the S&P, the worst relative performance as well. Relative results are what concern us: Over time, bad relative numbers will produce unsatisfactory absolute results.

Even Inspector Clouseau could find last year's guilty party: your Chairman. My performance reminds me of the quarterback whose report card showed four Fs and a D but who nonetheless had an understanding coach. "Son," he drawled, "I think you're spending too much time on that one subject."

My "one subject" is capital allocation, and my grade for 1999 most assuredly is a D. What most hurt us during the year was the inferior performance of Berkshire's equity portfolio - and responsibility for that portfolio, leaving aside the small piece of it run by Lou Simpson of GEICO, is entirely mine. Several of our largest investees badly lagged the market in 1999 because they've had disappointing operating results. We still like these businesses and are content to have major investments in them. But their stumbles damaged our performance last year, and it's no sure thing that they will quickly regain their stride.

The fallout from our weak results in 1999 was a more-than-commensurate drop in our stock price. In 1998, to go back a bit, the stock outperformed the business. Last year the business did much better than the stock, a divergence that has continued to the date of this letter. Over time, of course, the performance of the stock must roughly match the performance of the business.

Despite our poor showing last year, Charlie Munger, Berkshire's Vice Chairman and my partner, and I expect that the gain in Berkshire's intrinsic value over the next decade will modestly exceed the gain from owning the S&P. We can't guarantee that, of course. But we are willing to back our conviction with our own money. To repeat a fact you've heard before, well over 99% of my net worth resides in Berkshire. Neither my wife nor I have ever sold a share of Berkshire and - unless our checks stop clearing - we have no intention of doing so.

Please note that I spoke of hoping to beat the S&P "modestly." For Berkshire, truly large superiorities over that index are a thing of the past. They existed then because we could buy both businesses and stocks at far more attractive prices than we can now, and also because we then had a much smaller capital base, a situation that allowed us to consider a much wider range of investment opportunities than are available to us today.

Our optimism about Berkshire's performance is also tempered by the expectation - indeed, in our minds, the virtual certainty - that the S&P will do far less well in the next decade or two than it has done since 1982. A recent article in Fortune expressed my views as to why this is inevitable, and I'm enclosing a copy with this report.



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There is one thing sure about all this complexity, including its touches of behavior lacking the full punctilio of honor. Even when nothing but unleveraged stock picking is involved, the total cost of all the investment management, plus the frictional costs of fairly often getting in and out of many large investment positions, can easily reach three percent of foundation net worth per annum if foundations, urged on by consultants, add new activity, year after year. This full cost doesn't show up in conventional accounting. But that is because accounting has limitations and not because the full cost isn't present.

Next, we come to time for a little arithmetic: It is one thing each year to pay the croupiers three percent of starting wealth when the average foundation is enjoying a real return, say, of seventeen percent before the croupiers' take. But it is not written in the stars that foundations will always gain seventeen percent gross, a common result in recent years. And if the average annual gross real return from indexed investment in equities goes back, say, to five percent over some long future period, and the croupiers' take turns out to remain the waste it has always been, even for the average intelligent player, then the average intelligent foundation will be in a prolonged, uncomfortable, shrinking mode. After all, five percent minus three percent minus five percent in donations leaves an annual shrinkage of three percent.

All the equity investors, in total, will surely bear a performance disadvantage per annum equal to the total croupiers' costs they have jointly elected to bear. This is an inescapable fact of life. And it is also inescapable that exactly half of the investors will get a result below the median result after the croupiers' take, which median result may well be somewhere between unexciting and lousy.

Human nature being what it is, most people assume away worries like those I raise. After all, centuries before Christ, Demosthenes noted, "What a man wishes, he will believe." And in self-appraisals of prospects and talents, it is the norm, as Demosthenes predicted, for people to be ridiculously over-optimistic. For instance, a careful survey in Sweden showed that ninety percent of automobile drivers considered themselves above average. And people who are successfully selling something, as investment counselors do, make Swedish drivers sound like depressives. Virtually every investment expert's public assessment is that he is above average, no matter what is the evidence to the contrary.



2 件のコメント:
本ブログで何度か取り上げているサンリオ鳩山常務の記事が、PHP Business THE 21の最新号(2014年11月号)に掲載されていました。当社に身を転じるきっかけになった辻邦彦副社長(故人)との関わりあいについて、一部分を引用します。



辻副社長は昨年亡くなりましたが、今もどこかで自分を見守ってくれている気がします。今後もいただいたご縁を大切に、この会社をより大きく成長させたいと思っています。 (p.75)



2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - (付録)企業年金制度について(2)

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(*) インフレの可能性に関するわたしの見方は、もっとも評判の高い識者よりも極端です。教義的な見方というものは、立証するのが困難です。というのは、経済学的な訓練や分析に従うよりも、社会的・政治的判断に基づいて結論を下すからです。ですから、長期的なインフレに関して悲観的な結論を出した私の判断には、主観的な側面があることを理解しておいてください。それを踏まえて軌道修正されるのであれば、ぜひ躊躇しないでください。 (p.119)

Deceptive Arithmetic of “Promise Now - Pay Later”

If you promise to pay me $500 per month for life, you have just expended - actuarially but, nevertheless, in a totally tangible sense - about $65,000. If you are financially good for such a lifetime promise, you would be better off (if I have an average expectancy regarding longevity for one my age) handing me a check for $50,000. But it wouldn’t feel the same.

And, if you promise to pay me 1,000 hamburgers a month for life which, superficially, may sound equivalent to the previous proposition (assuming a present hamburger price of 50¢), you have created an obligation which, in an inflationary world, becomes most difficulty to evaluate. This creates a risk we talk of later as an “earthquake risk”. One thing is certain. You won’t find an insurance company willing to take the 1,000-hamburgers-a-month obligation off your hands for $65,000 - or even $130,000. While hamburgers equate to 50¢ now, the promise to pay hamburgers in the future does not equate to the promise to pay fifty-cent pieces in the future.

So, before plans are introduced or amended, the financial consequences (particularly in a world of significant inflation which I believe to be close to a certainty)* should be clearly understood by you. Consulting actuaries are very good at making calculations. They are frequently terrible at making the assumptions upon which the calculations are based. In fact, they well may be peculiarly ill-equipped to make the most important assumptions if the world is one of economic discontinuities. They are trained to be conventional. Their self-interest in obtaining and retaining business would be ill-served if they were to become more than mildly unconventional. And being conventional on the crucial assumptions basically means accepting historical experience adjusted by a moderate nudge from current events. This works fine in forecasting such factors as mortality and morbidity, works reasonably well on items such as employee turnover, and can be a disaster in estimating, the two most important elements of the pension cost equation, which are fund earnings and salary escalation.

[*] My views regarding inflationary possibilities are more extreme than those of most respected observers. It is difficult to substantiate a dogmatic view, since conclusions rest more upon social and political judgments than upon economic training and analysis. You should recognize the subjective nature of the reasoning leading to my pessimistic conclusions regarding inflation over the longer term - and not be reluctant to correct accordingly.



0 件のコメント:

<質問> バークシャー・ハサウェイはどのように革新的だったのか。

<マンガー> バークシャーを経営する上で、新しい考えはひとつも入っていませんよ。[マンガーの友人]ピーター・カウフマンが言うところの、「見逃している単純なものを活用する」だけです。我々[バフェット及びマンガーの両氏、同社の株主、買収した企業]はお互いを選び合ってきました。「類は友を呼ぶ」集いなので、ほとんどのことは楽に決まりました。私やウォーレンは超人ではないですよ。目隠しでチェスは指せないですし、コンサートに出られるピアニストにもなれません。しかし得られた結果は並外れたものでした。なぜならばIQの不足分を補う以上に、気質の面で強みがあるからです。


On how innovative Berkshire Hathaway has been:

There isn't one novel thought in all of how Berkshire is run. It's all about what [Mr. Munger's friend] Peter [Kaufman] calls ‘exploiting unrecognized simplicities.' We [Messrs. Buffett and Munger, their shareholders and the companies they have acquired] have selected one another. It's a community of like-minded people, and that makes most decisions into no-brainers. Warren and I aren't prodigies. We can't play chess blindfolded or be concert pianists. But the results are prodigious, because we have a temperamental advantage that more than compensates for a lack of IQ points.

Nobody has a zero incidence of bad news coming to them too late, but that's really low at Berkshire. Warren likes to say, ‘Just tell us the bad news, the good news can wait.' So people trust us in that, and that helps prevent mistakes from escalating into disasters. When you're not managing for quarterly earnings and you're managing only for the long pull, you don't give a damn what the next quarter's earnings look like.



0 件のコメント:

<質問> バークシャーのパートナーである3Gキャピタル社のような、大企業を買収して効率経営する会社のことを、どう考えていますか。

<マンガー> コスト削減の話題は微妙なものと感じています。この話題は普通、大勢の人が職を失うことを意味します。金持ちはますます裕福になり、その一方で多くの人がクビになるわけですね。しかし突きつめてみれば、企業が必要以上の人員を雇用して効率的に経営できないようでは、世の中のためになるとは思いません。全体としてみれば、企業がよりよく運営されることで社会を発展させることにつながります。

On firms like Berkshire partner 3G Capital, which takes big companies and streamlines them:

I'm sensitive to the issue of cutting costs, which usually means a lot of people losing jobs. Rich people end up getting richer and a lot of people get fired. But ultimately, I think we don't do the world a favor by employing more people than we need for companies to run efficiently. On the whole we advance civilization when companies run better.

<質問> あなたやバフェット氏が言うところの「自分の土俵」とは、どのようなものですか。

<マンガー> 孔子曰く、「これを知らざるを知らずとせよ、これ知るなり」。これと同じことをアリストテレスやソクラテスも言っています。自分の知らないことの範囲を把握することが大切だ、ということですね。それでは、この技能は教えたり学びとることができるものでしょうか。もし結果次第で損得が大きく振れるのであれば、たぶんできると思います。自分が認識していることの限界を知ることにおいて、ある種の人たちはきわめてうまくやっています。なぜならば、それが不可欠だからです。プロの綱渡り師を20年間務めて今なお存命の人を考えてみてください。もし自分が何を知っていて何を知らないのか正しく把握していなければ、綱渡りで命を落とすことなく20年間も続けてはこられなかったでしょう。彼の人はそのことを真剣に取り組んだのです。それをしくじれば命がないとわかっていたからですね。そう、生き長らえた者にはわかっていたわけです。


On what he and Mr. Buffett call "the circle of your competence":

Confucius said that real knowledge is knowing the extent of one's ignorance. Aristotle and Socrates said the same thing. Is it a skill that can be taught or learned? It probably can, if you have enough of a stake riding on the outcome. Some people are extraordinarily good at knowing the limits of their knowledge, because they have to be. Think of somebody who's been a professional tightrope walker for 20 years - and has survived. He couldn't survive as a tightrope walker for 20 years unless he knows exactly what he knows and what he doesn't know. He's worked so hard at it, because he knows if he gets it wrong he won't survive. The survivors know.

Knowing what you don't know is more useful than being brilliant.


2014年バークシャー株主総会; 公立学校教育について

0 件のコメント:

<質問56: 上海在住の質問者> 教育に対する投資はどうですか。米国と中国では、現在あるいは将来どのような違いがあるでしょうか。

<マンガー> これは、どんどん楽な質問になっていきますね(笑)。

<バフェット> 彼の言うことなら、なんでも賛成しますよ(笑)。

<マンガー> アメリカは公立の学校をおしゃかにしたことで、大きな間違いをしでかしました。一方、アジア諸国の社会ではその傾向が小さいと思います。彼らのやりかたをもっと見習ったほうがよかったですね。

<バフェット> チャーリーの言動が心配になった時はそれを口にすべきでない、そのことを思い出しました。うまく聴こえないことについて、こんな冗談があります。わたしにはすばらしいパートナーがいるが、彼は耳が悪くなっているようだ。そんなときにはどうすればいいのか。医者の話では、部屋の向こう側に立ってみろとのこと。そこでわたしは部屋の反対側に立って、こう言いました。「35ドルでGMを買うのがいいと思うけれど、どうだろう」。しかし返事がありません。次に部屋の半分まで近づいて、再び言いました。またもや返事はありません。とうとう、すごく近くまで歩み寄って語りかけました。「チャーリー、35ドルでGMを買おうと思っているけれど、どうかな」。3回目にして彼は「いいとも」と答えてくれました。大きな声ならば聴こえる、ということですね。

Q56: Station 9, Shanghai. Education investment - what is different now and in the future in US and China?

CM: We certainly are getting the easy questions! [laughter]

WB: Whatever he says I agree with. [laughter]

CM: I think America made huge mistake when they let public schools go to hell. I think Asian cultures are less likely to do that. I wish we were more like them.

WB: It reminds me, that whenever I get a little worried about Charlie, maybe I shouldn’t talk about it. There is a joke about not hearing well that goes like this: I have this wonderful partner, but I think his hearing is going. What should I do? Doctor told me to stand across room. So I stood across room and said, ‘I think we ought to buy GM at 35’. No response. I go halfway across room, say it again, and no response. So I walk right over to him and say, “Charlie I think we ought to buy GM at 35.” And he says, for the third time, YES! So speak up... 



0 件のコメント:

<質問> ウォーレン・バフェットが師と仰ぐ、偉大な投資家ベンジャミン・グレアムについて

<マンガー> 私はウォーレンのようには、ベン・グレアムや彼のアイデアに惚れこんでいないですね。ただしここで理解しておくべきなのは、ウォーレンはずいぶん若いときにベンをみつけだして、彼のところで働き、彼の見出した物事のとらえかたがウォーレンの生きかたをそっくり変えてしまったことです。ウォーレンは、若かった頃の長い時間を師匠のそばから崇めることに費やしました。しかし私からすれば、ベン・グレアムには投資家として学ぶことがもっとあったはずです。企業を評価する彼のアイデアは、市場の大暴落とその後の大恐慌が彼を破滅寸前に追いやった経験だけで形成されていました。彼はいつでも、市場がどうなるものかという、ちょっとした恐怖感を抱いていたものです。その後の生涯を通じて、彼は当時の恐怖の影響から逃れられなかったのですね。だから彼はあらゆるやりかたを、暴落や恐慌がきても問題が起きないように設計しました。


On Benjamin Graham, the great investor who was Warren Buffett's revered mentor:

I don't love Ben Graham and his ideas the way Warren does. You have to understand, to Warren - who discovered him at such a young age and then went to work for him - Ben Graham's insights changed his whole life, and he spent much of his early years worshiping the master at close range. But I have to say, Ben Graham had a lot to learn as an investor. His ideas of how to value companies were all shaped by how the Great Crash and the Depression almost destroyed him, and he was always a little afraid of what the market can do. It left him with an aftermath of fear for the rest of his life, and all his methods were designed to keep that at bay.

I think Ben Graham wasn't nearly as good an investor as Warren Buffett is or even as good as I am. Buying those cheap, cigar-butt stocks [companies with limited potential growth selling at a fraction of what they would be worth in a takeover or liquidation] was a snare and a delusion, and it would never work with the kinds of sums of money we have. You can't do it with billions of dollars or even many millions of dollars. But he was a very good writer and a very good teacher and a brilliant man, one of the only intellectuals - probably the only intellectual - in the investing business at the time.


2014年バークシャー株主総会; エネルギー事業について

2 件のコメント:

<質問55> [2013年度アニュアル・レポートの]64ページに載っている事業別の数字ですが、エネルギー事業のEBITDA(利払い税引き償却前利益)から設備投資額を引くと、赤字の営業キャッシュ・フローになります。また直近5年間について同じように計算すると、営業キャッシュ・フローは最高の年で3億ドルでした。これを有形資産額で割ると0.8%のリターンになります。そこまで低いリターンの事業に資本を投じているのはなぜでしょうか。

<バフェット> 有形資産あたりのリターンを出すところまではすばらしいご指摘ですね。投下資本に対するリターンを求める際には、わたしたちも今言われたような計算を好んでやります。資本が正当に使われるのであれば、もっと投じたいと考えています。そうすれば適切なリターンを得られますから。しかしキャッシュ[・フロー]から正味設備投資額を引き算するのではなく、減価償却後の営業利益をみます。正味の設備投資が発生しないときもありますからね。正味投資額が増えざるを得ない領域を好んでいるのは、資本がますます増えますし、規制当局が将来わたしたちを正当に扱ってくれると読んでいるからです。そうなると信じる理由のひとつは、ほとんどの会社が設定しているよりも安い料金で電力を供給する点で、さまざまな他社よりもわたしたちのほうがうまくやってきたからです。アイオワ州にある公益事業では、当社は競合他社よりも大幅に低い料金でやっています。農場をやっている友人は2社から供給を受けていますが、当社の料金は競合よりもびっくりするほど安いと彼は言っています。当局は当社に対して、安全面を含めて相応の敬意を払ってくれています。ですから新しい州で商売を始めると、当局はわたしたちを歓迎してくれます。そういったプロジェクトに新たな資金を投下できれば、良好なリターンが得られると思います。しかし設備投資も含めた上で計算すると、数字としては赤字のリターンになります。この件は鉄道事業とある程度似かよっていますね。

<マンガー> その羅列された数字が落ち目のデパートのものであれば、がっかりですよ。しかし我々は、成長するエネルギー事業に資本を再投資すれば良いリターンが得られる、と自信を持っています。単純なことですよ。


Q55: Station 8, New Hampshire. Looking at page 64 segment data for the energy business, when I take ebitda less capex, the result is negative operating cashflow. When I repeat exercise in each of last five years, in best years, $300m of operating cash flow. Divide by tangible assets, 0.8% return, why allocating capital to a business with such low returns?

WB: You were doing great until return on tangible assets. We love the math you describe, as long as we get return on capital investment. We are looking forward to putting more capital in, as long it is treated fairly, and we will get appropriate returns on that. It is not cash minus increased capex, it is operating earnings less depreciation. There are times when no net investment is required, but we prefer where net investment must be higher because we get more capital in and our bet is that regulators will treat us fairly in future. One reason we believe this is true is that we have done so much better than many at delivering electricity at lower rates than charged by most. In Iowa there is a public utility, and our rates are significantly below competitors. A friend with a farm who is served by two utilities tells me that rate from us is dramatically lower than the competitors. We have a deserved good reputation with regulators, including safety. They welcome us when we come to new states. If we can put new money into those projects, we will get good return. But you will get negative returns if you include adding to capital spending. This is somewhat similar at the railroad.

CM: if numbers you recited come from a declining department store, we would hate it. But we have confidence that the reinvested capital will give us a good return from a growing energy business. It is that simple.




0 件のコメント:
EV(電気自動車)のテスラ・モーターズや米国西海岸の超高速交通システム構想などで名を馳せているイーロン・マスク氏の特集記事が、最新号の日経ビジネス(2014/9/29号, No.1759)で掲載されていました。もしかしたら日本の一般紙では彼をよくとりあげていて、世間のみなさんはすでにご存じのことかもしれません。しかし個人的には彼に関するまとまった文章をはじめて読んだので、いろいろと響くものがありました。今回は、彼にインタビューした記事から印象に残った箇所を引用します。

なお引用元の記事は、日経ビジネスのWebサイトでも公開されていました。登録ユーザーの方は無料で読めるはずです。(2014/9/29 21:30現在)

世界に役立たないなら、会社の存在意義はない (日経ビジネスONLINE)











Munger Hosts Groupies, Mocks Wall Street, Praises Buffett (Bloomberg)


"I think Elon Musk is a genius, and I don't use that word lightly," Munger said in response to a question about whether they'd talked. "He's also one of the boldest men who ever came down the pike. So put me down as saying I've always been afraid of the guy whose IQ is 190 and he thinks it's 250."



0 件のコメント:
本ブログではチャーリー・マンガーの講演を翻訳付きでご紹介しています。今回から始まるこのシリーズでは、1998年の秋に行われた講演を取りあげます。『Poor Charlie's Almanack』に収録されている講演その6(Talk Six)で、慈善財団における投資慣行を話題にしたものです。(日本語は拙訳)


開催日: 1998年10月14日
場所: カリフォルニア州サンタモニカ、ミラマー・シェラトン・ホテル
協賛者: コンラッド・ヒルトン財団、アマチュア・アスレチック財団、J・ポール・ゲッティー信託、リオ・ホンド記念財団





Talk Six

Investment Practices of Leading Charitable Foundations
Speech to the Foundation Financial Officers Group at Miramar Sheraton Hotel, Santa Monica, California, October 14, 1998, sponsored by the Conrad Hilton Foundation, the Amateur Athletic Foundation, the J. Paul Getty Trust, and Rio Hondo Memorial Foundation.

I am speaking here today because my friend, John Argue, asked me. And John well knew that I, who, unlike many other speakers on your agenda, have nothing to sell any of you, would be irreverent about much current investment practice in large institutions, including charitable foundations. Therefore any hostility my talk will cause should be directed at John Argue, who comes from the legal profession and may even enjoy it.

It was long the norm at large charitable foundations to invest mostly in unleveraged, marketable, domestic securities, mostly equities. The equities were selected by one or a very few investment counselling organizations. But, in recent years, there has been a drift toward more complexity. Some foundations, following the lead of institutions like Yale, have tried to become much better versions of Bernie Cornfeld's "fund of funds." This is an amazing development. Few would have predicted that long after Cornfeld's fall into disgrace, major universities would be leading foundations into Cornfeld's system.

Now, in some foundations, there are not few but many investment counselors, chosen by an additional layer of consultants who are hired to decide which investment counselors are best, help in allocating funds to various categories, make sure that foreign securities are not neglected in favor of domestic securities, check validity of claimed investment records, ensure that claimed investment styles are scrupulously followed, and help augment an already large diversification in a way that conforms to the latest notions of corporate finance professors about volatility and "beta."

But even with this amazingly active, would-be-polymathic new layer of consultant-choosing consultants, the individual investment counselors, in picking common stocks, still rely to a considerable extent on a third layer of consultants. The third layer consists of the security analysts employed by investment banks. These security analysts receive enormous salaries, sometimes set in seven figures after bidding wars. The hiring investment banks recoup these salaries from two sources: (1) commissions and trading spreads borne by security buyers (some of which are rebated as "soft dollars" to money managers) plus (2) investment banking charges paid by corporations that appreciate the enthusiastic way their securities are being recommended by the security analysts.



0 件のコメント:
マネー・マネージャーのセス・クラーマンの著書『Margin of Safety』から、価値評価の話題がつづきます。前回分はこちらです。(日本語は拙訳)





Choosing Among Valuation Methods

How should investors choose among these several valuation methods? When is one clearly preferable to the others? When one method yields very different values from the others, which should be trusted?

At times a particular method may stand out as the most appropriate. Net present value would be most applicable, for example, in valuing a high-return business with stable cash flows such as a consumer-products company; its liquidation value would be far too low. Similarly, a business with regulated rates of return on assets such as a utility might best be valued using NPV analysis. Liquidation analysis is probably the most appropriate method for valuing an unprofitable business whose stock trades well below book value. A closed-end fund or other company that owns only marketable securities should be valued by the stock market method; no other makes sense.

Often several valuation methods should be employed simultaneously. To value a complex entity such as a conglomerate operating several distinct businesses, for example, some portion of the assets might be best valued using one method and the rest with another. Frequently investors will want to use several methods to value a single business in order to obtain a range of values. In this case investors should err on the side of conservatism, adopting lower values over higher ones unless there is strong reason to do otherwise. True, conservatism may cause investors to refrain from making some investments that in hindsight would have been successful, but it will also prevent some sizable losses that would ensue from adopting less conservative business valuations.



0 件のコメント:

A Fireside Chat With Charlie Munger (The Wall Street Journal)

<質問> ウォーレン・バフェットから受けた影響について

<マンガー> ウォーレンは私に法律稼業をやめるよう持ちかけてきました。それは私にとって非常に大きな影響を及ぼしました。フルタイムの投資家になろうとは以前から考えていましたが、そのほうがすごく合っているとウォーレンが言ってくれたのです。彼の言うことは正解でした。いずれ自分で踏み切ったとは思いますが、彼が背中を押してくれました。しかし、かなりの経歴を築くために何年間も賢明に働いてきたあげく、その経歴をあえて葬るというのは容易なことではないですよ(マンガー氏は自らが設立した法律事務所マンガー・トーレス・アンド・オルソンを1965年に離れ、バークシャーでバフェット氏の右腕として仕えるとともに、非公開の投資組合を運営した)。ウォーレンの影響がなければ、そうするのはひどく難儀だったでしょうね。


On how Warren Buffett influenced him:

Warren talked me into leaving the law business, and that was a very significant influence on me. I was already thinking about becoming a full-time investor, and Warren told me I was far better suited to that. He was right. I would probably have done it myself, but he pushed me to it. I have to say, it isn't an easy thing to work very hard for many years to build up a significant career, as I had done, and then to destroy that career on purpose. [Mr. Munger left the law firm he founded, Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP, in 1965 to serve as Mr. Buffett's right-hand man at Berkshire and to run a private investment partnership.] That would have been a lot harder to do if not for Warren's influence on me.

It wasn't a mistake. [Laughter.] It worked out remarkably well for both of us and for a lot of other people as well [the investors in Berkshire].


2013年度バフェットからの手紙 - (付録)企業年金制度について(1)

0 件のコメント:






次の10年間は、公的年金制度に関するニュースをみなさんもいろいろと目にすることでしょう。それも悪いニュースです。問題の存在する箇所において速やかに対応策を講じる必要性があることを理解する上で、わたしの書いた文章がお役に立てれば幸いです。 (p.21)

Local and state financial problems are accelerating, in large part because public entities promised pensions they couldn't afford. Citizens and public officials typically under-appreciated the gigantic financial tapeworm that was born when promises were made that conflicted with a willingness to fund them. Unfortunately, pension mathematics today remain a mystery to most Americans.

Investment policies, as well, play an important role in these problems. In 1975, I wrote a memo to Katharine Graham, then chairman of The Washington Post Company, about the pitfalls of pension promises and the importance of investment policy. That memo is reproduced on pages 118 - 136.

During the next decade, you will read a lot of news - bad news - about public pension plans. I hope my memo is helpful to you in understanding the necessity for prompt remedial action where problems exist.









年金債務では年次費用や現金の支出が累進的に増加していくため、合計すると非常に大きくなる債務です。しかしそれはたやすく作られながらも、直近では財務上の痛みがほとんど生じません。このような債務は、経営上の他の領域ではみられないものです。プレスルームにおける労働慣習のように、小さなあやまりが大きく膨らんでいきます。配慮や注意が望まれます。 (p.118)


There are two aspects of the pension cost problem upon which management can have a significant impact: (1) maintaining rational control over pension plan promises to employees and (2) increasing investment returns on pension plan assets.

The Irreversible Nature of Pension Promises

To control promises rationally, it is necessary to understand the basic arithmetic and practical rules governing pension plans.

The first thing to recognize, with every pension benefit decision, is that you almost certainly are playing for keeps and won't be able to reverse your decision subsequently if it produces subnormal profitability.

As a practical matter, it is next to impossible to decrease pension benefits in a large profitable company - or even a large marginal one. The plan may embody language unequivocally declaring the company's right to terminate at any time and providing that contributions shall be solely at the option of the company. But the law has eroded much of the significance such "out" clauses were presumed to have, and operating practicalities render any residual rights to terminate moot.

So, rule number one regarding pension costs has to be to know what you are getting into before signing up. Look before you leap. There probably is more managerial ignorance on pension costs than any other cost item of remotely similar magnitude. And, as will become so expensively clear to citizens in future decades, there has been even greater electorate ignorance of governmental pension costs. Actuarial thinking simply is not intuitive to most minds. The lexicon is arcane, the numbers seem unreal, and making promises never quite triggers the visceral response evoked by writing a check.

In no other managerial area can such huge aggregate liabilities - which will be reflected in progressively increasing annual costs and cash requirements - be created so quickly and with so little immediate financial pain. Like pressroom labor practices, small errors will compound. Care and caution are in order.